Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Today's News

Lana gives kayfabe reason for real life wedding:

"It's very obvious Rusev proposed to me. If you watched Rusev and Summer, Rusev has always loved me. He was just so devastated about me picking Dolph that he went with Summer to make me jealous. But at the end of the day, we know we're good for each other. I am from the former Soviet Union; Rusev grew up in Bulgaria, and one common thread they teach you there is to survive. The winters get very cold and they get very dark. We do what we need to do to survive. This is what is happening. We will be leaving the greatest legacy this company and the WWE Universe has ever seen. Ziggler is very funny and he's charming, but he is not The Super Athlete. With me, Rusev was the undefeated Super Athlete. He listened to what I said, he was very focused. We made each other better. He challenged me and I challenged him. Summer has made him so soft that he hasn't won. You tell me, who is the better pick?."

WWE star to Evolve:

Sami Zayn will work in a non wrestling role at this weekends Evolve shows in New York.

Hell In A Cell:

Brawn Strowman & Luke Harper vs Dean Ambrose & Randy Orton has been confirmed for the card. It will be the pre show match.


Seth Rollins will appear on Jonathan Coachman's show today, where they will make an announcement regarding either WrestleMania 32, or a new weekly WWE recap show.

WWE Network:

Steve Austin will interview Brock Lesnar after Raw next week.

Former champ at Raw:

Victoria was sitting in the front row of fans at last nights Raw. Also a couple became engaged during a match.

Cornette blasts Kenny King:

Jim Cornette says ROH should not have taken back the ''Lying piece of sh!t''...

"I don't think Johnston should have allowed this. I think he made a mistake because I think that sets a bad precedent because I think it tells everybody that we can lie and we can f--k people around and we can come back any time."

He is mad that King left to go to TNA during his watch at ROH.

NXT kids:

WWE are looking for cast members for a show aimed at, and presented by, children. They want ring announcers, interviewers and commentators aged between 7 and 14.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee has launched a clothing line, with profits going to an animal charity.

Del Rio stiffs another promoter:

For the second time this year Alberto Del Rio has refused to attend a booking. He no showed an event earlier in the year, after receiving a more lucrative offer, and has now refused to get on a flight to Germany unless they pay him more money than originally agreed. The promotion have furiously attacked his actions on social media.

Speculation is he has been talking to WWE, and may make his return to the promotion during the upcoming Mexico tour. This is of course not independently verified, but he has dates booked in the country, that coincide with WWE's visit.

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