Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Today's News

WWE Hall Of Fame:

WWE have announced a new induction category for their Hall Of Fame, dedicated to the memory of 2014 inductee The Ultimate Warrior. They also announced the first recipient of the honour is 8 year old fan, the late Connor The Crusher Michalek. Here is his official induction video...

Dana, Warrior's wife, his declared her pride at the creation of the honour...

"On behalf of my family, we are truly humbled and honored that WWE will present an award in my husband's name each year at the WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony. Connor displayed all of the positive traits that Warrior stood for, and he is the perfect recipient for this inaugural award. I am sure that Warrior is smiling today, knowing that this award is being given to a true warrior."

And Steve, Connor's dad, also shared his family's pride at having their son immortalised by the company he loved so very much...

"My family is forever grateful for the gift that WWE, its Superstars, Divas and executives gave to Connor. They made him smile and encouraged him to continue fighting. His visits backstage, and his time in the ring with Daniel Bryan, brought Connor true joy and undoubtedly extended his life, giving us more time with him. Now, with this award and Connor's Cure, Connor's legacy will live on."

Daniel Bryan and Dana will present the award to the Michalek family at the HOF ceremony later this month.

WrestleMania 31:

Damien Sandow has joined the Battle Royal contestants, so has Sin Cara.

The Undertaker has confirmed he will face Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania.

John Cena vs Rusev for the United States Championship is also official. Lana will likely be going off the road shortly after Mania, she is set to make a movie with Edge.

Stardust has joined the Intercontinental Championship ladder match, meaning no brother vs brother, vs Goldust, again this year.


WWE have released 5 new characters as DLC for $6.99. The Ascension, Paige, Emma and JBL.

Legendary name returning to wrestling:

Stasiak... Shawn Stasiak... remember him???. The multiple time WWE Hardcore Champion has decided to end his 13 year self imposed exile from the wrestling world, and is open to accepting bookings again, he also teased a WWE return, saying ''Anything is possible''.

Double controversy on Raw:

Randy Orton was admonished for flipping Seth Rollins off on Raw last night, which was shown on TV, although WWE did try to cut away quickly, and Rapper Wiz Khalifa confessed to performing live on the show whilst stoned.


WWE are planning on launching a legal action against the NJPW faction The Bullet Club. WWE want to start using the Kliq / NWO (Rock horns, with the two middle fingers touching the thumb) hand gesture for merchandising purposes, and want the NJPW stars to stop using it as their signature taunt.

Khali is coming back:

Great Khali told students at his wrestling school that he is healthy enough, and will soon return to the WWE, and will beat The Undertaker at WrestleMania.

TD star breaks kayfabe:

After taking some heat on social media Paige's new boyfriend, as featured on Total Diva's recently, tweeted the TV show is 1000% real, and followed it with a picture of himself with his real world girlfriend.

TD have since pointed out that the show is taped months in advance, and that Paige and Bradley's relationship has ended since the last series ended, but they were really dating at the time of the episodes taping.

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