Friday, March 27, 2015

Today's News

WrestleMania 31:

Triple H will have a Terminator themed entrance. Scenes from the new movie will play during his walk to the ring, and Hunter will wear the iconic black leather jacket, made famous by upcoming Hall Of Famer, Arnold Schwarzenegger. HHH has spent the early part of this week working one on one with Sting at the PC.

The Hall Of Fame will not be hosted by Eva Marie. Jerry Lawler told Bill Apter that it was ''B/S and Rumour''. There has been a push to raise the glamour of the event, by replacing Lawler for Eva, for more than a month, but Lawler is right, the current script does have him in the hosting role, at the time of this writing.

WWE today unveiled an Ultimate Warrior statue.

Hideo Itami won a spot in the Battle Royal, by winning an NXT tournament.

Steve Austin has decided not to attend Mania, which has upset some officials, they had plans for him at the show. No word on why he has stayed at home.

The set designer for the staging of the show has revealed a taste of what you can expect...

"Expect something different from us. The atmosphere being West Coast and daylight presented some very unique challenges for us to overcome. The structure itself isn't really tied to a particular thing like the city or arena, but we have this really unique thing where we can't hide anything. We have to be open, [because] everybody's going to see everything. I can't do the theater magic and hide the bad parts. So we've had to work really hard. Everything had to tie in and feel like it was part of the image and the structure. It's a unique set, a unique way of lighting the ring because of the sun. You'll see some different search lights around there, and from a lighting point of view and the set, we've had to deal with having full sun on the set because you can't hide anything. You'll see it's a different set from us this year."

WWE sign deal:

WWE and musician Gene Simmons have paired up to form Erebus Pictures. The focus of the new project will be to create horror movies.

I'm not done:

Rey Mysterio says he has not decided to retire. Speculation was rife after the content of a conversation Rey had with a fellow worker, in the wake of the Aguayo Jr. tragedy, but he told fans at a show last night, that he will continue to perform.


Eurosport in Sweden and Finland have dropped WWE in favour of TNA, the change will start next month.

Heat on Daniel Bryan:

Daniel Bryan will not be returned to a prominent role on WWE TV. WWE were not happy with his choice of treatment to rehab his injuries of the past year, despite his quicker than expected return. WWE feel his neck and elbow will not hold up to wear and tear, and he is on borrowed time. Some cite Kurt Angle's breakdown, physically, as a sign of things to come from Bryan.

Lanny kills urban legend:

Lanny Poffo has killed the Macho Man / Stephanie story. He says Randy never had the alleged relationship with the boss's daughter, but conceded that he did at times play up to the story, to wind WWE officials up.

Legend announces retirement:

Sting says this Sunday will be his last match, unless...

"I'm feeling like this is probably going to be my last one. We'll see how everyone reacts. If I'm asked to do one more at Survivor Series or maybe even WrestleMania next year, at this point, I would consider it. But realistically, this is going to be my last one."

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