Thursday, August 13, 2015

Today's News

NXT Brooklyn:

WWE have updated the card for the NXT special...

  • Kevin Owens vs. Finn Balor - Ladder Match for the NXT Title.
  • The Vaudevillians vs. Blake and Murphy - NXT Tag Team Title Match.
  • Bayley vs. Sasha Banks - NXT Women's Title Match.
  • Jushin "Thunder" Liger vs. Tyler Breeze.
  • Samoa Joe vs. Baron Corbin.
  • Apollo Crews (Uhaa Nation) will debut.
  • Appearances by Hideo Itami and others.

Diva Search:

WWE are re-working the format of Diva Search after the poor viewing figures for the Tough Enough show. The revised Diva Search will air on the Network.

Roddy Piper:

A number of stars of wrestling attended Roddy Piper's funeral this week, including Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Triple H, Knobbs (Nasty Boys), Michael Hayes and Chyna. The last member of this list has caused some controversy. X-Pac accused Chyna of gatecrashing  the funeral to hijack Triple H at the wake, he further claimed that she confronted him and apologised to Triple H for everything she had done, he then blasted her as pathetic.

He had to apologise later after it was confirmed to him that she did not crash the party, and was invited by the family. Other first hand accounts added that Triple H and Chyna were in the same room for over an hour, but at no point spoke to each other.

Vince McMahon did not attend the funeral.

Stephen Amell:

Stephen Amell is doing wrestling training today, as he prepares for SummerSlam.

Owen Hart:

WWE have confirmed a two hour documentary, starring Bret Hart and others, will be at the center of the upcoming Owen Hart DVD collection.

Ziggler out of SummerSlam:

WWE and Lana are now saying Dolph Ziggler will not be back until after SummerSlam. He was scheduled to return in time for the event, but his movie may have overran, as his return dates have all been moved back.

WrestleMania change:

Roman Reigns has revealed when the result of this years WrestleMania main event was changed...

"I found out the night before after the Hall of Fame."

Steve Austin reveals what it would take to come back:

"When people always ask me, 'hey, would you have one more match at WrestleMania 32?' No, I'm not, but I always tell people, but here's the thing: I had a gutful - I had a good time, but what it would really take to perform at WrestleMania 32 for anybody who has been out of the ring, especially for as long as I have, you know, 12 or 13 years, you would have to go through a damn near full shoot MMA camp."

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