Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Today's News

NXT coach does not like women wrestling:

Sasha Banks says Billy Gunn does not like women's wrestling, but has changed his outlook since working with the NXT ladies.

Hall Of Famer pops for Kevin Owens:

Mick Foley has said of the NXT Champion...

"No matter where I was during the course of my career, I always felt comfortable in knowing that my character was unique and that my matches were going to be different than anyone else's on the card. I really think that if Kevin Owens had been around while I was in my peak that he would have forced me to become a better wrestler - to increase my limited offensive arsenal, and to step up the cardio to keep up with his faster pace. I appreciate that so many people miss me on their TV sets each week, but I'm not really gone. Kevin Owens is a faster, stronger, more aggressive version of me who you can see each week on WWE Raw and WWE SmackDown. So does Foley fear Owens? In a way. I'm afraid that when wrestling's history book is written and the topic of top wrestlers with unorthodox body types is discussed, that my name will no longer be first on the list!."

McMahon takes note:

Linda McMahon was in the crowd taking notes during Raw last night.

ECW icons reunite:

Nova, of ECW fame (Simon Dean) will reunite with Blue Meanie and Stevie Richards for Chikara's trios tournament in September. He has up until now been retired from the biz, including turning down a WWE DVD appearance with his BWO buddies, and is working in a bank.

TNA no longer recognised by PWI:

PWI have decided that the TNA World Championship is no longer a relevant title. They say from now on they will only recognise the WWE Championship as THE World title.

WWE censor match:

WWE censored Cesaro on Raw last night. During a series of uppercuts the Swiss flipped his opponent John Cena the bird, WWE blacked the screen out to cover his actions.

Show talks ring crushing spot:

"We did a spot right before we broke the ring where we're both down and they shoot a close up of both of us selling. In that time, Ellis (Edwards, WWE Stunt Coordinator) had airbags under the ring. So they had lifted the ring a couple inches. When I'm standing on that top corner, that ring is like standing on marbles. Because it's moving. Of course now I've got my fat ass up in the air, 500 pounds on a not very stable surface. So then the ring broke. You don't know how the stunt is going to look. It was so perfectly timed the way we did it and Ellis did a great job of setting up. That thing collapsed and everybody they bought it so long. This is the first time I've admitted the truth that that was a rigged angle," Show explained. "On hundreds of interviews, I have lied right through my teeth and said it's a shoot. But if you get a chance to suspend people's reality just for an instant, for a second, it's good for them."


Sheamus has marked the 6th anniversary of his WWE debut today.

Uso coming back:

Jey Uso says he is getting close to a WWE return following injury. He has been gone since Mania.


This weeks Raw was the least viewed of 2015.

Colt Cabana:

Colt Cabana has agreed to appear for GFW in the coming weeks, and also got a name check from a presidential interviewer this week. Mark Maron thanked Colt, amongst others, as he closed a podcast interview with Barack Obama.

UFC fail:

UFC have mis-spelt CM Punk's first official shirt, they missed a ''L'' in Phillip.

Finally... Happy 30th Cody Rhodes.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Today's News



  1. Tigre Uno bt Manik and DJ Z.
  2. Robbie E. bt Jessie Godderz.
  3. Bram by Matt Morgan.
  4. Austin Aries bt Davey Richards.
  5. Awesome Kong & Brooke Tessmacher bt Taryn Terrell, Jade & Marti Belle.
  6. James Storm bt Magnus.
  7. Ethan Carter III & Tyrus bt Bobby Lashley & Mr. Anderson.
  8. Jeff Jarrett bt Matt Hardy, Eric Young, Drew Galloway and Bobby Roode.


  • The King Of The Mountain title is not a new belt, it is the old TV title re-named.
  • Eric Young got huge heat for telling TNA fans on Twitter to ''Go f*ck'' themselves. He did not enjoy some critical comments about the show.
  • Kurt Angle was backstage.

WWE wedding:

Neville took time off WWE this week to get married.


Injured NXT star Bayley is getting her tat signed by kids at live events, she is building quite a collection of young fans autographs.

Raw teaser:

  • Is Rollins unstoppable with The Authority back on his side?
  • Should Ryback fear Big Show (and The Miz)?
  • Has Bray Wyatt thrown Roman Reigns off his game?
  • What's going on between Rusev and Summer Rae?
  • Are Cena's days as United States Champion numbered?

Hall Of Famer wants WWE job:

Superstar Billy Graham wants to take over Dusty Rhodes job as promo coach at the WWE PC.

Rollins responds:

Seth Rollins says he has never heard of, or understands why, he was banned from a music festival this weekend.

Nikki record:

Nikki Bella is now the second longest reigning Diva's Champion.

Former star retires:

Serena Deeb has announced she will work her retirement match on July 10.

Cena nominated:

John Cena has been named as a nominee for the Humanitarian of the year award, in the sports category.

Aries signs:

Austin Aries has signed for a talent agency, 24 hours after working his last TNA match.


Alex Shelley has announced he is returning to ROH.

TNA champ signs for GFW:

As predicted earlier in the week Magnus has signed for Jeff Jarrett's GFW today.

