Thursday, August 27, 2015

Today's News

Alex Shelley:

Alex Shelley has thanked ROH for offering to pay for the dental work he needs to fix his shattered front teeth. He also says he is thinking about his families request for him to retire, but added that their views alone will not make his mind up for him, and said he needs time.

WWE racism:

Chris Jericho has shared his opinion on the long alleged racist culture in WWE. He confessed that WWE could be a little lazy and stereotypical with their portrayal of some characters, but praised the company's diversity. He did note that if people wanted to find faults, they probably could, as nowhere is perfect, but urged talent to enjoy and live the time they are there, and not worry about such things.

He did go on to call for more racial sensitivity to Canadians however...

"What about Canadians? What about racial profiling against Canadians? A mountie? We had a mountie. If there's any type of racial comments, everyone's offended except for Canadians. No one ever stands up for the Canadians. Ever! You know why? It's because we're too friendly to worry about it."

AJ Styles to WWE?:

AJ Styles says he is loving his time in Japan, but if rumours of WWE interest in him come to fruition, and they made a reasonable offer, he would find it almost impossible to refuse. He also said he plans to retire in 5 years, and would then move into coaching, and helping the stars of the future, expressing an interest in opening a dojo in Japan.


Dudley Boys have confirmed their school in Florida will remain open, despite their WWE return.

Tazz signs HOF'er:

Tazz has signed Jim Ross to be a correspondent on his radio show.

Dolph Ziggler reveals why he stayed:

"My contract was coming up, and I was weighing a bunch of different option. I had a lot of outside offers to do some other things. Instead I decided to settle on doing the thing I love the most and working for WWE. WWE has given me an out where any days off that I have they allow me to work on outside projects. So it's a win-win for everybody. I don't miss any work. I get to keep doing what I love. Just like when it's SummerSlam week, but I'm going to a comedy club to perform and the next day going to a theater to sneak in a couple of minutes because I don't sleep and want to be the best performer I can."


Konnan is in trouble in Mexico. He has been accused of groping a TV presenter in the country, and when she called him out on it, he told her... ''You're not good looking anyway.'' The incident did not go down well, and is doing the rounds on the celebrity gossip shows.

Got ink?:

WWE have a new show discussing the meaning behind WWE stars tattoo's. The first episode will feature Seth Rollins and all of his two pieces.

Tough Enough:

Josh and Sara Lee have been given a couple of weeks off before they start their WWE careers in mid September. WWE have expressed an interest in signing Amanda, but there is no interest at all in ZZ, officials were very relived when he was beaten on TE this week.


Alberto Del Rio has agreed to call MMA events for the Spanish speaking market, with NBC.


Rey Mysterio is in casual talks with WWE. He is reportedly concerned about the future of LU, and has re-opened lines of communication, although without any real significance as yet, with WWE.

Wyatt Family:

WWE are looking for someone to bring the infamous Sister Abigail character to life.

Sasha Banks:

Sasha Banks almost missed her SummerSlam debut, and may not work any matches for a while after taking a horrible bump at NXT Takeover on Saturday night. Bayley delivered a unique corner rope suplex on her, and she crashed down onto the top of her head. Her problem was further worsened by another awkward bump at SummerSlam.

Jushin Liger:

WWE have reportedly agreed to a number of further dates with the Japanese legend. Speculation is he has signed a similar deal to Samoa Joe, so it does not conflict with his NJPW career.

Sarita to WWE:

Sarita, ex of TNA, has announced she is leaving CMLL. She has worked as a guest trainer for WWE in the past, and speculation is rising that she is on her way to Florida for a role at the PC.

Wade Barrett:

Wade Barrett is still a WWE employee. He has been written out to make a movie. However his decision to change his Twitter handle to his real name has started online speculation about his status. I can find nothing to justify the rumours of tensions with the promotion, and his time away will be spent making a WWE movie, so he is very much still on WWE duty, although on this side of the pond.

What's kayfabe?:

A question I get asked surprisingly often, but maybe no longer. The Oxford English Dictionary have announced the word has made it into the lexicon of the English language, with this statement...

"Probably not familiar to those outside the world of pro wrestling, the term kayfabe refers to 'the fact or convention of presenting staged performances as genuine or authentic'. The origin of the word is uncertain, although it is often said to have arisen in American travelling carnivals. The word has been interpreted by some as being an alteration of 'be fake' backwards, while the -ay- element is typical of the way words are formed in Pig Latin."

NXT promotions:

WWE pay the travel and hotel expenses of NXT stars for 90 days after they debut on the main roster. Should they continue on the full tour past that, they would then be responsible for their own arrangements.

Orton winding down?:

Ric Flair says Randy Orton is ready to wind his career down, and has asked WWE to put him on a more relaxed schedule, Flair said he wants a deal similar to Shawn Michaels second run, where he worked for a while, then disappeared for extended breaks.

Benoit movie confirmed:

Some movie gossip sites have confirmed the Chris Benoit biopic is happening, and the director has secured his number one choice to play Benoit, Liev Schreiber (Scream, Phantoms). I have not been able to find official conformation, so this should be taken as rumour for the time being.

Diva's botch Raw:

Charlotte and Becky botched the Miz TV segment. It was scripted that tensions would begin to creep into the group, as WWE want to break them up at some point, so they can go for individual runs vs Diva's champ Nikki, they did not perform the angle as planned, and it had a detrimental effect on the follow up angle on SmackDown, where Becky and Charlotte were left alone for the night by their leader Paige.

Alex Riley:

Alex Riley has been cleared to return from knee surgery.


2016's event will be in either Los Angeles or Las Vegas.


Triple H has announced the December tour will be aired on the Network.

Awesome news for Hayabusa:

Japanese legend Hayabusa, who has been in a wheelchair since 2001, after botching a moonsalt, can walk again. An audience of greats of Japanese wrestling, fans, and the media were invited to an arena earlier this month. He came from behind a curtain in his wheelchair, before struggling out of his seat, and stood up. He was presented with a walking stick to aid his balance, and he then walked the aisle, up some steps, and into a ring. Everyone in the room was visibly moved by the emotional scene.

Lance Storm defends abusive crowd:

Lance Storm says it is WWE's fault their fans are not supporting the women, and the crowd should not be blamed...

"When the crowd on RAW in Brooklyn turned on the women's match it wasn't the fault of the crowd nor the fault of the women, it was the way it was presented. In the promo to set up the match Nikki Bella actually said that wins and losses didn't matter and that these muti-diva matches are pointless. She said the only thing that mattered was the Diva's Title and how she will soon be the longest reigning Diva's Champ of all time. How can anyone be surprised or angry that the crowd gave up on the match that followed when they were flat out told before it started that it didn't matter?."

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