Friday, August 21, 2015

Today's News


MVP is going to Brazil to take part in a veterans Ju Jitsu tournament in September, entrants must be aged 40 or older.


Sunny has posted a photo of herself at the age of 14, handing Rocker Shawn Michaels her phone number.

100 year old Genius:

The Genius says he plans to be the healthiest wrestler alive, and wants to live until he is 100 years old.

Sports Networks to cover SummerSlam:

SI and CBS have followed ESPN in announcing they will cover this years SummerSlam show.

Bischoff returns to WWE:

Eric Bischoff is going to be presenting some WCW shows on the Network in the coming weeks.


WWE are concerned about some buffering and streaming issues with their Network this week, which is going to be doubly busy with two special events this weekend.

Stephen Amell has raised $80,000 with a shirt he made to commemorate his wrestling debut. The money will be given to a charity he supports.

WWE did not want Taker:

Brother Love has revealed Vince McMahon did not want to meet The Undertaker in 1990, but after some work Prichard convinced him to, and Calaway did the rest...

"Mark had a dislocated hip, but worked the match anyway because he knew that he was going to be meeting with Vince the next day It wasn't the best match in the world and Vince didn't want to meet with him. We finally got the two together, and, as you know Mark, man, he's magnetic in and of himself and he convinced Vince that, 'hey, I'm your guy' and he took off from there."

Booker T:

Booker T has secured a TV deal with CW channel 39, for his ROW promotion.

Great Khali:

The Great Khali has revealed he earned a million dollars a year for his last three years with WWE.

Daniel Bryan heat:

Daniel Bryan has upset WWE. He told fans he understands how difficult it can be for families to keep buying new WWE shirts, and said they should do as he does, and make their own. WWE were not impressed.

Daniel also complained that he has been cleared by a reputable doctor and could main event SummerSlam this weekend if he wanted to, but WWE continue to refuse to allow him to wrestle because of his concussion history, and have given him no indication when, or if, they will. He has also revealed he wants to name his running knee ''The crusher'' in tribute to Warrior Award winner Connor Michalek, named his favourite match as an indie show vs Kenta, described his sadness that CM Punk has fallen out of love with the sport, and teased leaving WWE. He said he would be very excited to work with Kurt Angle, and if WWE don't clear him, he may one day have the chance.

Ronda Rousey:

Ronda Rousey has denied she supports WWE Hall Of Famer Donald Trump's presidential campaign, and may be upset with Brock Lesnar after he called her a man in a woman's world. It was meant to be a compliment, he was talking about the lack of real opposition for her in UFC, but still.


Paul Heyman has confirmed Brock Lesnar is on the new game.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee has appeared in a star studded ad for a new video game...

WWE take network to court:

WWE have filed a multi million dollar writ against CTH, who air their programming in Asian countries. They claim they have stopped paying their fees to the company.

WWE ban recently used term:

WWE have banned the term ''Ring rat'' after Amanda used the term as an insult to fellow TE contestant Sara Lee.

Sasha trains with TNA star:

Amazing Red is working with Sasha Banks this week to help her prepare for her PPV debut.


WWE are considering offering PPV bonuses for talent working their Network specials. They have not, up until now, offered any extra monies for the shows with larger crowds than the norm.

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