Friday, March 6, 2015

Today's News

NXT goes on tour:

WWE have taken NXT to Colombus, Ohio, for their first show held outside of Florida. Triple H has announced the show will be taped for TV.

WWE's idea of a treat to the fans backfired. They had top WWE stars Big Show and Ryback work a match against each other, but the fans did not enjoy it, chants ranging from ''We want diva's'' to ''Same old sh!t'' turned more personal when they attacked Big Show with ''Please retire'' chants.

Top female indie star LuFisto was in the front row of the near 1000 strong crowd.

Taker on Raw?:

WWE are teasing that The Undertaker may turn up on Raw, to take back his sacred urn, from Bray Wyatt.

DeMott quits:

As even more bullying stories come out about Bill DeMott the pressure has finally led to him quitting as NXT head coach. He released this statement on Twitter...

"I deny the recent allegations made about me, however, to avoid any embarrassment or damage to the WWE, I've decided to step down from my role effective immediately."

He has apparently parted ways with WWE completely, but that has not yet been officially confirmed.

WWE sign deal:

WWE have partnered with Canadian book publishers ECW press. The first release in their new deal will be the Iron Sheik's biography.

Hall Of Fame:

WWE decided to cancel Ray Stevens induction because they did not want to induct more than one deceased wrestler. This is likely also the reason Alundra Blayze was selected over Miss Elizabeth for the female induction spot.

Vince talks his legacy:

"I don't look at myself as having a legacy in entertainment, and quite frankly I don't care. It doesn't matter what I think, it's what people perceive. I'm not good at patting myself on the back. I want to be known as a loving father and grandfather. And if I'm lucky, a great-grandfather. And I'm the luckiest man in the world without question, so it might happen."

Paige reveals tough start to developmental career:

Paige says the girls did not like her when she joined WWE...

''Some of the girls were a little standoffish from me, I feel like. I was completely different than they were and already had the wrestling experience. But I realized coming into developmental, I had to start over again from scratch. I guess my look, and you know, a couple of the girls said down the line when they started to like me some more, they were just like, 'Oh, we were just a little intimidated by the way you were and how you wrestled and stuff.' So I was like, 'You were just going to hold that against me because I could wrestle and make me feel terrible about myself?.''

TV icon wants to bring back wrestling to UK TV:

Simon Cowell, a reality TV show host, and TV mogul on both sides of the Atlantic, says he wants to bring wrestling back to UK TV screens, and wants to get the best talent involved, to make it work...

"I used to watch it as a kid – I used to do it!. Now American wrestling's big, I think it's a good idea to bring it back. But you have to bring back really big people."

Cena to Hall Of Fame:

John Cena has been named as one of the inductees for his college's Hall Of Fame Class of 2015. He will be enshrined on April 18. A friend of Cena has also revealed that Cena pushed for a heel turn in 2010, and wanted to return to his rapper style gimmick, but WWE management shot him down.

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