Sunday, March 15, 2015

Today's News

WWE star supports DeMott:

In a rare move a current WWE star has expressed an opinion on the Bill DeMott affair, Brad Maddox says he owes him his career, and wishes him well...

''Bill took notice of me 2 1/2 years ago and it got me my first shot on the road. Thanks @BillDeMott. Good luck with everything''

Quit WWE, and come back:

CM Punk did a Q&A on a UFC officials Twitter feed yesterday, shortly after making an appearance on their PPV card, and answered fans questions.  One of those questions saw the former WWE Champion call on Brock Lesnar to return to UFC. Punk believes a UFC card with both he and Lesnar on it, 
would break all previous records for a UFC event.

WWE Alum attacks WWE:

DH Smith is not happy with the WWE hiring policy, and sent a message directly to Stephanie McMahon, expressing his views...

"Well I love to hear how WWE doesn't like hiring talent with "prior experience" since their awesome system can "develop" and gel guys into what they want them to be. I'm pretty sure Dana White is doing the same....Dana probably routes around in his Hummer and purposely and intentionally picks out guys who have never been in a scrap before. Because the UFC can teach them and make them a great fighter. Completely forgot about their past and all that because the experts know. Just word of the day."

TNA Tag Team Championship:

TNA have announced a tournament to crown new champions, here are the teams...

  • James Storm and Khoya
  • Ethan Carter III and Bram
  • Austin Aries and Bobby Roode
  • Tigre Uno and Jay Rios
  • Robbie E and Jessie Godderz
  • Rockstar Spud and Mr. Anderson
  • Kenny King and Low Ki
  • + 1 TBA

Goldberg Q&A highlights:

From an appearance at a Comic Con this weekend...

  • He is getting close to signing for Glory MMA.
  • He credits Sting with him joining the wrestling world.
  • He says WWE only do what is right for them, and does not care about their fans, and that their product suffers as a result.
  • He criticised internet fans for spoiling wrestling.
  • He said he regularly got burned by his pyro, and had to throw away his trunks every few matches, because they had burn holes in them.
  • He accused Vince Russo of deliberately killing WCW.
  • He said he never loved wrestling as a boy, but did watch now and again.
  • He said Mania 20 (Vs. Brock Lesnar) sucked, and both men knew it.
  • He ran down William Regal, and said he would pay to be able to get him in a shoot fight.
  • He said Hulk Hogan refused to work through their WCW title match, and called it in the ring. He admitted he was terrified of messing up.
  • He said Hogan played a dirty trick in that match, by rubbing Icy Hot on his skin, meaning Goldberg suffered with his vision, during the bout.
  • He says WWE still to this day try to erase him from fans memories.
  • He criticised Ryback, but added he felt bad that WWE are putting him in a horrible position.
  • He blamed his lack of wrestling knowledge for his falling out with Chris Jericho.
  • He said Christian was his favourite opponent, because of how he took the spear.
  • He wants to shoot fight Triple H.
  • He wants WWE Hall Of Fame induction. Not for himself, but his child wants him to go in.
  • He said he initially hated the Gillberg diss, but eventually found it funny.
  • His favourite moment was giving Big Show the jackhammer, for two reasons. He says it was an incredible feat of strength, and Show hates being upside down, so he enjoyed it more.
  • He said Sting found his theme song on the History Channel.
  • He ended by saying he never deliberately hurt any one, but fans should ask La Parka what it felt like when you hit him with a chair wrong.


Homicide has delayed his surgery for a shoulder injury he has had for a long time. TNA booked him with short notice, to appear at last nights TV's, and he accepted. This is not a permanent return.

Rey moves on:

Tonight Rey Mysterio will have his first non WWE match for 13 years, with AAA. He will team with the original Sin Cara. Cara may be in trouble, he appeared on TV in Mexico using his WWE attire, ring name, and even WWE Twitter handle, to promote the AAA event.


Lana has gone off to make her movie with Edge. She will be back at WrestleMania 31, but will then return to the shoot. Yesterday was the first day of filming.

