Monday, March 2, 2015

Today's News

WWE games:

A 2K exec has revealed why they do not update the roster of WWE games, as they do with other sports franchise games...

"We model an entire superstar, entrance, animations, etc. VERY different than sports games that have a set number of body types and replace heads. I would know — I was a designer at EA SPORTS and actually assigned the body types."

Sasha Banks has revealed she has done her scanning for the next installment of the WWE franchise.

Raw tease:

  • Will Cena battle Rusev at WrestleMania?
  • Does a Curb Stomp await Jon Stewart?
  • How will Reigns prepare for Lesnar?
  • Is Randy Orton going to snap?
  • Who will take possession of the Intercontinental Championship this week?

Sheamus, AJ Lee, Mark Henry and Eva Marie are backstage, one or more may return tonight. Rapper Wiz Khalifa will be on next weeks show.

Hogan tribute removed:

A tribute banner erected last weekend in Madison Square Garden has been taken down. The owners did not like the position of the banner, and want to find a more suitable place for it, before putting it back up.

Rey told to get real:

Indy promoters have warned Rey Mysterio that his hefty price tag of $20,000 per appearance may be achievable now, in the early days of his time away from WWE, but the novelty of having him will wear off, and he will have to drastically reduce his fee, if he wants to continue to receive bookings. Rey does want to get back in the ring, but only with AAA and Lucha Underground, and both groups are desperate to get him, to improve their ticket and merch sales, and improve their TV viewing figures.

McMahon vs Lesnar:

Vince McMahon is livid with Brock Lesnar, who defied a direct demand from the boss to refuse an invitation to the last UFC show. He did attend, and sat alongside UFC boss Dana White in the front row. This was one of a number of issues the two men disagreed about during a fierce argument backstage at Raw last week, the argument was so loud, and aggressive, that some backstage staffers worried about Vince's safety. McMahon has instructed creative that their will be no changes to the script for WrestleMania, as Lesnar would be working the event, due to his contractual obligation, adding he would take their champion to court if he did not show at the event.

WWE buying ROH footage:

WWE have purchased a number of Daniel Bryan matches from Ring Of Honor, to use on his DVD collection, and Memphis Wrestling footage for Jerry Lawler's, although they still have not been able to get their hands on all of it.

Indy shake up:

Trent Baretta pulled out of an Evolve event, as he has joined ROH, TNA star Davey Richards will take his spot on the card.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

Alundra Blayze is expected to be announced tonight, and WWE have spoilt a future announcement, they announce Diesel is going in this year in a special edition of their magazine.


WWE have announced on Facebook that Zack Ryder has been added to the Andre The Giant Battle Royal.

WWE have now confirmed the poster leaked online last week is the legitimate official poster for the show.

DeMott in trouble again:

Former NXT star Judas Devlin, who had to retire following a career threatening back injury, has released an E-Mail he sent to the WWE office before he left, whistleblowing about the treatment, and work environment at NXT, under head coach Bill DeMott...

Here it is in full...

Subject: Coach Demott

I am composing this memo today because I have had a number of serious concerns about the actions and words of head coach Bill Demott during my employment as talent for WWE developmental. Many of these actions I have tried to ignore or hope that they would cease but because they have now put me in a dangerous situation not only for my career but for my personal health and safety I feel the need to speak out to someone of a higher authority. In this memo I will provide details on a series of incidents which underlie my concerns.

I would like to request that this remain in strict confidence as I am afraid that if Coach Demott were to know I spoke out he would find ways to punish me for it. In fact the entire process of writing a letter to human resources has been called a "f-ggots" way of dealing with problems by Coach Demott.

Physical Injury Due to Imprudent Coaching: The action that has led me to finally speak out happened Thursday February, 28th following our house show. I had taken an awkward hit to my knee in a match and was being examined by Brian Duncan. This hit aggravated a previous injury, one that should never have happened, that I had sustained during a practice drill orchestrated by Coach Demott after practice had already been completed. An MRI revealed a partial tear of my PCL and a strain on a ligament in the back of my knee. I have been told that I can work through it but it may aggravate here and there. This injury can be enduring as many of the superstars on the main roster wrestle their whole careers with it.

