Saturday, October 10, 2015

Today's News

TNA cancel tour:

TNA have cancelled their Halloween live tour.

James Storm:

Despite working a match for WWE this week, James Storm has not signed a deal with them as yet. TNA are not giving up on their former champion, they made him an offer earlier this week, but after becoming aware of his talks with WWE, came back at him with an improved financial package.


Sting has updated his injury status...

''I feel great, I feel normal, however the MRI's are showing things and the Doctors I'm speaking to are telling me I'm not great. Basically It's my neck and I'll have to get it dealt with."


WWE have announced a DVD set for Razor Ramon.

Hogan starts new job:

Hulk Hogan will be hosting parties, with a $20 entry fee, from this weekend.

WWE star at indie:

R-Truth will be performing musically at this weekends Juggalo Championship Wrestling show.

WWE hiring for Evolve:

WWE have sent former UFC star Matt Riddle to Evolve to further his wrestling development.

WWE wedding:

CM Punk posted a video of Hornswoggle falling down the stairs at his wedding last night. He was unhurt, and the ceremony continued.

Magazine blasts women of WWE:

Forbes called the women of WWE crying, redundant and demeaning...

"The absence of tears following a strong women's match will suggest that they expected nothing less than to tear the house down. It also allows fans to stay involved in the storyline, which thrives the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. The NXT women's division needs to get back to basics, and use the aforementioned Paige-Emma match as an example. At the end, Paige—the victor—was elated. Emma, who lost, was clearly disappointed even as Paige gave her a sportsmanlike hug. They had a great match without over-celebrating their accomplishment immediately after... Just like the guys do."


It won't be aired for months, but Bobby Lashley has won the TNA title tournament, beating Matt Hardy in the final.


Drew McIntyre has revealed Taker gets very nervous before matches...

"That was unreal. And I came out second too, no one ever comes out second with Undertaker! That was a really big deal - also trying to keep a straight face while he's pacing around like a mad man. He's supposed to be this serious, cool, calm and collected guy and he's pacing around like a maniac."

And Savio Vega has shared his biggest fear...

"Oh yes, Undertaker hated cucumbers. He absolutely hated them. It was like kryptonite to superman."

Ambrose vs the Internet:

Dean Ambrose hates selfie's and has called fans who post spoilers a$$holes.

Shane Helms reveals most painful moment:

"Heidenreich was walking to the ring and ref told me our match had been cut down to 90 seconds. I felt my soul and will to live actually leave my body."

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