NXT vs Indies:

While there is a lot of excitement over the NXT live tour starting, some of the veteran indy stars on their books have also expressed misgivings, over the potential harm to local indie promotions, in towns they go to.

No show:

Jey Uso did not attend last nights live.

Hall Of Fame:

It looks like Kevin ''Diesel'' Nash will be named tomorrow on Raw... Here is the latest tease...

"The gossip going around WWE is that a former World Champion will be taking his place in sports-entertainment immortality. Who will be joining "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rikishi, The Bushwhackers, Alundra Blayze and Warrior Award recipient Connor Michalek in the Hall's Class of 2015 on the eve of WrestleMania 31? Could it be a former WWE World Heavyweight Champion from the company's early years? Is it an Attitude Era icon? Is it even a WWE competitor, or will it be a WCW or ECW icon joining the Hall?."

WWE old boy in ad:

Shad Gaspard appears in this ad, currently airing nationally in the US...

ROH to TV:

Spike TV have confirmed they have spoken to Ring Of Honor, but feel no deal will come out of it.

Rhyno talks 2005 WWE release:

"Well I was released from WWE for a little incident, but it's not a secret. It involved alcohol and I was going through a difficult time in my life. Alcohol wasn't an issue, I just happened to be drinking. And I was very irresponsible. As a man, you have to take responsibility for your actions. Every action. There was no physicality, I just threw a flower pot. I laugh at it now and my ex-wife laughs at it now. But like I said, you have to be a man and stand up. No matter what was said or done, there is no excuse for the behavior. And when you behave, you have to be responsible. I understand what I had to do, I had to work hard and work towards the indies. We already had the One Night Stand booked and I fulfilled my commitment with that. They wanted me to honor that commitment and we did good business. We professionally parted ways. They were good on their part and did everything as far as they were contractually obligated to, they did not try to mess around or anything. It was just one of those things where it was a very good learning experience. But it was a good situation for me. I made it a good situation by learning from the mistake and that mistake becomes an error, then I move forward in my career. I put my nose to the grindstone and worked to keep my career going. I moved forward, there's no dispute about it. I began to create some good memories like working with 'The Monster' Abyss, he's a great talent. I worked on the independents and developed a great relationship with the fans. I met and interacted with them, one on one, on a smaller intimate level. You have that time and you have that ability. When you're doing the bigger venues, it's harder because there's so many more fans and it can get chaotic."

Jericho talks WWE diss:

Chris Jericho says Vince McMahon made him get approval from X Pac before he worked a match, when he first joined in 1999...

"I actually had to go over all my matches with X-Pac before the shows, even if I wasn't working with him. If I was working Big Boss Man, I had to get my match approved by X-Pac, which was really hard at first. Talk about eating a lot of crow. Once I put my pride away it helped me. X-Pac was a very good worker - very smart as well. And thankfully I got a chance to start working with him. That's what I needed. I just needed to work with somebody, not have people tell me what to do - just work with someone who could help me figure stuff out."

Shawn talks last match:

Shawn Michaels has shared his feelings from before, and after his last match (WrestleMania 26)...

''Going in, it was a good feeling because my family was there. But there was a little anxiety, because it's still WrestleMania and it was the last one. You know people expected it to be really good. Because it was the Undertaker again, there were going to be a lot of comparisons to the last one (2009). So for all the upside you get out of just enjoying the moment that is WrestleMania, there was a little anxiety and a little stress wanting to just deliver a really good match. But afterwards, it was just complete joy and then also, I think a lot of mental and physical and even spiritual exhaustion. "It's over." And again, that's when it settled in. That's when it got real. And it was almost as if everything under God's green earth had been lifted off my shoulders and it was a nice feeling. It was a bit surreal, but I would have to say it was really the next day when everything settled in. Honestly, getting to make that speech on RAW, I felt like the luckiest guy in the world honestly. I couldn't think of a better way for it to go, for it to end, and to have the opportunity and the time to express all of that on RAW was wonderful. That's when it's all allowed to be real and you're allowed to talk about the wrestling business and your life in the WWE, in a very real sense. And it was a joy to be able to do that well.''

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