Monday, March 16, 2015

Today's News

WWE Alum returns:

Evan Bourne is back with WWE. He has spent this past weekend taping for the new series of Total Diva's. It appears he will play a love interest for Alicia Fox, who accompanied him on a beach holiday.

Indy star defends violent match:

Chris Dickinson has defended his performance in a recent inter gender match vs Kimber Lee. The video went viral, and the CZW man was rounded upon from all sides, by women's rights and domestic violence advocates...

"Let's put it in the context of professional wrestling. Let's forget that it's just a 50-second video of me smashing a girl over the head with a chair and giving her a pazuzu bomb and let's look at it in the context of professional wrestling, because obviously there's a million people out there who thought it was real. What they got worked. So you put it back into context and then you say, 'Wow. They actually had a wrestling match.' So what are we going to do here? Are we just going to come out and say, 'Listen, everybody: I'm sorry. I know it was a little extreme. Guy-on-girl violence is totally wrong. And women…they shouldn't take chair shots and they shouldn't take bumps. It's completely unacceptable in professional wrestling. And you know what? Because the WWE doesn't do it, we're never going to do this, ever again because I just want to be like everybody else.' Am I going to say that? Is that what I should say?."

He also attacked CZW, and the locker room of his promotion.

Mysterio return delayed:

A fierce storm in Mexico last night caused a 24 hour delay in Rey Mysterio's first post WWE match, the event should happen tonight.

New team:

WWE want a name for the team of AJ Lee and Paige. Paige and AJ have been having fun tweeting ideas, and for me Paige won, with her nomination... ''Legion Of Womb.''


Sting is in town for tonight's Raw... Official tease...

  • Should Rollins agree to face Orton?
  • Where has Lana been?
  • Which team is most worthy to face Tyson Kidd & Cesaro for the WWE Tag Team Titles?
  • How will Reigns be challenged on Raw?
  • Will Wyatt come to regret resurrecting The Deadman for WrestleMania?

Randy Orton will issue a WrestleMania challenge to Seth Rollins, and a HOF'er will be named.

CM Punk braver than other wrestlers:

CM Punk says there are many guys (Naming The Undertaker) that are huge fans of MMA, and have expressed interest in getting into it, but never act on it. He says he can, and therefore did, make a decision so many others refuse to make, for whatever reason. He also said he is struggling with being too light on guys, as he has a pro wrestling mentality, and that he called Brock Lesnar to ask for advice, in the hopes of overcoming this problem, but was informed by the WWE Champ, that he also had the same problem, when he made the transition.

McMahon robbery:

Vince McMahon had a near $200,000 car stolen late last year, from his home. Police today recovered the vehicle from an area of New York, with a new $100,000 sound system in place.

WWE threaten litigation:

WWE have apparently threatened lawsuits, in order to kill the DeMott story. Joey Ryan, formerly of TNA, has taken the risk by revealing WWE's tactics, in a tweet...

It's so calm lately. Almost as if lawyers threatened to sue all of us if we kept telling the truth.''

He also sarcastically tweeted to DeMott directly...

"I'm innocent but I'll go ahead and accept the maximum punishment for this thing that I totally didn't do."

Legends awarded:

Arguably the best tag team not in the WWE Hall Of Fame, Demolition, were given a lifetime achievement award by MCW this weekend.

Bret critical of WWE HOF choice:

Bret Hart says he feels he would have been a better choice to induct Macho Man Randy Savage into the Hall Of Fame...

''Well I know we were a lot closer than Hogan was. I'm not quite sure why Hulk Hogan of all people is inducting him because my last conversations I had with Randy, he didn't have much good to say about Hogan. Regardless, it is a night to remember Randy for all the great contributions he made. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, he was a great champion in the dressing room, he was a Wayne Gretzky, Mark Messier, a real team guy and always had a lot of respect and love with all of the wrestlers. We will always miss the Macho Man. ''

NXT injuries:

Rhyno says he needed 6 stitches after his NXT return, and NXT's Champion Kevin Owens has had knee surgery in the past week, but is already starting his rehab.

WWE star at Bieber roast:

Dolph Ziggler took part in a celebrity comedy roast, for singer Justin Bieber, this weekend.


TNA crowned a new X Division Champion last night. The change will air in late April.

WWE Hall Of Fame:

Larry Zbyszko will be named as the next WWE Hall Of Famer tonight on Raw. The former WWE Tag Champ will be inducted by his mentor, turned rival, Bruno Sammartino.

Zbyszko has released this statement...

"My gut feeling over the years was that probably someday, sooner or later, I'd be getting in – and not just because of the long career I had. I'm a fan at heart; I love this business, and the Hall of Fame is an awesome part of the business. This has been my life, and if I had to do it again, I'd do it all the same – except maybe not get married so many times. I already have a speech in my head; it kind of just popped in there, because it's the story of my dream – to become like my hero Bruno Sammartino. And I'll also thank the people who helped me along the way. I've always considered myself one of the boys – everyone calls me 'Sir' these days, but I'm not that old!."

WWE star ruled out of Mania:

Jey Uso suffered a shoulder injury on SmackDown, and will probably miss WrestleMania 31. WWE will further evaluate him later in the week.

WWE start ROH talent grab:

WWE have signed Jimmy Jacobs to their creative team. He will join up after WrestleMania.

ROH are said to be responding to WWE eyeing their stars, by entering into talks with their talent, offering them exclusive deals. The Young Bucks are said to be top of their list, but the Bucks also work for many other groups, and would not likely want to tie themselves down to one promotion.

Celebs on Raw:

Snoop Dogg and Bill Simmons will appear on Raw next week. Simmons will join the announce team to call the show.

New NXT star:

Greg Hamilton has officially joined the NXT announce team.

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