Saturday, June 20, 2015

Today's News

TNA star leaves promotion:

Gunner is no longer employed by TNA, he is accepting indie bookings.

WWE unveil Tough Enough set:

WWE Championship:

Sheamus is penciled in for a run with the WWE Championship, he will take the title after Rollins' planned summer feud with Triple H has run it's course.

Where are they now?:

To promote Tough Enough, WWE have visited one of the first winners of the show, Nidia, for an exclusive interview.

Top WWE star ready to leave:

Dolph Ziggler has told friends unless WWE push him to the stars in the last few months of his current deal, he will quit the company before the end of this year. He has grown frustrated and disillusioned with his status, and hopes to reinvigorate himself with another promotion, as John Morrison did with Lucha Underground.


Ring Of Honour talent are said to be looking at the door. WWE have made it clear they will no longer look at ROH talent, due to their new nationally aired TV show, and many of ROH's finest harbour WWE ambitions.

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