Sunday, June 21, 2015

Today's News

JR speaks out:

Jim Ross has revealed Vince McMahon's biggest issue...

"Vince can't control his sneezing, like all of us, and he doesn't like things occurring that he can't control. Many of us found it a source of humor."

And he is not impressed with ROH...

"I am a ROH fan but they wrestle too fast, sell too little and need to slow their pace so that when they hit the next gear it means more."

HBK lands movie role:

Shawn Michaels has filmed his scenes for "The Resurrection of Gavin Stone" this weekend.

Bret Hart blames Samoa Joe:

Bret Hart has blamed Samoa Joe for the serious injury that has befallen Tyson Kidd, he says the muscle buster finisher is ''Dangerous'' and WWE need to look at it's future use, for the safety of their talent.

Most extreme promo ever?:

WWE Alum Justin Gabriel has cut a promo for an indie group in Canada whilst skydiving...

WWE dig at Punk?:

Fan reports suggest Brad Maddox dressed as CM Punk for a match vs Jack Swagger last night.

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