Thursday, March 26, 2015

Today's News

TV host talks Lesnar interview:

Michelle Beadle has discussed her prior knowledge, before Brock Lesnar made his future announcement on ESPN yesterday.

"He called us. He showed up with just one guy, I tried to get a clue, he wouldn't give us one. He was messing with us and he enjoyed it. I was in there like 'When's the last time you talked to Dana (White)?' He said that he had breakfast with him and I'm like 'Oh, when was that?' I knew the contract was up Monday night, and the last I heard nothing had happened. The reasons he gave all made sense. He's got a family, the beating your body takes is significantly less than UFC. I thought he was retiring from everything because of a health problem we didn't know about.''

She went on...

''It was one of those days I forgot I was 39 and felt like I was 9.. "I love Paul Heyman, I think he's the most talented speaker. I come into work knowing that we have Roman Reigns and the surprise is that Paul Heyman is coming out. Then that surprise Brock Lesnar stuff happened. Nobody knew it was going to happen, nobody knew what the announcement was going to be, nobody had any clues. Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out from these two other guys and they don't have any clue what's going on. It was the clashing of all the worlds together. It was an awesome day."

Match for the ages, or another chapter in WCW's burial?:

Triple H is coming under fire from some corners of the wrestling press, who fear this Sunday's match vs Sting will not be a classic match, but a further episode in the perceived burial of the former promotion, WCW,  by Triple H. Matches of the past against WCW greats, including Scott Steiner, Booker T and Goldberg, have led to worries that Sting will be added to the list of Hunter's WCW rivals, all have competed against him on PPV, and all have ultimately been vanquished by the game.

Owens ready to return?:

Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn will be at the next NXT live show, it is unlikely either man will be ready to compete, as they are both injured, but WWE have not ruled it out completely.

WrestleMania fallout:

A WWE leak has revealed the top three title feuds planned for the post Mania PPV and TV stories...

  • John Cena vs Rusev (US Title)
  • Daniel Bryan vs Dolph Ziggler (Intercontinental Title), this rivalry would initially also include Bad News Barrett, but he would eventually drop away, to allow Bryan and Ziggler to continue to feud.
  • Roman Reigns vs Seth Rollins (WWE Title), this may now have changed, as Lesnar re-signing may have changed the result of Mania, if you believe some sources, WWE plan on rewarding him for staying, with an extended reign with the gold.

I would return for:

Jeff Hardy says he would return for a WWE match... the Hell In A Cell.

WrestleMania 31:

Aloe Blacc will sing ''America The Beautiful'' at WrestleMania.

In a major (And weird) change, Jerry Lawler has been dropped as the host of the Hall Of Fame ceremony, in favour of Eva Marie.

In another major change WWE had swapped two matches, the Tag Title bout was moved onto the main card, and the Andre The Giant Battle Royal has been dropped onto the pre show, WWE later looked at the timing of the show, and decided they could not fit the Tag match onto the full card, and dropped that back onto the pre show as well, meaning the two bouts will be very rushed, as they have only 30 minutes available for the pre show match (Now matches), leading to many questions and criticism, from those involved.

Health concerns for Chyna:

Chyna collapsed in the street, in Japan, recently. She has been diagnosed with a nasty bout of pneumonia. She was found by police and taken to a local hospital, she is now back home recovering.

WrestleMania 32:

Brock Lesnar will be offered three possible opponents at WrestleMania 32...

  • The Rock
  • The Undertaker
  • John Cena

Roman Reigns says he does not expect to face The Rock, but teased fans with a triple threat main event at Mania 32, between the three former members of the Shield.

Next year will be legend heavy. WWE want to have the biggest Mania ever, and will ask every legend that is fit to compete, to come and have a match (Bar the retired Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels), one of which may finally see the long talked about match between The Undertaker and Sting, depending on how Taker feels after this years event.

Owens tribute:

Kevin Owens says he named his dog after Brock Lesnar, as he has been a fan since 2002. He also dreams of one day facing him for WWE.


Jack Swagger has discussed the WWE future of his neighbour Christian...

"He's a little busy... counting his money, I guess. Christian is one of the most intense competitors I've ever been in the ring with. He's still very much around. He lives down the street from me... he's not going anywhere. He will be back, jumping through your television or computer screen very soon."

Swagger has also confirmed he is to become a father for the second time.

Perro Aguayo Jr:

Rey Mysterio, Manik, and Extreme Tiger have been subpoenaed to appear in court in relation to the death of Perro Agauyo Jr. The wrestlers have apparently been assured they will face no legal ramifications, as they are not under investigation for wrongdoing, but investigators want to get the full facts of the incident, from those closest involved.

Medics have confirmed Perro suffered three broken vertebrae, and died on his way to the hospital, although medics at the hospital tried for an hour to save him.

Rey will make his first appearance since the tragedy tonight, and it is believed he will announce his retirement from wrestling, as a result of the accident. He reportedly told a fellow star, who then tweeted what he said, that he was leaning toward making the announcement that he could not continue in the sport.

Brock Lesnar:

Brock Lesnar has reportedly taken a $2 Million dollar pay cut to stay with WWE, from $5 to $3 Million over the 3 year span of his new deal.

Vince McMahon has reportedly come around to the thinking that Lesnar should retain the WWE title at WrestleMania. This has led to some comparing Roman Reigns to Lex Luger, a heavily hyped star, that never made it to the top.

WWE to LU:

Cryme Time members JTG and Shad were at the last Lucha Underground show looking for a job.

Alberto Del Rio:

Alberto Del Rio has raised his booking fee to $5,000 per appearance. He is said to want to deter smaller promotions from making approaches, as he is in high demand, and makes plenty of money from signing appearances.


Patrick McDarby, creator of the current WWE logo, and belt design, has passed from cancer aged 57, and  Trish Stratus has lost her father.


TNA have landed a TV deal in Brazil.

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