Brodus blasts Cena:

Brodus Clay / Tyrus is not happy about Cena joking about Clay's past WWE gimmick on Raw recently...

"Cena ran his mouth a couple weeks ago that I was lumped in with the XFL, son of a b---h, and I was like the XFL was cool. And listen, the only difference between him and P.N. News is that he got a push, because he wasn't the first rapping gimmick. He wasn't the first guy with a chain, he just won some titles. If he didn't he's just white P.N. News." "It's good. He wants to do an open challenge, keep running your mouth you know, you'll see the US Title in TNA. I'll keep it for as long as I want to. But yeah I mean it's one of those things where you know what my name's being dropped in three wrestling promotions in one week, why not."

Ziggler changes mind again:

After confirming he was staying with WWE yesterday Dolph has today said he has NOT signed a deal with WWE, and that he is still thinking about his future.

"What I wanna do is make myself a bigger asset to WWE. If it involves leaving, that would crush me but it might."

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Today's News

New name for Adam Rose:

Adam Rose says he will be known as ''Hot Hot'' Adam Rose from now on.

No invasion:

Speculation that some of the recent TNA departures are going to GFW only to return for the hyped GFW invasion of TNA are apparently not true. Magnus and James Storm are out of contract next week, and both decided not to re-sign, and Low Ki was released at his request.

TNA Hall Of Fame:

Jeff Jarrett will be the 2015 TNA Hall Of Famer, Dixie Carter has confirmed. The ceremony will be on July 29.


Kurt Angle has dropped the TNA title as he needs surgery on his neck. He has a tumour that must be removed. Early reports have his recovery time set at three weeks.

Aries decides:

Austin Aries is leaving TNA after Slammiversary tonight. He lost a loser must leave match at last nights TNA TV's. The match will air in late July / early August.

Rock live:

The Rock turned up unannounced at a WWE live in Boston last night, he cut a promo for the raucous crowd, and had a spot with Bo Dallas in the ring.


Here is tonights Slammiversary card...

  • King of the Mountain Match - Jeff Jarrett vs. Matt Hardy vs. Bobby Roode vs. Eric Young vs. Drew Galloway.
  • Handicap Match - Awesome Kong and Brooke Tessmacher vs. Jade, Marti and Taryn Terrell.
  • Unsanctioned Match - James Storm vs. Magnus.
  • Winner Chooses Stipulation for Impact Tag Title Match - Austin Aries vs. Davey Richards.
  • Ethan Carter III and Tyrus vs. Bobby Lashley and Mr. Anderson.
  • Robbie E vs. Jessie Godderz.
  • Matt Morgan vs. Bram.


R-Truth will release ''The Ron Killings LP'' in the next few weeks.

Punk causes heat:

CM Punk has stirred a Twitter controversy after responding to a UFC fighter criticising the gay marriage vote in the United States. He tweeted...

''Can't recall any instances in the bible of Jesus having sex of any kind. So maybe he is gay?''

Then followed with a picture of himself, with long hair and a beard, saying he, in fact, may be gay Jesus.

Shawn / JR UK tour highlights:

  • Shawn came up with the Ric Flair Mania match himself, and Flair went along with his plans for his retirement match.
  • Flair did not want to do the retirement match, and WWE picked Shawn as the guy to finish his career.
  • JR criticised his performance on the mic during that match.
  • JR says he has never watched WrestleMania 17, and probably never will.
  • Shawn denied the planned 1993 - 1994 feud with Randy Savage, which was set to lead to Macho's retirement. He said WWF never asked him to do anything with Savage, bar a UK match in 1992.
  • Shawn denied that he was set to face Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania 22, had Eddie not died six months earlier.
  • Shawn says he repeatedly turned down World title runs during his second WWE run (02 - 06) because of the schedule a champion would need to keep to.
  • Shawn says he has turned down the ''Major role'' WWE asked him to do at next years WrestleMania.
  • JR was critical of commentators who like to know the results of matches in advance, he says it affects the reality of the call.
  • JR revealed he heard about Dusty Rhodes death as he was in the WWE offices, taping a talking head piece for the new Owen Hart DVD. He received 45 messages on his mobile phone, which kept interrupting the shoot.

Hogan sex tape:

The FBI have revealed there is 3 copies of the DVD, and a number of CD's of audio footage in relation to the case, set to be put before a court, as Hogan seeks damages for libel from Gawker.

Show vs Booker:

Big Show has revealed he once almost got into a fight with Booker T. He was training at the WCW Power Plant, and Booker was acting as a guest coach, he decided to ride the ass of the biggest guy in the room, Show got sick of being singled out and they scuffled, but did not really get into it, which, he says, was a good thing, as Booker would have destroyed him.

Rollins banned:

Seth Rollins has been banned from a music festival (Photo).

Tough Enough star denies using sexuality to gain support on show:

Dana says her decision to come out was spontaneous...

