Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Today's News

NXT coach does not like women wrestling:

Sasha Banks says Billy Gunn does not like women's wrestling, but has changed his outlook since working with the NXT ladies.

Hall Of Famer pops for Kevin Owens:

Mick Foley has said of the NXT Champion...

"No matter where I was during the course of my career, I always felt comfortable in knowing that my character was unique and that my matches were going to be different than anyone else's on the card. I really think that if Kevin Owens had been around while I was in my peak that he would have forced me to become a better wrestler - to increase my limited offensive arsenal, and to step up the cardio to keep up with his faster pace. I appreciate that so many people miss me on their TV sets each week, but I'm not really gone. Kevin Owens is a faster, stronger, more aggressive version of me who you can see each week on WWE Raw and WWE SmackDown. So does Foley fear Owens? In a way. I'm afraid that when wrestling's history book is written and the topic of top wrestlers with unorthodox body types is discussed, that my name will no longer be first on the list!."

McMahon takes note:

Linda McMahon was in the crowd taking notes during Raw last night.

ECW icons reunite:

Nova, of ECW fame (Simon Dean) will reunite with Blue Meanie and Stevie Richards for Chikara's trios tournament in September. He has up until now been retired from the biz, including turning down a WWE DVD appearance with his BWO buddies, and is working in a bank.

TNA no longer recognised by PWI:

PWI have decided that the TNA World Championship is no longer a relevant title. They say from now on they will only recognise the WWE Championship as THE World title.

WWE censor match:

WWE censored Cesaro on Raw last night. During a series of uppercuts the Swiss flipped his opponent John Cena the bird, WWE blacked the screen out to cover his actions.

Show talks ring crushing spot:

"We did a spot right before we broke the ring where we're both down and they shoot a close up of both of us selling. In that time, Ellis (Edwards, WWE Stunt Coordinator) had airbags under the ring. So they had lifted the ring a couple inches. When I'm standing on that top corner, that ring is like standing on marbles. Because it's moving. Of course now I've got my fat ass up in the air, 500 pounds on a not very stable surface. So then the ring broke. You don't know how the stunt is going to look. It was so perfectly timed the way we did it and Ellis did a great job of setting up. That thing collapsed and everybody they bought it so long. This is the first time I've admitted the truth that that was a rigged angle," Show explained. "On hundreds of interviews, I have lied right through my teeth and said it's a shoot. But if you get a chance to suspend people's reality just for an instant, for a second, it's good for them."


Sheamus has marked the 6th anniversary of his WWE debut today.

Uso coming back:

Jey Uso says he is getting close to a WWE return following injury. He has been gone since Mania.


This weeks Raw was the least viewed of 2015.

Colt Cabana:

Colt Cabana has agreed to appear for GFW in the coming weeks, and also got a name check from a presidential interviewer this week. Mark Maron thanked Colt, amongst others, as he closed a podcast interview with Barack Obama.

UFC fail:

UFC have mis-spelt CM Punk's first official shirt, they missed a ''L'' in Phillip.

Finally... Happy 30th Cody Rhodes.

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