Thursday, March 12, 2015

Today's News


TNA have signed Tyrus (Formerly Brodus Clay) to a new deal. Rockstar Spud has also inked his new deal, as have Tigre Uno and Bobby Roode.

Rey Mysterio reveals why he left WWE:

“After my last surgery in 2011, I came back at the end of 2012. I felt like I rushed myself. I went back on the shelf, came back and they put me with Sin Cara, and I felt like I wasn’t going anywhere. I was being thrown into just having tag matches, there was no direction for Rey Mysterio. My contract was coming to the end and I decided to not re-sign. I wanted to take time off to spend time with my family and go from there.”

He also says he will re-add the ''Jr'' to his ring name.


WWE Alum Victoria has revealed she has recently discovered the woman her husband was having an affair with worked for her, in her restaurant.


After the issues with the host venue of SummerSlam this year, WWE are working on bringing the event back to Staples Center for 2016.


WWE will have a post Mania NXT roster promotion, Adrian Neville, Sasha Banks and Charlotte are favourites. They will be replaced on the NXT roster by ROH stars, WWE are waiting on deals to expire to make moves for a number of their top talent, top of their list is the Briscoes.

WWE are also hoping to take NXT to the ECW arena in May, they have approached the venue to book dates, but have not yet been granted them.

HHH vs DeMott:

It seems DeMott may have jumped before he was pushed. A backstage conflict over the debut of Kevin Owens between DeMott and Hunter has leaked online. DeMott made himself personally responsible for working with Owens for his debut match, but Owens was unhappy with DeMott wanting him to deliver a power move heavy squash match style victory, so went to Triple H, who gave him the go ahead to do whatever he wanted. DeMott fumed, and ran the match Owens had vs CJ Parker down. It also caused some tensions with the roster, as DeMott started to micro manage everyone else even more, and Owens was the brunt of some jealousy from his peers, for being given special treatment by the boss.

Sunny to wed:

Sunny has announced she is engaged to be married.

Real WWE feud goes public:

A personal fall out between Hornswoggle and Cody Rhodes has been brought into the public domain by Hornswoggle, who tweeted to Cody's personal Twitter account...

''Hey @PrinceCGR I'm sorry my daddy didn't give me my spot in the business. All the paint in the world won't cover up that growing forehead.''

WrestleMania 31:

Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins will be made official next week. Jon Stewart will not now appear in Orton's corner at the show, WWE hoped to continue the angle, but Stewart's representatives have declared his time with WWE over.

"Money and the Power" by Kid Ink is the second announced theme song for the show.

WWE have sent out a casting call for a special entrance for Rusev. Emulating John Cena's past entrance, he will have a large number of Russian soldiers flanking the aisle as he walks to the ring.

DeMott controversy:

With the Bill DeMott story refusing to go away, his predecessor in the role of NXT head coach Tom Prichard has given his take on the matter...

''U know, with all the allegations coming out from not just a couple, but a LOT of people, you'd think there would have been a more thorough investigation... For Christ's sake, a PICTURE is worth 1000 words! How in the hell does anyone justify or defend that? I can't imagine the incredible arrogance, incompetence and outright "don't give a damn, I'm the boss and I'm going to run this place 'my way" attitude is unbelievable. One, two, maybe five disgruntled employees I can see... But more and more are coming forward every day! It's not like no one knew!!! Why wasn't something done a long time ago? Hell, why was he even hired to come back and train anybody in the first place? Replace me, OK. I did call Canyon Semen a "Flaming F'N Asshole" to his face and for that I probably should have been fired. Using the excuse of not having a one year start to finish curriculum was a rib, but I get it. But when a talent(s) sends a confidential email and you claim to do a "full investigation" when in fact you didn't, then why isn't someone asking the question "Hey Canyon! Just who did you talk to, what did you ask them and by the way, what did you think of the picture of Gallows with a jelly doughnut in his ass giving Ryder the stink face??" Was THAT in YOUR goddam curriculum? I've remained silent but I have a lot to say. When the time's right. But the more s--t I see, the more pissed I get. They can't claim ignorance. Stupidity, yes. But there were people in key positions who knew about his past and chose to ignore it. Why?.''

WWE have paid DeMott a substantial severance package. They are also preparing themselves for a score of legal claims against them, relating to the DeMott controversy, but continue to deny any wrong doing in their handling of the situation.

DeMott is keeping his head down, refusing TV interviews, bar a single tweet, saying just because people are writing things online, it doesn't make their claims true.

TNA apologise:

TNA have written to their roster to apologise for the cancellation of April's TV's. They promise 5 blocks of taping's in May, to give them confidence in their futures with the promotion.

Jarrett fails:

Jeff Jarrett has reportedly failed to land a TV deal for his GFW promotion, but he is still working on a live tour.

Swagger reveals post career plans:

"I would absolutely be interested in going into movies. I'm a pretty good singer, I'm an OK actor, and I know I'm a pretty funny guy so I think comedy would be my better route starting off. I'm a big Vince Vaughn fan, I love Will Ferrell. Bill Murray and Chevy Chase are two of my all-time favourites, those guys are great. I could watch those guys' films over and over again."

New job for TNA diva:

Taylor Wilde is now a firefighter.

TNA beat WWE:

TNA beat both of WWE's flagship shows in the viewing figures on Dmax in Germany this week.


Melina says she was bullied and lied about throughout her WWE career, and that claims she had an affair with Batista killed her 11 year relationship with John Morrison. She says Batista was the only star that would defend her in the back, and that led to tongues wagging, eventually Morrison heard the rumours, and believed his peers over his girl.

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