"That was not thought about. I didn't even consider it, to be honest. I did talk to my girlfriend before I left in California and I said, 'Hey if it comes up, do you mind if I tell the truth?' She was like, 'Absolutely tell the truth.' [But] I didn't sit down and think, 'Oh, how can I make the judges like me? Let me tell them I'm a lesbian.' I would never artificially plan like that. It wasn't premeditated. I think that's what made the moment so special. "I've gotten so much generosity and so much love so far. People from all kinds of LGBT organizations reaching out saying, 'what you did was amazing, thank you for representing our families,' and that kind of stuff. I just couldn't be happier with the way it worked out. I never could have planned such an epic moment."

Ziggler confirms status:

Dolph Ziggler has signed with WWE, he revealed why today...

"I mean, it feels like I started here, I should end my career in the WWE. I feel like they like having me around and I love working here, so it would be really hard to walk away."

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Today's News

WWE good deed:

A 92 year old missed this weeks SmackDown after taking ill, and being admitted into hospice care. A member of her care team reached out to WWE to convey her sadness at missing the show, as she had been a fan for years, and The New Day responded with a get well video message for the lady. She was thrilled, telling her carer...

"Wasn't that nice? It sure was, something I will always remember. They are wonderful guys, wonderful guys, they sure are great!."

WWE will also give a dying wish to a 71 year old man this weekend. He had battled a stroke, heart attack, triple bypass surgery, lung and colon cancer, and won, only to be diagnosed with an untreatable cancer in his back. He has two months to live, and has always wanted to attend a WWE show, his Granddaughter contacted a charitable organisation, who relayed her story to WWE. The gent will attend a live this weekend, and will even get to meet his favourite star Roman Reigns in the back after the show.

WWE name 25 greatest stars of the millennium:

  1. John Cena
  2. The Undertaker
  3. Triple H
  4. Edge
  5. Shawn Michaels
  6. The Rock
  7. Brock Lesnar
  8. Randy Orton
  9. Daniel Bryan
  10. Rey Mysterio
  11. Batista
  12. Chris Jericho
  13. Kurt Angle
  14. Kane
  15. Big Show
  16. CM Punk
  17. Rob Van Dam
  18. The Shield
  19. Eddie Guerrero
  20. Jeff Hardy
  21. Trish Stratus
  22. Booker T
  23. The Miz
  24. Lita
  25. Stone Cold Steve Austin

New title for TNA:

TNA have announced the new King Of The Mountain Championship belt will be won on Sunday.

TNA pay issues return:

TNA have told all of their production personnel that they will be paid late again this month, this added to last months cheques, which will not be paid until July 25. The Harris Twins told any staff that were not happy about the situation to shake their hand and walk away from the company, it has not been made public if anyone did.

Jeff Jarrett:

Jeff Jarrett's people have poured cold water on the TNA buyout rumours, and also say there has been no talks at this stage about TNA Hall Of Fame induction.


Dave Meltzer is reporting that a top TNA star will turn his back on TNA to sign for GFW after this Sunday's PPV. He claims Magnus will be announced as a GFW star sometime next week. James Storm will also bid farewell in the same match, he has reportedly asked for his release, and has had it granted.

Major celeb attends indie show:

Sofia Vergara was in the crowd at a Pro Wrestling Guerilla show last night.

Big Show says he told Floyd Mayweather to break his nose:

"I was used to getting punched in the face, if that makes any sense. I went to him and said 'look, I'm so much bigger than you, you're going to need to break my nose,' and he looks and me and goes 'what?' and I said if he didn't break my nose that we're dead in the water. We had to get people talking, because who's dumb enough to let a boxer break their nose?."

Ziggler sparks rumours:

Dolph Ziggler was announced as a professional comedian, and made no comment about his WWE career, as he usually would, for a comedy gig last night. He later tweeted that ''Marks'' were giving him heat, not believing his retirement rumours, then started congratulating him on rumours of his new WWE deal, implying the story is untrue.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Today's News

Jarrett to buy TNA?:

WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross says Jeff Jarrett's return to TNA is a smart business move for two desperate promotions, but predicts that it will lead to something interesting, he says it makes sense to have an invasion angle, for the benefit of both groups, but predicts that in the long term Jeff Jarrett will make a play at buying TNA out from the current owners, and adds that his friend, musician Toby Keith, would be likely to back Jarrett's bid financially...

''Looking at the bigger picture it would seem to be that both TNA and GFW need each other right now. Neither are on top of their game as TNA is rebuilding on a weak network while Jeff's GFW is just being launched and has no momentum. If the two organizations can reprise an 'invasion angle' that can lead to a fresh, major storyline for Wednesday night TV and then bleed over to the GFW live events then it can perhaps become a win-win for both parties. Another possibility is for the Jarrett's to go back into business with TNA to the extent of perhaps even buying the brand. If Jeff and my Oklahoma friend and neighbor Toby Keith can get the right business deal then money is no object in buying the maligned brand outright and taking it to a new direction and hitting the re-set button which is what I would do including getting rid of the any thing resembling TNA in the name of the company. Toby and I are good friends and he is a wrestling fan but is foremost a savvy businessman. Toby will not make a bad deal because he doesn't long to be a wrestling company owner but he does like to make money and people with money love to make "new" money.''

