Monday, June 8, 2015

Today's News

WWE Hall Of Fame:

Rumours of a physical Hall Of Fame building are back, and once again Universal Studios Orlando are at the center of the plans. NBA City is closing down this summer, and the leaked plans of what will take it's place has a WWE Hall Of Fame restaurant and museum listed amongst other features, including a Universal Movies restaurant, and a Cheesecake Factory outlet.

Triple H has long pushed for a physical HOF building, it was a part of the agreement he made to get Bruno Sammartino in, a couple of years ago. A number of cities have expressed interest in hosting it, but Orlando has always been amongst the favourites.

Legend returns to the ring:

Goldberg set foot in a wrestling ring for the first time since 2004 last night. He had a physical confrontation with Scott Steiner. Then hit his trademark finishers on Luke Gallows.

Zack Ryder thanks fans:

Zack Ryder says the fans are responsible for his success...

"The fans, they are responsible for the success that I've had. People said, 'This kid is a wrestling fan, let's support him and help him get where he needs to be.' I didn't know if I was going to get in trouble backstage; I knew that I just needed people to know my name."

Raw tease:

  • Can Rollins be 'The Future of WWE' on his own?
  • How will John Cena respond to Kevin Owens?
  • What's next for Dolph Ziggler and Lana?
  • How will Paige begin to 'change' the Divas division?
  • Will Kane be laughing all the way to the 'Bank'?

Cena still wins:

WWE have had a poll running on their site pitting John Cena against Kevin Owens. The question asks who kids should root for in their feud, and more people (61%) support John Cena to remain the top guy in the company.

WWE mark achievement:

WWE have surpassed half a billion followers across their social media platforms.


The NWA have announced they will begin a streaming service from July 4. They boast over 800 hours of footage will be made available to the channel.

Roddy Piper talks nasty incident:

"When I was 15 years old, I used to live in the Chief Hotel, right across the street from the Astrodome. Donnie Osmond at the time, little Donnie Osmond was on the stage pounding his feet and I had to go on after him. I stayed at that hotel with my dog, a pitbull named Kayfabe. My dog ate the owner's poodle. I think was the only person to get kicked out of the Chief hotel. You can't let your dog eat the owner's poodle."

JR worries for the future of wrestling:

''Some feel that we are allegedly in a pending "boom" period because there is so much TV wrestling product available o n a weekly. Does average, at times at best average, TV product indicate "Boom" to any one who actually thinks about it? I think not. The product is by and large over thought and those in creative charge seemingly feel compelled to take a tried and true product and put their personal finger prints on it as if they are going to be the one who is forever known as "changing the wrestling business forever." The wrestling business changed forever when the territories died due largely because local promoters got lazy and complacent and did not want to move into the modern era of marketing and producing TV programs plus they stopped developing new, young stars. Blame who you want but the territory system stopped doing what brought them to the dance and that was featuring new stars in compelling rivalries that were based in easy to understand, common sense story lines produced in weekly, episodic television. Plus, the talents back in the day were, by and large, better story tellers than we are fed today with some exceptions. An essentially, easy to watch, non complex hour of TV that virtually anyone could understand and enjoy was what worked best for many of us lifers. Where have those days gone?.''

Hall Of Famer wants new house:

Donald Trump has announced, in a UK interview, that he will confirm his candidacy for the Republican nomination to be the next President of the United States, next month. He added that, should he win the support from the Republicans, and then from the people of the USA, he would set about making the USA great again.

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