Sunday, June 7, 2015

Today's News

Delete your tweets:

TNA star and WWE hopeful Jessica Havok is wishing she took time to do just that, after facing a backlash on Twitter, since she started her week long WWE tryout. Fans have been bombarding her with negativity over anti-homosexuality tweets she made as far back as 2011, and were also sending the comments to WWE's Twitter, seemingly trying to derail her hopes of employment with the promotion. She has now gone back and removed all of the offensive remarks, and posted an apology, which she also took down after a short while on her stream...

"I want to apologize whole heartedly for the OLD tweets that are being brought up right now. Legit, It was years ago and i don't even rem.tweeting over half of this stuff. The stuff i do remember was jokes that were in bad taste. I was young and very new to social media promo and i was very immature and just said things to make my friends laugh at the time. Inside jokes between us. I don't really feel or believe any of the things i DID actually tweet. I am a loving, compassionate person and i LOVE everyone. No mater who! I would die for any wrestling fan and i care so much about wrestling and everything in it. I would not be here without any of you. I was young, stupid & immature. I am not too proud to admit some of it was me being bitter for all the wrong reasons, but I've learned and grown from this .. i hope this can be forgiven. I love you guys."

Unfortunately this may be too little, too late. WWE were very impressed with her, one official comparing her to Kharma, and they were said to be very excited about exploring angles they could not with Kharma, due to her too short WWE career, however the news of the tweets ''Caved the roof in'' on her ambitions. She is still at the camp, but WWE made it clear that talent that hope to work for them, should not say stupid things in the public social media arena. 

Visit the PC:

WWE have listed the features for a potential fantasy camp visit for fans to the Performance Center in Florida...

  • Participants signing a "training contract" with WWE NXT Coaches and "getting a welcome from HHH himself."
  • Breakfast and Lunch with NXT champions.
  • Tour of the WWE PC.
  • Observe a Promo Class taught by Dusty Rhodes.
  • Watch NXT Training Session, "Skill Session" and watch talents create their own promos.
  • Create your own voiceovers.
  • Watch an NXT showcase show inside the WWE PC.
  • Receive autographed photos of all participating NXT talents.


ROH officials are promising better production values for their TV show as they bed in with their new network. They are also in talks for 1 or 2 specials a year, these shows would be aired live.

WWE want match pulled:

WWE are putting pressure on ROH not to air the June 20 match which will feature Samoa Joe, teaming with AJ Styles, against Daniels and Kazarian. The match was set to be a main event for one of their TV episodes, but Joe's new commitment to WWE, they feel, gives them a stronger hand to play against their smaller rivals. WWE are not asking for the match to be cancelled, but do not want their man appearing on the new ROH TV show.

Rock concert:

The Rock has announced he is teaming with Spike TV to present a gala event, featuring music, comedy, and major celebrity appearances. The event will be taped at an overseas military base in the coming months, and will air on Veterans day, as a tribute to US troops. The event is going to be called ''Rock the troops.''

Jeff Jarrett talks Owen to HOF:

"That's not something I would answer or discuss it is solely on upon one man's decision and that's WWE's CEO Vince McMahon, a brilliant marketer. It is his decision. It doesn't matter what hall of fame he goes in. It goes without saying Owen Hart whether he gets inducted or not its truly irrelevant. I remember, the fans remember, the family remembers the great human being he was and it supersedes the wrestling."

WWE confirm injury:

WWE have finally confirmed the injury to Tyson Kidd, but provided no further information, other than he is undergoing medical evaluations.

Mary Jane saved my life:

Val Venis says smoking Marijuana saved his life. He says the pain and damage to his body from his years in the ring had him hooked on pain meds, the marijuana removed his dependency on the drugs, and he has not used any pain meds since 2008.

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