As part of Jarrett's return deal, he has struck an agreement for TNA talent to work for GFW, the partnership will start at the July 24 live events.

WWE games:

2K have promised 120 unique playable characters on this years WWE game, and, they say, that will not include multiple versions of a single star, as in the past.

Rock reaches out:

The Rock has contacted Tyson Kidd to wish him well in his recovery. Tyson has left the hospital today, he and Natalya are celebrating their second anniversary.

HOF'er in surgery:

Bruno Sammartino has been in hospital for a month and has had back surgery this week, he is recovering well, and is now at home.


Paige rescued a cat this week, she has named it Dusty, in tribute to Dusty Rhodes.


TNA will change two championships next month, and Tigre Uno may have been injured in a title defense of the X title, at last nights block of tapings.


Bully Ray will return to TNA at tonights tapings, this time as a full return, not a one off, as he did earlier this year.

Shawn Michaels:

Shawn Michaels says he is on good terms with Marty Jannetty and Bret Hart, and they text and talk occasionally. He also named the top five stars he would like to work with...

  • Daniel Bryan
  • Seth Rollins
  • Dean Ambrose
  • CM Punk
  • Sting

Big Show critical of WWE creative:

Big Show told Chris Jericho that he is ''Dizzy'' from all of his face / heel turns. He has had 20 in his 16 year WWE career, and says that sometimes he wakes up not knowing if he should be ''Smiling like a goofball'', or looking like he hadn't ''Taken a crap for two weeks''.

Rey signs major deal:

Rey Mysterio has signed a deal with Paramount pictures, to work as an ambassador for the company in Mexico.

WWE fight for Sting:

WWE have filed an opposition to an Australian company attempting to TradeMark the word ''Sting'' for their company name, which is re-locating to the US.

Erick Rowan:

Rowan may be gone longer than previously thought, he is expected to be out for 6 months.

Sabu taunts Show:

Sabu has tweeted a dig at Big Show today...

''I really liked wrestling dudes way bigger than me .. The bigger they R the louder they stooge you off to Vince.''

Bo Dallas:

Bo Dallas is celebrating his first wedding anniversary today.

Ziggler decides future:

Dolph Ziggler has reportedly ended speculation on his future and re-signed with WWE. He had been quoted $350,000 - $400,000 as his expected earnings away from WWE, and the chance to work a reduced schedule, but apparently decided his new Network show, and sponsorship deal with Tapout clothing, was too good to walk away from.

WWE sign Brazilian:

WWE have signed V8 Big Block after a tryout camp in Brazil, he has made the move to the USA.

Indie star reveals sexuality:

Matt Cage has taken to Facebook to come out as gay, he said he wanted to keep his private life just that, but has grown tired of never ending speculation about him, and reluctantly released a long statement asking for understanding and acceptance.

WWE served again:

The original Doink The Clown's wife has filed a wrongful death suit against WWE, after Matt Bourne's 2013 death. She says WWE were negligent, and fraudulent and mis-treated her husband during his career with them.


Cora Combs has died aged 92.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Today's News

One hour man:

Great Khali insists he is still employed by WWE, has no intention of retiring soon, but when he does he will start making Bollywood movies, and that he can't run anymore, but could work a one hour match, if given the opportunity.

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd's neck surgery is done, and he is now in recovery. He has been given a 12-14 month recovery time. Natalya has been taken off the live tour to care for him, and Titus O'Neill was the first WWE star to visit him in his hospital bed, many others followed suit as the day wore on.

WWE on tour:

WWE have sent the Lucha Dragons to Mexico on a promotional trip, and Emma is in Australia.

Tough Enough's first casualty talks lack of reality on the show:

Hank Avery refused to accept the confusing voting system, or lack of contact with the judges, for his elimination from the Tough Enough show, but was not happy with how he was portrayed by the editing team...

"I got eliminated last night and a lot of people having been pouring in on Twitter and Facebook and social media saying how they don't really like the voting and that the WWE didn't explain it enough. Excuses nonetheless. I think there was some confusion about how to vote but at the end of the day no one got anywhere based off excuses. We met Hulk Hogan, Paige and Daniel Bryan for the first time last night. We had not come in contact with them until last night on the show. As for the audience at home, I can act myself 100 percent of the time, which I did on the show, but it's reality TV and the people behind the camera, they have to mold certain people certain ways just to make it interesting. Unfortunately, I got labeled as someone I'm not. That's life for you. The people back home that know me and the other people in that house, the other twelve contestants, they know I'm not like that. They were just as sad to see me go. They were great people and real genuine characters."

Torrie Wilson:

Torrie Wilson has discussed her backstage incident with Sable, she says she could see why Sable did not take to her...

"She was the queen when she was in WWE, and then she was brought in to help promote my Playboy appearance."

She also refused to confirm that the Diva's title was originally going to be hers first, but said, after a long WWE career, she would have liked to have held a title, at least once.

Hideo Itami:

Hideo Itami has confirmed he will be out for 3-4 months, with a shoulder injury.

