Thursday, August 20, 2015

Today's News

WWE respond:

WWE have released a statement in response to NFL team Minnesota Vikings claims their new stadium will host WrestleMania in the future...

''Minneapolis is one of the many cities that has expressed an interest in hosting a future WrestleMania. Beyond WrestleMania in Dallas, TX on April 3, 2016, locations for future WrestleMania's have not been announced.''

Sara Del Rey talks living her dream:

"It's a void not having a trainer for the Divas, and that's an area that should be covered. It was kind of my dream job, but it didn't exist so I didn't know if it was possible. It all happened so perfectly—in my mind at least. Performing wasn't my passion. It is training and being in the ring and learning just the skills it takes to perform."

Tough Enough:

Speculation is rife that Daniel Bryan was leant on not to use his save for Tanner on this weeks episode. Tanner added to the controversy by admitting his shock that Bryan did not use his save on him, as he was firmly in favour of the right people getting into the finals. The theory is, with an all male vote off, had Daniel used his save on Tanner, ZZ's popularity with viewers would have carried him through, and Vince McMahon's pick to win, Josh, would have been dumped out. As it turns out, that is exactly what would have happened, ZZ did garner more votes than Josh.

The cast of TE were thrown a swerve ball today. Their coaches revealed their live match next week will not be against each other, the boys will have one on one matches vs Cesaro, and the girls will face Alicia Fox, in two separate bouts.

Hogan spoils surprise?:

Hulk Hogan today said he was...

"Still in the game."

Leading to speculation that WWE have changed their minds and reinstated him for 2K16. That is not yet confirmed by the company.

He made the comments during a plug for a fan meet and greet he is planning at his beach shop. He is charging $50-$125 for entry to the event, and a further $60 per autograph on top of the entry fee.

The Rock:

The Rock has entered into talks to star in another Disney movie, this time based on the popular Jungle Cruise ride.

WWE play hardball with old boys:

WWE have re-applied for the TradeMark for Cryme Tyme, this would be done to stop JTG and Shad Gaspard from using the name on the indie circuit.

JTG responded with a couple of digs back...

On racism in WWE...

"I definitely experienced some racism in WWE, and no I don't think they do a good enough job when the majority of the African American wrestlers are pigeonholed into being the angry black guys, shuckin and jivin or rapping and singing..."

On WWE contracts...

"It's a big hoax. How can you be an independent contractor if you're "exclusively" signed to WWE with a contract. It's an oxymoron."

Atlanta Braves pay homage to WWE:

The Atlanta Braves have superimposed their players faces onto the bodies of classic WWE stars on billboards in the area.


Ric Flair has been added to SummerSlam Axxess. Gape Sapolsky of Evolve, and the promoter of WWN have also been invited to this weekends super show.

WWE chase indie stars:

WWE are monitoring Biff Busick and Richie Swan, and are very interested in bringing them into NXT.

Cena milestone:

John Cena has granted his 500th wish for charity this week.

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