Sunday, June 28, 2015

Today's News

New name for Adam Rose:

Adam Rose says he will be known as ''Hot Hot'' Adam Rose from now on.

No invasion:

Speculation that some of the recent TNA departures are going to GFW only to return for the hyped GFW invasion of TNA are apparently not true. Magnus and James Storm are out of contract next week, and both decided not to re-sign, and Low Ki was released at his request.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

Jeff Jarrett will be the 2015 TNA Hall Of Famer, Dixie Carter has confirmed. The ceremony will be on July 29.


Kurt Angle has dropped the TNA title as he needs surgery on his neck. He has a tumour that must be removed. Early reports have his recovery time set at three weeks.

Aries decides:

Austin Aries is leaving TNA after Slammiversary tonight. He lost a loser must leave match at last nights TNA TV's. The match will air in late July / early August.

Rock live:

The Rock turned up unannounced at a WWE live in Boston last night, he cut a promo for the raucous crowd, and had a spot with Bo Dallas in the ring.


Here is tonights Slammiversary card...

  • King of the Mountain Match - Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway.
  • Handicap Match - Awesome Kong and Brooke Tessmacher vs. Jade, Marti and Taryn Terrell.
  • Unsanctioned Match - James Storm vs. Magnus.
  • Winner Chooses Stipulation for Impact Tag Title Match - Austin Aries vs. Davey Richards.
  • Ethan Carter III and Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley and Mr. Anderson.
  • Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz.
  • Matt Morgan vs. Bram.


R-Truth will release ''The Ron Killings LP'' in the next few weeks.

Punk causes heat:

CM Punk has stirred a Twitter controversy after responding to a UFC fighter criticising the gay marriage vote in the United States. He tweeted...

''Can't recall any instances in the bible of Jesus having sex of any kind. So maybe he is gay?''

Then followed with a picture of himself, with long hair and a beard, saying he, in fact, may be gay Jesus.

Shawn / JR UK tour highlights:

  • Shawn came up with the Ric Flair Mania match himself, and Flair went along with his plans for his retirement match.
  • Flair did not want to do the retirement match, and WWE picked Shawn as the guy to finish his career.
  • JR criticised his performance on the mic during that match.
  • JR says he has never watched WrestleMania 17, and probably never will.
  • Shawn denied the planned 1993 - 1994 feud with Randy Savage, which was set to lead to Macho's retirement. He said WWF never asked him to do anything with Savage, bar a UK match in 1992.
  • Shawn denied that he was set to face Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania 22, had Eddie not died six months earlier.
  • Shawn says he repeatedly turned down World title runs during his second WWE run (02 - 06) because of the schedule a champion would need to keep to.
  • Shawn says he has turned down the ''Major role'' WWE asked him to do at next years WrestleMania.
  • JR was critical of commentators who like to know the results of matches in advance, he says it affects the reality of the call.
  • JR revealed he heard about Dusty Rhodes death as he was in the WWE offices, taping a talking head piece for the new Owen Hart DVD. He received 45 messages on his mobile phone, which kept interrupting the shoot.

Hogan sex tape:

The FBI have revealed there is 3 copies of the DVD, and a number of CD's of audio footage in relation to the case, set to be put before a court, as Hogan seeks damages for libel from Gawker.

Show vs Booker:

Big Show has revealed he once almost got into a fight with Booker T. He was training at the WCW Power Plant, and Booker was acting as a guest coach, he decided to ride the ass of the biggest guy in the room, Show got sick of being singled out and they scuffled, but did not really get into it, which, he says, was a good thing, as Booker would have destroyed him.

Rollins banned:

Seth Rollins has been banned from a music festival (Photo).

Tough Enough star denies using sexuality to gain support on show:

Dana says her decision to come out was spontaneous...

"That was not thought about. I didn't even consider it, to be honest. I did talk to my girlfriend before I left in California and I said, 'Hey if it comes up, do you mind if I tell the truth?' She was like, 'Absolutely tell the truth.' [But] I didn't sit down and think, 'Oh, how can I make the judges like me? Let me tell them I'm a lesbian.' I would never artificially plan like that. It wasn't premeditated. I think that's what made the moment so special. "I've gotten so much generosity and so much love so far. People from all kinds of LGBT organizations reaching out saying, 'what you did was amazing, thank you for representing our families,' and that kind of stuff. I just couldn't be happier with the way it worked out. I never could have planned such an epic moment."

Ziggler confirms status:

Dolph Ziggler has signed with WWE, he revealed why today...

"I mean, it feels like I started here, I should end my career in the WWE. I feel like they like having me around and I love working here, so it would be really hard to walk away."

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