TNA founder returns:

GFW boss Jeff Jarrett shocked the wrestling world by turning up at last night's TNA show. TNA have since confirmed he will compete at Slammiversary, in King Of The Mountain. This has led to speculation he will also become this years TNA Hall Of Famer, and that Jarrett will lead a GFW invasion of TNA.

Vader also appeared, Tigre Uno won the X Title, and Hernandez returned, he had been working for LU.

Matt Morgan has ended his self imposed retirement, and will also compete for TNA this Sunday vs Bram. Velvet Sky is also back.

Former WWE star Serena debuted in a post show dark match, but Low Ki went the other way, he tweeted he has decided to leave.

Everybody loves Dolph:

Since Dolph Ziggler's potential WWE departure became public knowledge TNA, Lucha Underground, and New Japan Pro have expressed interest in signing the show off. His current WWE deal ends before the end of 2015.

Ziggler is reportedly looking at what is out there for him, should he step away from the 'E'.


Erick Rowan is out for at least four months with torn biceps. If he has surgery that lay off would be extended.

WWE offer contract.

Pro Wrestling NOAH stars Mikey Nicholls and Shane Haste have been offered WWE deals after a tryout.

Bryan retired:

Dave Meltzer has broken the true story of Daniel Bryan's injury, and future in the sport (He claims). He says Daniel's real injury is concussion, and problems relating to it's symptoms. He says the injury happened in a match vs Sheamus shortly after Mania 31, and that WWE put the story of his arm injury out to cover up the truth because of the concussion lawsuits. He compared the severity of the injury to the concussion Bret Hart suffered at the hands of Goldberg in WCW, that injury did end the career of the Hitman (Bar his brief WWE return in 2010).

I'll save TNA:

Vince Russo has offered to work for free for TNA to help save the company from the ''Slow death'' the current officials are presiding over.

WWE creative writer speaks out:

An un-named WWE writer has talked about the constraints imposed upon them by WWE, in particular being forced to book mid card talent on long losing streaks, and not having the option to vary the results for lesser used talents like Zack Ryder and Heath Slater, to add different layers to their programming. He also bemoaned the pasting the tag team division is facing, with three teams forced to split due to injuries.

Second chance for TE reject:

Don Arner had to leave the first day of the Tough Enough auditions camp after developing concussion like symptoms. He was cleared after an impact test, but was unable to keep up with the other hopefuls after the knock. WWE have taken heart, and have given him a spot on the September tryout camp at the PC.

Dusty Rhodes:

Cody Rhodes bought his wife Eden a pair of black and yellow shoes for her 32nd birthday this week, she wore them at this weeks TV's as tribute to her father-in-law, who died earlier this month.

WWE trainee released:

WWE have had to release one of their PC students due to concussion related injuries. Kamel Dickinson says the problems have dogged him since his ROH days. He went on to announce his retirement from the sport.

Hogan sex tape:

Gawker have won their case against the FBI in relation to the Hulk Hogan sex tape. They responded by releasing some potentially damaging, and certainly embarrassing E-Mails about the film. I won't share them here because they claim Hogan made statements during the tape that would destroy his case against them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Today's News

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus.
  • Alicia Fox vs Naomi.
  • Kane vs Ryback.
  • Bo Dallas & New Day vs Lucha Dragons & Prime Time Players.
  • Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins.

Tag Champ furious with WWE:

Darren Young has blasted WWE for blurring out his boyfriends face from a recent WWE Network show.

Tough Enough:

Hank Avery was the victim of the first elimination on Tough Enough last night. He was put up for the vote by Daniel Bryan, who was offended by him calling another contestant too small, Bryan said the contestant in question was bigger than him.

The show scored poor numbers, down 63% on the first episode of the last season.

Night with JR / Shawn Michaels highlights:

  • Shawn revealed Sherri used to shoot kick opponents of Shawn's if they were not selling enough for him in matches, during their time together.
  • JR said the current ladies should spend less time shopping, and more watching tapes of the likes of Sherri, to improve their craft.
  • JR revealed Brock did not want to beat the streak, and urged WWE to change the result.
  • Shawn said he refused to be a part of an angle at Mania 30 because he did not like the fans response to Brock Lesnar. He was supposed to go to the ring to help Daniel Bryan celebrate his title win, but left the arena early.

Tyson Kidd:

Tyson Kidd is scheduled to have his surgery today.

Jarrett teases major news for GFW:

Jeff Jarrett has been tweeting teases for a major announcement coming for his GFW promotion all day, he says the deal is currently in legals hands, but when everything was signed off, he would break the news.

Former WWE star arrested:

Nicole Bass has been arrested for stealing 160 items from a store in New York, she put the items in her bag, and made no effort to pay. At her court hearing she was told to keep clean for 6 months, and ordered to untertake counselling.

Hall Of Famer's book cancelled:

The Iron Sheik's biog has been pulled from release, the publishers have announced.


Paige has denied having a boob job. She says she just wore a really good bra at the Tough Enough taping yesterday.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Today's News


The ongoing feud between Rusev and Dolph Ziggler, over the affections of Lana, has taken a strange twist. Rusev has begun taking pictures of the couple secretly, the latest of which was an over the shoulder shot of Dolph urinating in the backstage mens room at Raw last night.