I should never have had any issues with this knee but on that particular practice day, after a 3 hour morning session had 'ended' at 11 AM, Demott put 280lbs Gary Jackson back in the ring at 11:30 and forced 8 of us to give him 10 takedowns each. After Gary had bumped 60 times in a matter of minutes, I entered the ring and was asked to give him 10 fireman takedowns. On the first one he collapsed from exhaustion while on my back, driving my knees into the mat where I sustained this injury.

The hit I took aggravated it and Coach Demott pulled trainer Brian Duncan and I into the training room and said without any knowledge of my actual injury, "This injury can't keep flaring up. It doesn't look good perception wise to us (the office) or for your career going forward." This injury was treated after the match and I was cleared by Duncan at the time.

On two separate occasions Coach Demott forced me to perform dangerous moves without properly warming up. One incident followed my first evaluation where Canyon Ceman asked me to start working on my parkour and gymnastics moves. It was 7:30 am before practice and he saw me standing in the ring with Enzo Amore and said, "Do a takedown let go of him and do a back flip then go back to him." The idea made no sense, I was not properly warmed up, and I nearly landed on my head on one attempt. Thesecond incident was before a live event he wanted Oliver Gray to test out his finisher on someone so he grabbed me and forced me to take a high bump on my neck without warming up. I had missed a week of practice because of a neck strain prior to this and Coach Demott was well aware of that.

I have also watched and participated in drills that were hazardous to our safety. He has made us do squats on the top rope including some students who had never been up that high in their careers. He made the beginners group perform monkey flips without a crash pad and the first six who participated landed on their heads and necks and were lucky not to have been seriously injured. The aforementioned drill in which Gary Jackson injured my knee also saw Memo Montenegro injury his neck and shoulder. He was on his 40th bump in 5 minutes and got dizzy before his 7th consecutive hip toss and landed on his head.

Unprofessional Work Environment: The issue of physical well-being is not my only concern. I am an educated individual who worked at Cal State Northridge with Professors and students. I know how one is suppose to conduct one's self in a professional sense. I also understand that this is a unique business and the lines on proper behavior may be a bit blurred. Yet there is no question that Coach Demott, on a daily basis,not only makes unprofessional choices in words and actions, choices that go against many policies of this company, but choices that have created a culture of fear and negativity in this system. Showing up each day for training is mentally agonizing because of the comments we are all forced to hear. He routinely makes fun of anyone sitting out because of injury and also makes rude comments about people's names and personal lives and has established a hostile work environment through verbal assaults. To wit:

