Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Today's News

Happy Back To The Future Day everybody...

WWE Christmas movie:

WWE have announced a Christmas movie starring HOF'er Mick Foley and his daughter Noelle. It will be released on November 10, and is priced at $9.99.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Cesaro vs Seth Rollins.
  • Nikki Bella vs Paige.
  • King Barrett & Sheamus vs Lucha Dragons.
  • Bo Dallas vs Ryback.
  • Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs New Day.


  • Tyler Breeze debuted during a MizTV spot. He was accompanied by Summer Rae, and attacked Dolph Ziggler.

Indy group blast new WWE star:

MWF have called Patrick Clark of Tough Enough fame, a Total Diva, after he no showed an appearance with them tonight. He has signed for WWE. They also accused him of lying to both them and WWE, saying he had no commitments that could stop him from starting work at the PC immediately after signing, despite knowing he had signed for the MWF event. MWF further claim that WWE would have allowed, and expected Patrick to fulfill the gig if they knew about it, but Patrick has made it clear that he has no intention of making the trip to Boston, no matter what.

Legend to return:

Despite an ever growing list of health issues, Bobby Eaton will wrestle Ricky Morton of the Rock 'N' Roll Express this weekend.


TNA great James Storm's WWE debut will air on NXT tonight.

WWE hiring everybody?:

WWE have signed two more Tough Enough stars to developmental deals. Mada and Daria will be sent to the PC soon. They have now sealed deals for 7 of the 14 competitors on the show.

WWE change host:

Tom Phillips has been replaced as host of the popular ''Five Things'' show, Arda ''Kyle Edwards'' Ocal will take over from next week.

NJPW rebuff WWE:

NJPW say they are not interested in the WWE offer to air their footage on the WWE Network...

"One proposed idea would be for the WWE to show NJPW footage, but this type of proposal just shows that they don't see us as competition. Play NJPW footage on the Network, see if any of our wrestlers gain popularity, then buy that wrestler out; that's probably the extent of their thoughts on it. It's a very obvious strategy."

The Undertaker:

The Undertaker's 25 year anniversary book will be released next week.


Charlotte has bought a matching gold Rolex watch as her father and Shawn Michaels. Shawn bought Ric Flair and himself gold watches to mark the retirement match they contested at WrestleMania 24, the night after Flair's HOF induction.

New job for former star:

Matt Morgan has started entering bodybuilding competitions.

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