Summer Rae is set to join Rusev, as his new valet.


Tyson Kidd will have his surgery this week. He has been told to expect a 14 month lay off from the ring.

Jamie Noble suffered a scary injury during Raw last night. He ws thrown into the barriers by Brock Lesnar and stayed down, several WWE officials at ringside threw up the ''X'' as he was unable to breath, medics rushed down and administered him with oxygen before stretchering him to the back, and into a waiting ambulance. The cameras stayed off the incident as it was happening live. Noble later confirmed he had broken three ribs, and was very scared when he could not catch his breath after the accident. Some are speculating that this is kayfabe to build the feud between Brock and Seth, but every source I have read today say it is legit, Some mainstream media sites also picked up on the injury, and if it was kayfabe WWE would have probably poured cold water on it by now, to avoid the heat. 

Erick Rowan's injury status is still unconfirmed, but sources say it is a serious problem with his arm. He did work other events over the weekend, after suffering the injury, but the injury took it's toll.


John Cena will defend the US title against Kevin Owens at BattleGround.

WWE correct oversight:

WWE have just realised they do not own the TradeMark for one of their top stars Bray Wyatt, they filed papers today to apply for the copyright.

The Rock:

Rock has landed a starring role in a movie adaptation of the classic video game Rampage.

Aries decision time:

Austin Aries TNA deal runs out this Sunday, there is still no word on his decision, will he stay, or will he go???.

Hardy baby:

Matt Hardy and Reby Sky have welcomed their first child into the world. Congratulations.

JBL gets political:

JBL has weighed in on a political storm in the USA state of Carolina. A controversy over use of a flag is at the centre of a media storm in the wake of a shooting incident, and JBL thinks the confederate flag should be banned...

''Gonna be on my friend Jerry Doyle's show tonight talking about Confederate Flag issue. Amazing to me that the flag was born out of biggest treasonous event in our country's history and the core problem was owning another race of human beings as slaves-yet, some want to claim that these four years (1861-1865), that a flag that was never even adopted as the Confederacy Flag is 'their heritage'. A lot of soldiers died for this flag-so did a lot of soldiers die for the Nazi flag, sorry to say those lives were wasted in both cases. The flag came into prominence because of the Klan and white supremacists after the war-some heritage. I think if a person wants to put out  symbol of hate and discrimination and hang it on their private property-they have every right to do so, even though I hate it. But I think government should not be allowed to display it publicly except a museum of history-and only in a case inside. I hope we can move on from something as disgraceful as this flag.''

Monday, June 22, 2015

Today's News

TNA lose another star:

Samuel Shaw has departed TNA. He thanked them for giving him the chance to shine.

Fan incident:

A fan jumped the barrier and climbed up onto the apron during a tag team match last night. He stood alongside Titus O'Neill momentarily, but the Tag champ ''Forcibly removed him'' from the ring.

The Patriot movie:

Del Wilkes is the latest star to launch a Kickstarter to raise money for a documentary on his life and career...

"This is the whole story. This isn't just about The Patriot or Del Wilkes the professional wrestler. This story starts at birth. It starts with my Mom and Dad and goes all the way back to my grandparents. It covers my high school football, college football and my very brief NFL career and transitions right into my wrestling career. Also some of the dark periods that happened after my wrestling career was over it and brings us up to this very day. I think there really is a story here for people. No matter who you are or no matter how successful you've been if you make some bad decisions you can put yourself in bad situations and this shows that there can be life after those dark moments. I think it is an inspirational story that people can take from. Especially those who may be struggling in life."


WWE Alum Kaitlyn has opened a smoothie bar in Florida, with her husband.

Raw tease:

  • Will The Architect crumble before WWE Battleground?
  • Is Paige fighting a battle she can't win?
  • Will John Cena address Kevin Owens' U.S. Title challenge?
  • Are Bray Wyatt's mind games working on Roman Reigns?
  • Has the sun set on The New Day?

Tough Enough reject gets another chance:

One of the final seven stars cut from Tough Enough will be back at the WWE PC in September, Samantha Sage has been offered an audition for the Diva Search contest.

TNA dropped:

Australian TV channel Main Event have announced they will no longer air TNA after the Slammiversary special.

Joe leaves ROH:

Samoa Joe has confirmed he is now exclusive to WWE, he cut a long and passionate speech after the ROH show this weekend, saying goodbye.

Davey Richards interview:

Davey Richards says he has healed his rift with ROH, and discussed his hectic schedule...

"Yeah, I work as a full-time firefighter-paramedic while I'm with TNA. I just fell asleep. That's pretty much the way to sum it all up, I'm in school full time as well. I drink a lot of coffee, that's pretty much the way I handle that. I enjoy wrestling, I enjoy medicine and I enjoy helping people. But I drink a lot of coffee."

Chyna pleads for meeting:

Chyna has revealed why she turned up at WWE HQ, and has asked for forgiveness from WWE...

