Saturday, March 7, 2015

Today's News


Matt Bloom has been given the head coach role with NXT on an interim basis, better known as Albert, A-Train, and more recently Tensai, Bloom had had a 16 year career with WWE off and on, as well as a very successful run in Japan. He retired last year to become a coach and announcer.

The heat on his predecessor is not relenting though, he has today been accused of covering up sexual harassment, and overt racism by his former students. Also word coming out of NXT is the mood in the wake of his departure is jubilant, and everyone is glad to see the back of him.

WWE have confirmed that they accepted DeMott's resignation to the Washington Post, and killed rumours that they quietly moved him into an office job, they say he is no longer affiliated with the promotion in any shape or form.

Taker's return:

WWE continue to tease The Undertaker's return, this time he is the star of their weekly top 10 list...

WWE injury:

Hornswoggle had shoulder surgery today.

My career highlight:

Kane says his best career moment was 17 years ago...

"The highlight of my career, still, is our match at WrestleMania XIV. Despite everything that I've done since that night, despite winning multiple championships, that match is still the highlight. It truly was the culmination of everything we'd been through up to that point, and it was one of the best rivalries WWE has ever seen. To have it all come to a head in our first match at the Show of Shows was just awesome. And, even though Undertaker defeated me, it took him three Tombstones to do it, which had never happened before."

We're talking:

Samoa Joe has confirmed he is talking to WWE, about joining up.

Tommy Dreamer blasts Internet fans:

He is not happy with fans that stream wrestling events online...

''I have to post something that's been eating away at me since Houe of Hardcore 7. It was my 1st IPPV. It was my most successful showing of my brand of what I feel professional wrestling is all about. I couldn't have been happier with how the show came across. Most IPPVS have delays or lost feeds or audio problems. No negative feedback. A fan told me about an illegal streaming server show MY IPPV. I actually contacted the site they said they are a Third party hosting site it is not illegal in their country China so go after the the Daily Motion YouTube and other sites that are showing it & to go F*CK off. Well that put me on a warpath. I know that some countries have no laws with regards to the internet. So if you live in those countries you have immunity from my rage. Anyway I kept on monitoring how many views of my show & it just got me madder & sadder everyday. So I took action . Hired a firm that goes after these people & here is the info. 1.I can do nothing to the actual people who onw the site. However I was able to get the site shut down. Here is the bigger news those scumbags give up the people that ordered them. Email addresses & other info. They also sell that info. To other spam sites. The revenge news for me was most people would get a virus or expose their computer. Remember no laws so when that happens or they take your info you are F*CKED. The end of the day it was 66thousand illegal downloads if you do the math 66,000 X$15 equals $990,000. That changes my life. That changes the landscape of the wrestling buisness. I have a huge long range plan for wrestlers & wrestling fans. With that money it happens and that was just on 1 torrent site. I understand economicallyat times its hard to come up w/ $15. One time I wanted to watch the Royal Rumble my dad said I ain't paying I got 4 of my friends they all kicked in $10 and we had a great time. For the people that support me.I love you so much. For the people that watched my show illegally thanks for the interest I'm honored that 66thousand of you did. I give you a pass. I have hired a company to go after these people & sites & know they give you up. This company works for a cut so they are ruthless & send your info to other companies if they want to go after you on other movies or PPV events you may have illegally viewed. When you watch a movie or DVD plays & they have those piracy isn't a victimless crime advertisements and you think of those BIG companies like WWE UFC SONY Universal DONT CARE. Well I'm a wrestling fan I have always considered us family so here is a picture of victims who suffer for it. THanks for the support I love you guys. Looking forward to a great show on Saturday. Please share this & spread the word.''

Cena tells Diva to leave:

John Cena advises his girlfriend Nikki Bella not to re-sign with WWE, and to move on from the sport, in the next episode of Total Diva's.

New promotion:

Former WWE man Manu has launched a new promotion in Pennsylvania.

Former announcer blasts WWE:

Justin Roberts is angry with WWE for removing a video from his YouTube...

"At the end of my 12 year relationship, there were a lot of things about work that made it hard to want to get on those planes. But on the night that we didn't renew my contract - I left the building and they told me the door was always open. I chose to walk the opposite direction and move on. I left out the negativity in my heart and wrote a positive goodbye and was on my way into the next chapter. The company sent me footage and I put together a reel featuring much of that footage since that's where I was, almost daily for over a decade. My reel was out there and maybe I'd go where the wind blew, but today they pulled that reel off of YouTube. Despite countless hours of their copyrighted YouTube footage uploaded by others, my 5 min reel of my work is pulled. Maybe their legal department isn't busy enough?."

The video has since been restored.

Evan Bourne reveals tough time during injury and suspension lay offs:

"Forget wrestling purgatory, I was in life purgatory. One of the hardest things, as someone who has based his entire life on being an agile athlete, was to be literally stuck on a couch for two years. Going from ninja-like agility to unable to walk up the stairs for 18 months. It was very much a trial of my will and forced me to adapt to a whole different life that I never experienced. I wasn't traveling on the road. I wasn't wrestling. That's something I hadn't done since I was 17 years old. It's hard to change your trajectory in life, and very rarely do you get the chance to sit back and think about where you've been and where you want to go. That's what I was able to do. Being injured physically reminded me that your body is a temporary vessel. However, you have many things that can last a lot longer, like your mind. If you exercise your mind as much as your body, you're going to get a lot more mileage out of everything. I was able to gain certain valuable insight that I was able to use to become the best wrestler I've ever been."

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