Sunday, August 9, 2015

Today's News

Adam Rose:

Adam Rose may not be a WWE character for much longer. WWE are reportedly coming around to the idea of re-branding him. Rose has asked his followers to drop the ''Bring Back Kruger'' campaign as he felt it may make WWE stick with the gimmick longer, so fans didn't think they changed the angles.

Tommy Dreamer explains why he won't take chokeslam again:

''I felt something weird. PAIN. & heard crunch. Wasnt Lance Hoyt's fault he placed me perfect. I'm just 44 & after a 20min hardcore match my chokeslam bump card has expired. Going into my own companies largest show im hurt. I'm p!ssed at myself because when i'm performing in ring i'm still 25 years old, but my body reminded me i'm 44 w/a broken neck & back. So thank you Chokeslam we had a great relationship. I've taken them from 911,Brian Lee, The Undertaker, Kane, Test, Big Show and a few I probably forgot. I will heal, I will fight thru the pain but knowing my wrestling career is on the tail end of ending is the hardest part. No regrets, I got a few good matches left in me.''

Heat on Hall:

Scott Hall is getting heat online for tweeting that he wanted to bend Paige over his knee, and spank her backside. Fans were appalled by what they saw as a sketchy comment by a lecherous old man, but Paige intervened, and revealed it was a private joke between the two.

WWE star assaulted:

WWE phoned the police on a fan at a live last night after he hit Roman Reigns in the back of his head with a home made Money In The Bank briefcase during his match vs Bray Wyatt. He continued the match as security dragged the fan away, but was said to be shocked and angered by the incident.

Al Snow trains the greats:

Al Snow says he worked with both Steve Austin and Kane to help them prepare for their WWE debuts...

On Steve...

"[WWE] brought [Austin] in as the Ringmaster, and then he slowly became Steve Austin and he came down to my school and we spent, like, a week together, and he wanted to get the ring rust off and try to do some stuff. It was a compliment to me, I felt flattered that [Austin] would be even interested in coming and being around."

On Kane...

"I had a [wrestling] school at the time that I was running, in Lima, Ohio and Glenn [Jacobs], came, for a period, a week or so, up there to kind of work with me and kind of learn some stuff just right before he went up to WWE. He was already polished and everything, but he just wanted to come and get himself tuned up a little bit."

Diva's botch TV spot:

This weeks SmackDown diva's tag team match ended several minutes too soon after Charlotte botched the end, by allowing herself to be pinned. Naomi spoilt the mistake by reacting to the botch, rather than play it off, she showed her frustration to her rival on screen. The angle was set to lead to a further skit, and was meant to last 20 minutes in total.

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