  • Demott constantly refers to Oliver Gray as Joel Pedophile which personally enrages me because I used to help a Psychology Professor in Los Angeles do lectures for sexually abused children.
  • When Dante Dash referred to his finishing move as the Davey boy, as it was utilized by the late Davey Smith who died tragically, Coach Demott makes the following comment, "The Davey Boy? What turning blue and dropping dead on the lawn?"
  • Coach Demott told student Enzo Amore that he hopes he dies.
  • Demott also told our entire morning class and Ricky Steamboat's class to kill themselves just days after we tolled the ring bell 10 times for the late Mike Graham a former star FCW wrestler, who committed suicide.
  • Coach Demott routinely bullies Enzo verbally as well as physically. I have seen Enzo on several occasions be slapped in the face by Bill. During one practice he decided to show Enzo how doing a slam wrong could hurt someone, so he picked Enzo up and dropped him without warning directly on his head and neck. He then decided that each time a student slammed his 100lbs heavy bag with bad form that student had to slam one of his peers the same way. Demott found this drill amusing yet each student was put at serious injury risk.
  • Demott has grabbed an injured David Harwood by his neck pulled him to the office door and verbally chastised him for standing by the ring during practice when he wasn't cleared, even though he was simply listening to a lecture by Ricky Steamboat.
  • Demott has kicked Memo Montenegro in the groin and laughed as he crumbled into a heap. Memo being a Mexican immigrant to the United States has a heavy accent, which Coach Demott constantly criticizes and makes fun of.
  • He routinely will attempt to bust students lip on the bottom rope when they stand to close to the ring. On several occasions he has punished students for mistakes in practice by making them bend forward putting their face near the ropes so that Coach Demott can bounce the rope off the bridge of their nose.
  • He routinely calls Gary Jackson a fat tub of goo, tells Osmund Cherry who is of African descent, to go back to Africa and most recently has made derogatory remarks about sexual preferences to Brandon Traven.
  • Coach Demott insinuated that Traven is gay and used the derogatory term "half a sissy" to make fun of him simply because he sat out practice and has had several injuries in the last couple months. This is not the first time he targeted Brandon either. In December I witnessed Coach Demott question Traven about a head injury in the trainer's room. After Traven explained that a blow to the head in practice had made him dizzy Demott slapped him in the head and left the room.
  • I witnessed a similar incident a few months ago when Alexander Russev was recovering from neck surgery. Coach Demott saw Russev wearing a NY Jets shirt at practice and not liking that sports team proceeded to physically grab Russev by the collar and rip the shirt off him. Russev was not cleared for any contact at that point and clearly showed physical pain after the incident. Following this incident a group of students were discussing how this sort of thing happened before with an injured Briley Pierce. Briley had a broken leg and Coach Demott kicked him in his medical boot. This happened before I was under contract but it nonetheless seems to fit a pattern of negligent and abusive behavior that I have observed with Coach Demott and is worth investigating further.
  • According to Oliver Gray, he was once told that if he sat out practice to rest a very bad low back injury that Coach Demott would pull him from the NXT tapings and from attending the Royal Rumble, even though the trainer had requested that Oliver sit out just one practice.

I have been in this system under Coach Demott for 8 months now and was recently told that I am not improving at a rate that is acceptable. I have made concerted efforts in the past to practice more often and work on the parkour moves requested by Canyon Ceman. However Bill has routinely kicked me out of the building after practice including a day when WWE superstar Alex Riley asked me to work on some parkour moves with him. This along with his constant interrupting of practices just to put people down and make negative comments has all but killed any motivation I have to spend extra time around him.

It should be stated that I am not a vindictive person. I am open-minded and do not have a problem with off-color jokes or difficult practice drills. I was signed to this company after Steve Regal told me he saw tremendous improvement in my ring work between tryouts. I told Mr. Regal that I could only imagine how good I could become working 24/7 for this company. I have always been intrinsically motivated and will practice something until I perfect it. Yet I personally feel that coach Demott creates an environment that hinders my opportunities to improve. Coach Demott restricts our practices, instead opting for dangerous and unproductive drills, while constantly verbally assaulting our appearances, personalities, sexual preferences, injuries, and character it seems impossible for me to maximize my time in the ring. In fact even as recently as training on March 4th, guest trainer Lance Storm went out of his way to demonstrate moves to me that Coach Demott had kicked me out of the building for not doing correctly. When I asked him how to do them Coach Demott said, "That was s--t Judas, get out of the building."

Is this the type of work environment that the WWE desires? When can we set up a time to discuss this matter?

In closing I would be remiss if I did not clarify to you that this is solely a problem with Bill Demott and not a problem with the fine coaching staff that has been assembled around him. For example, Ricky Steamboat has been a terrific help to me and always provides me with positive reinforcement and quality examples to learn from. Terry Taylor has gone out of his way to pull me aside and give me helpful advice. Billy Gunn has been an amazingly refreshing force bringing knowledge and enthusiasm that has been extremely beneficial to the system. The changes that have recently occurred in the WWE have been excellent and I am excited for the future plans of WWE Developmental. It is because of these positive attributes that I am expressing my concerns to you. I want to be a part of a solution to the problems that I have listed, one that will lead to future success for the developmental system.

Thank you for your time, Austin Matelson.

This is the latest in a long line of complaints and controversies about the former WCW mans training methods.

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