Saturday, August 1, 2015

Today's News

WWE star to be featured in non WWE game:

Daniel Bryan's ''Yes'' chant will be in NHL 2016, as a crowd chant.

Death of a legend:

For the third time in 2015 WWE have lost one of their Hall Of Famers. This time Rowdy Roddy Piper, who suffered a cardiac incident in his sleep on Thursday night, and was found deceased by his family the next morning.

Roddy's family have confirmed he was cancer free at the time of his death. He had suffered with the illness in the past, most famously having to withdraw from the WWE Survivor Series in 2006, where he was set to be a member of the Legends team in a battle vs the Spirit Squad. He was replaced by Ron Simmons.

The worlds of wrestling, sports and entertainment flooded the internet with tributes, including Ronda Rousey dedicating her next UFC fight to him, his son Colt promising to be the man his dad wanted him to be, and recent real life rivals Kevin Nash and Stone Cold Steve Austin putting their spats aside to remember Roddy with affection. WWE collated a large number of the tributes here, but did not include all of them, here are the tributes from Hulk Hogan...

"He was my best friend. He is a legend. God's gain is our loss. May his family in this time of need, find peace. Much love forever, HH."

and CM Punk beautifully wrote ...

''When things were simple, he lit my way and gave me purpose. Meeting him was a thrill. His friendship was cherished. His death, heartbreaking.''

WWE also released a press statement...

''WWE is deeply saddened that Roderick Toombs, aka "Rowdy" Roddy Piper – WWE Hall of Famer and Intercontinental Champion – passed away today at the age of 61. WWE extends its sincerest condolences to Toombs' family, friends and fans. Roddy Piper was one of the most entertaining, controversial and bombastic performers ever in WWE, beloved by millions of fans around the world. I (Vince) extend my deepest condolences to his family.''

Sadly Roddy's death comes at a bad point in the relations between he and the company he helped to make, after he was recently fired by WWE for a spat with Steve Austin.

Hopefully WWE learn from this and ease off on their current course of action with Hulk Hogan, whatever his mistakes, life is too short to carry hard feelings, it is so sad that Roddy was forced out of WWE over a silly argument that went too far, and was completely external to WWE, why they even got involved baffles me, and now this, the still open wounds can now never be healed.

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla:

PWG sold all of the tickets for their next event in an incredible three minutes.

WWE prepared to gimmick Tough Enough:

WWE are furious that ZZ stayed and Mada left this week. They want him gone, and are preparing to bury him on this weeks footage for the show, hoping to convince fans to vote him out, but, if they do not, WWE will consider rigging the votes the week after, to make sure they get rid of him. Vince has reportedly told the team he wants Josh to be the winner of the show.

Cena out of SummerSlam?:

WWE have officially withdrawn John Cena from every event up to, but not at this stage including SummerSlam, due to his broken nose. Cesaro has been named as Cena's replacement for the Australia tour.

Nikki sacrifices kids for Cena:

Nikki Bella says she is prepared to give up on becoming a mother to stay with John Cena, but is adamant that she does want a ring on her finger, and marriage is a must for their relationship to continue.

DVD treat:

The Kliq DVD has an easter egg. If you right click the chapter titled ''Resurgence'' bonus footage of the 2014 HOF ceremony will play.

Konnan at WWE event?:

Konnan was pictured with Chris Jericho and R-Truth outside last nights San Diego live event. No word if he went in, or if it was as a fan, or an official WWE guest.

Alicia Fox:

Alicia Fox suffered her concussion when Charlotte delivered a leg sweep, she landed high on her neck and the back of her head. The damage is mild, but WWE are ultra careful with head trauma now.

WWE chase LU star:

WWE are interested in Angelico, but he has a multi year deal with AAA, and is currently assigned to Lucha Undergorund, their US expansion, so would be tough to prise away.

Owen Hart:

Owen Hart's DVD will be released in the UK first, on December 7 this year, despite the protestations of his wife.

WWE to sue rapper:

WWE are furious with a rapper for using The Undertaker's WWE theme in a diss track vs another rapper named Drake. Meek Mill sampled Taker's theme, and WWE say they do not condone use of their intellectual property by external performers, and are looking at what course of action they will take.

Dana blasphemes wrestling:

Dana White defended the very high $60 price tag for UFC events vs $9.99 for WWE shows by saying that ''Fake entertainment'' should come cheap.

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