Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Today's News


The ongoing feud between Rusev and Dolph Ziggler, over the affections of Lana, has taken a strange twist. Rusev has begun taking pictures of the couple secretly, the latest of which was an over the shoulder shot of Dolph urinating in the backstage mens room at Raw last night.

Summer Rae is set to join Rusev, as his new valet.


Tyson Kidd will have his surgery this week. He has been told to expect a 14 month lay off from the ring.

Jamie Noble suffered a scary injury during Raw last night. He ws thrown into the barriers by Brock Lesnar and stayed down, several WWE officials at ringside threw up the ''X'' as he was unable to breath, medics rushed down and administered him with oxygen before stretchering him to the back, and into a waiting ambulance. The cameras stayed off the incident as it was happening live. Noble later confirmed he had broken three ribs, and was very scared when he could not catch his breath after the accident. Some are speculating that this is kayfabe to build the feud between Brock and Seth, but every source I have read today say it is legit, Some mainstream media sites also picked up on the injury, and if it was kayfabe WWE would have probably poured cold water on it by now, to avoid the heat. 

Erick Rowan's injury status is still unconfirmed, but sources say it is a serious problem with his arm. He did work other events over the weekend, after suffering the injury, but the injury took it's toll.


John Cena will defend the US title against Kevin Owens at BattleGround.

WWE correct oversight:

WWE have just realised they do not own the TradeMark for one of their top stars Bray Wyatt, they filed papers today to apply for the copyright.

The Rock:

Rock has landed a starring role in a movie adaptation of the classic video game Rampage.

Aries decision time:

Austin Aries TNA deal runs out this Sunday, there is still no word on his decision, will he stay, or will he go???.

Hardy baby:

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky have welcomed their first child into the world. Congratulations.

JBL gets political:

JBL has weighed in on a political storm in the USA state of Carolina. A controversy over use of a flag is at the centre of a media storm in the wake of a shooting incident, and JBL thinks the confederate flag should be banned...

''Gonna be on my friend Jerry Doyle's show tonight talking about Confederate Flag issue. Amazing to me that the flag was born out of biggest treasonous event in our country's history and the core problem was owning another race of human beings as slaves-yet, some want to claim that these four years (1861-1865), that a flag that was never even adopted as the Confederacy Flag is 'their heritage'. A lot of soldiers died for this flag-so did a lot of soldiers die for the Nazi flag, sorry to say those lives were wasted in both cases. The flag came into prominence because of the Klan and white supremacists after the war-some heritage. I think if a person wants to put out  symbol of hate and discrimination and hang it on their private property-they have every right to do so, even though I hate it. But I think government should not be allowed to display it publicly except a museum of history-and only in a case inside. I hope we can move on from something as disgraceful as this flag.''

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