Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Today's News

Former diva hits landmark:

AJ Lee has today posted a rare tweet marking her first anniversary to former WWE champion CM Punk.

Former star visits WWE HQ:

Chyna turned up in Stamford at WWE HQ today. She was not invited, and had no arranged meetings with anyone from the office. It seems she, and the director of her documentary, turned up to doorstep WWE for footage for the feature, which, if true, can't have went down too well.

HHH saves TE star:

Triple H stepped in to save one of the Tough Enough contestants, the coaches had him shortlisted for the axe, but Hunter decided he wanted the former reality TV star Zamariah Loupe to get another chance.


Seth Rollins will defend his title against Brock Lesnar at the next WWE special. This is the rematch Lesnar has been waiting for since Mania.

WWE also killed the angle with Lesnar and the announcers. Michael Cole announced he had settled his lawsuit out of court, but would say no more about his post Mania assault at the hands of the former champion.

Celeb botches Raw moment:

Rapper MGK was powerbombed off the stage by Kevin Owens during Raw last night, but he messed up. He was supposed to stay down as the show went to commercial, then when they returned doctors and officials would be tending to the star, but he got up 
almost immediately after the spot, and was seen to do so by the cameras, meaning they had to drop the rest of the skit.

The episode was the first for years to score more than 4,000,000 viewers.

WWE post official tribute package for Dusty Rhodes:

Puder slams WWE:

Daniel Puder says he has no respect for WWE, is glad Kurt Angle has finally admitted that he ''Had him'' during their Tough Enough incident, and that the 2005 Royal Rumble was used to humiliate him, which he was sad about, as he would have stayed loyal to WWE, had they come good on their promises after his Tough Enough win.

Presidential Hall Of Famer?:

Donald Trump today confirmed he will be running for the US presidency.

WWE reject lands reality show:

WWE NXT star Judas Devlin, the man that broke the Bill DeMott story, has won a place on US Big Brother. WWE may find themselves watching the show avidly, to monitor what he has to say about his WWE days.

TNA unveil new belt:

Photo, here is the new TNA X-Division Championship belt. They have also brought back King Of The Mountain for Slammiversary.

DeMott returns to wrestling:

Bill DeMott will head up a wrestling training camp this August.

Auto Rock:

The Rock was involved in a minor traffic accident today, his related post on Instagram has gone viral, after the surprise of the guy in the other vehicle when he saw The Rock step from his ride to meet him.

WWE Alum returns to the ring:

Yoshi Tatsu has returned to the ring for the first time since suffering a devastating neck injury against AJ Styles last November. He trained with the Team Vision Dojo, one of his students was a recent Tough Enough reject.

WWE Alum victim of violent online fad:

Jillian Hall was assaulted last night. Someone jumped out and sucker punched her as she got out of her car, outside her home. She says the assailant did it as part of the ''Knockout challenge'' where people try to knock out a stranger with a single punch, and tape it to post online.

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