Thursday, June 18, 2015

Today's News

Vince awards championship:

Vince McMahon sent a replica WWE Championship belt to CM Punk's NHL team Chicago Blackhawks, after they won a trophy.

UFC star to WWE:

One of Ronda Rousey's four horsewomen group may beat her to WWE. Jessamyn Duke will try out for the WWE Diva Search later this summer, if she loses her next UFC match.


NXT star Bayley has a broken arm.

TNA try to sign WWE legend:

TNA reached out to Rey Mysterio yesterday. They promised to allow him to work elsewhere freely, as long as he prioritised TNA TV dates, a main event role, and a take of his merch sales. No response as yet, but it is widely believed he will eventually commit to Lucha Underground.

NXT old boys tour:

WWE are planning on approaching more stars from their past to add to the NXT touring roster. They hope to beef up the roster, get some decent names in to aid ticket sales, and to have the veterans help the younger talent in their development.

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