Sunday, August 30, 2015

Today's News

WWE change TV team:

Rich Brennan will become the new lead announcer on SmackDown, replacing Tom Phillips. Booker T will also be joining the show in two weeks. No word on what this means for Tom Phillips.

Raw goes ahead:

The host venue of next weeks Raw have confirmed the show will go ahead as planned after the threatened tropical storm dissipated over Cuba yesterday. Thunderstorms are expected, and threats of flooding in some areas are still in place, but the WWE show will go on. A SummerSlam rematch between Dolph Ziggler and Rusev will headline.

Fan incident:

A fan reportedly tried to stab Dean Ambrose at this weeks SmackDown TV taping. A man jumped the barrier and rushed toward Ambrose as he was leaving the ring following his match, but was taken down by security before he got to the star. Fans close to the incident claimed he said he was going to stab him, but nothing was seen in his hands during the scuffle.

New star in trouble already:

Zahra, Seth Rollins girlfriend, has just been given her first WWE gimmick. She will play Solomon Crowe's sister. She has offended many of her followers on social media site Instagram however, by posting pictures of a Nazi Swastika. The images are dated back to 2012, but fans have been sending links to the posts to Triple H asking what action he will take against her. One of the offending pieces is a My Little Pony made to look like Adolf Hitler. She has adamantly refused to remove the images and launched into personal attacks on people that challenged her use of them. She also correctly asserted that the icon was used long before the Nazi's appropriated it, by a number of different religions, including Buddhists.

ROH star in medical emergency:

Cliff Domino Compton suffered a seizure in the locker rooms of ROH last night. He was rushed to an emergency room for tests, before being released. He is now resting at his hotel.

WWE fail:

WWE were showing tweets on a screen at a live last night when a picture of TNA stars Velvet Sky and Angelina Love popped up. Some fans thought it was a tease of an announcement, or surprise appearance, but it turned out to be a cheeky joke from a fan in attendance, that managed to get through whatever vetting process WWE had in place.

Team Paige to compete for gold:

The three members of Team Paige will be rewarded for their SummerSlam win by being put into a beat the clock challenge on Raw. The star that scores a win in the quickest time will be the challenger for Nikki Bella's title at Night Of Champions.

Tough Enough:

WWE have a poll asking which eliminated star fans would like to be given a second chance by WWE, Mada is crushing the vote with 72%, his closest rival is Patrick on 9%.

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry spent time this week with street children in India. He asked people to support them...

"I have two children, and I will tell them how to be brave in an odd situation. I appeal to all citizens to support street children."

Ruby gets tryout:

Indie star Ruby has been invited to the next WWE tryout camp.

Best celeb:

Stephen Amell is topping a WWE poll of greatest celebrities to work a match for WWE. He has 74%. His closest competition is Snooki on 6%.

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