"I have gone to WWE offices to try to get a meeting to discuss these issues personally with Hunter and Vince, and I would really like to open the dialogue, and have an audience with them to make that happen. Hunter and Vince, may I please have a meeting so we can make amends and bury the hatchet?."


Erick Rowan was injured this weekend and is undergoing medical evaluation to determine the severity.


Ryback vs Big Show vs The Miz for the Intercontinental Championship has been announced for the next WWE special, and Prime Time Players will give The New Day a rematch for the Tag Team gold.


Buddy Landel has died aged 53. He was involved in a car accident this weekend, but was determined not to need further treatment, however he was found unresponsive at his home today, and was pronounced dead at the hospital.

WWE paid tribute...

''WWE is saddened to learn of the passing of William Ansor, aka "Nature Boy" Buddy Landel.

Landel made his in-ring debut in 1979, performing in regional promotions before signing in 1985 with the NWA's Jim Crockett Promotions. With flowing blond locks, glittering robes and WWE Hall of Famer J.J. Dillon in his corner, Landel set his sights on then-NWA World Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Though he left Crockett Promotions by the end of the year, Landel left his mark, defeating Terry Taylor at Starrcade 1985 to capture the NWA National Championship.

Landel continued to compete in various promotions in Tennessee and Alabama, then returned to the NWA in 1990 to face off with Flair in a "Battle of the Nature Boys," before moving on to compete in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. He also made brief appearances in WWE in 1995 and 1996. 

WWE extends its condolences to Landel's family, friends and fans.''

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Today's News

JR speaks out:

Jim Ross has revealed Vince McMahon's biggest issue...

"Vince can't control his sneezing, like all of us, and he doesn't like things occurring that he can't control. Many of us found it a source of humor."

And he is not impressed with ROH...

"I am a ROH fan but they wrestle too fast, sell too little and need to slow their pace so that when they hit the next gear it means more."

HBK lands movie role:

Shawn Michaels has filmed his scenes for "The Resurrection of Gavin Stone" this weekend.

Bret Hart blames Samoa Joe:

Bret Hart has blamed Samoa Joe for the serious injury that has befallen Tyson Kidd, he says the muscle buster finisher is ''Dangerous'' and WWE need to look at it's future use, for the safety of their talent.

Most extreme promo ever?:

WWE Alum Justin Gabriel has cut a promo for an indie group in Canada whilst skydiving...

WWE dig at Punk?:

Fan reports suggest Brad Maddox dressed as CM Punk for a match vs Jack Swagger last night.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Today's News

TNA star leaves promotion:

Gunner is no longer employed by TNA, he is accepting indie bookings.

WWE unveil Tough Enough set:

WWE Championship:

Sheamus is penciled in for a run with the WWE Championship, he will take the title after Rollins' planned summer feud with Triple H has run it's course.

Where are they now?:

To promote Tough Enough, WWE have visited one of the first winners of the show, Nidia, for an exclusive interview.

Top WWE star ready to leave:

Dolph Ziggler has told friends unless WWE push him to the stars in the last few months of his current deal, he will quit the company before the end of this year. He has grown frustrated and disillusioned with his status, and hopes to reinvigorate himself with another promotion, as John Morrison did with Lucha Underground.


Ring Of Honour talent are said to be looking at the door. WWE have made it clear they will no longer look at ROH talent, due to their new nationally aired TV show, and many of ROH's finest harbour WWE ambitions.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Today's News

Tough Enough:

Tough Enough cast off Mike Hayes, a former serviceman, who has only one leg, has been offered a spot at the WWE PC whenever he feels ready to take it. He withdrew himself from the Tough Enough try out due to health concerns, but WWE were impressed with what they saw of him.

WWE have also announced constant live footage of the TE cast going through their training will be available through a new online app called Periscope.

Buyout complete?

WWE's pursuit of the WWN family of indie promotions may have come to fruition. Evolve star Johnny Gargano worked last nights NXT tapings, despite still being contracted to WWN.

Rock vs Austin:

The Rock and Steve Austin's reality shows are up against each other for an Emmy.


Don West has joined GFW.

WWE furious with indie twins:

A pair of twin brothers booked onto this weeks WWE tryout have walked out after the first day of trials. Today was set to be cardio day, and the two men are not at the peak of physical fitness, possibly pushing them into making the decision to bounce. WWE are furious, they pay for talent to attend these camps, including travel, and hotel accommodation, and they only make so many places available on these camps, they feel these two boys have wasted spots that could have gone to more deserving individuals. Do not expect Dustin and Derek Mehl to be given a second chance at the big leagues.

NXT stars injury updates:

Sami Zayn has confirmed he is out for the rest of this year, and Hideo Itami will appear at the supershow in Japan next month, but will not start his return to wrestling for 4 months.


WWE have listed a number of new DVD's currently under consideration for release on home video...

  • "OMG! ECW's Top 50 Craziest Moments...

"OMG! It's back and this time with by far the craziest moments to date, as ECW rears its head on this series. ECW was extreme and there is no shortage of OMG moments throughout its history. Hear exclusive interviews from ECW legends as they tell stories behind some of the craziest moments in ECW history!"

  • Dudley Boyz Bio

"Arguably the most successful tag team in the history of sports entertainment. Hear from Bubba Ray and D-Von as they discuss theirs trials and tribulations from the bottom to the top and what made they did that helped them become so successful."

  • The Best of 1996 – Twenty Years Later

"WWE goes in depth with one of the greatest years in sports entertainment – N.W.O. takes over WCW; The Iron Man Match at WrestleMania 12; Steve Austin's rise as Stone Cold, The Rock makes his Debut; and ECW has some of best talent in the business like Mick Foley, Steve Austin and Chris Jericho, but lose them all to the bigger companies. Listen to all the important players from one of the most important years in sports entertainment history!"

  • WrestleMania III

"The story behind possibly the greatest, and most important event in WWE history. Now go behind the scenes, and get the stories from the people who were there as the largest event in WWE history unfolded."

  • WWE's Greatest Rivalries: Tazz vs. Sabu

"Tazz and Sabu – two of the biggest names in ECW history, had one of the hottest rivalries in ECW, both inside and outside the squared circle. These two did not exactly get along, but still had great chemistry inside the ring, that translated to some of the biggest matches and moments in ECW history. Now for the first time ever, listen to both of them discuss how it got to a boiling point… and discuss what worked, what didn't worked and why their rivalry was so successful."

  • New Generation

"Before the Attitude Era was able to gain huge popularity, a new generation of Superstars set the tone. Stars like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Diesel and Razor Ramon were young, athletic, brash and ready to take over the world. Now hear from as them, as they tell you what it took to bring the WWE out of the doldrums of the early 90s, into the greatest successful time period in WWE history."

  • True Story of Royal Rumble

"A behind the scenes look at the event that sets the stage for WWE's biggest stage at WrestleMania… Hear from the winners and losers, and the creator of the most intense match in WWE."

  • WWE's Greatest Rivalries Eric Bischoff vs. Vince McMahon

"Sports entertainment was at its peak during the 1990s, and was dubbed the Monday Night War, as the two hottest brands battled in a ratings war for supremacy on Monday nights. Now listen as the head of both shows sit down and discuss this pivotal time period in the industry."

  • WWE Hardcore

"A look back at the 4 years (1998 – 2002) of the most extreme WWE title of them all. Classic matches involving champions like Mick Foley, Hardcore Holly, and Rob Van Dam including classic moments with Crash Holly – it's all here, and it's all Hardcore!"

  • Countdown

"Counting down the top ten … Catchphrases, Entrances, Tag Teams, Finishing Moves, Villains …. It's all here! Now own the first ten episodes of the Countdown Series on the WWE Network!"

  • Unreleased Match Compilation

The WWE librarians have dug and searched and found exclusive, never before seen matches from some of the greatest competitors in WWE history – Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, the Undertaker, The Rock, and many more!"

  • Rivalries

"Personal issues, historic battles, friends become enemies – it's all here in WWE Network's series – Rivalries. Relive the rivalries between Vince and Stone Cold, Hogan vs. Piper, Dusty vs. Flair – they're all here!"

  • Podcasts

"Stone Cold and Chris Jericho bring out the tough questions to the biggest brass in WWE – Vince McMahon, Triple H and John Cena! Now own these full episodes on DVD!"

  • WrestleMania Rewind

"Now get a chance to own the first ten episodes from the WWE Network series – WrestleMania Rewind! Rewind and Relive the rivalries that lead to some of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time – Hulk vs. Andre, HBK vs. Stone Cold, Owen vs. Bret – they're all here!"

  • Shane McMahon

"Shane McMahon, didn't have a lot of matches, but when he did they were memorable – compiling some of the most amazing and daredevil-like moments in WWE history! Now for the first time ever, relive all of these great moments!"

  • Best of NXT

"NXT has grown to become one of the highlights of WWE television, this DVD will include some of the best matches to date from the Superstars of the future including early matches from Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Rusev, Sami Zayn and more!"

WWE Alum announces wedding plans:

Vickie Guerrero has accepted a proposal of marriage. She was previously married to the late Eddie Guerrero.

Wait for a year:

CM Punk says his UFC trainer has told him he will not sign off on him getting into the Octagon for at least another 12 months, as he still has a lot to learn.

Rock regrets:

The Rock has revealed two moments from his wrestling career that he regrets, one a cancelled tag team match, which would have had him team with a former NFL team mate at WrestleMania, against Triple H and a partner of his choice, the other his debut match. He revealed he had to loan tights from WWE Alum Haku for the match, and they were too big, he added things were popping out here and there throughout the bout.

Daniel Bryan is retired:

That is the view of Hall Of Famer Bret Hart...

"Daniel Bryan is finished. He'll never wrestle again. I don't think he knows it yet. I feel terrible about Daniel Bryan. For all intents and purposes, he had the exact same thing happen to him that happened to me after Bill Goldberg kicked me in the head. One day, you learn it's over. Doctors tell you that you can't wrestle and you'll never wrestle again. I lost millions of dollars because of that. I pray that it's not the same for Daniel Bryan."