Sunday, March 22, 2015

Today's News

Perro Aguayo Jr:

Perro Aguayo died of a cervical spinal injury, caused by whiplash, when he hit the ropes, which led to him suffering a stroke. The promotion that hosted the event have announced they will cover the cost of their fallen stars funeral, which takes place today, but in a further tragic twist, it has been revealed that the Aguayo family have decided not to inform his legendary father Perro Sr, about his sons death. Perro Sr is in ill health himself, and the family feel the weight of this news could be too much for him to bear.

The doctor at the event has come under fierce criticism in Mexico, for his handling of the tragedy, but has defended himself strongly. He says he was not at ringside when the accident happened, because he was treating other injuries backstage. He also defended his decision to put Aguayo on a plank of wood, rather than a stretcher, saying it was not malpractice, and that he was placed on a stretcher when the ambulance came to pick him up. Doctors at the local hospital tried in vein for over an hour to save him, performing multiple tests, even after if it was clear it was too late, but eventually they had to concede defeat, and announce officially that this was one fight the much respected luchadore could not kick out of.

Lucha Underground also paid tribute during a very somber show last night.


WWE Alum Victoria was in the crowd for a WWE live last night, in Anaheim.

Foley blogs on Mania:

''I don't think it's a lackluster card. I think it's a card with some question marks. We don't have the three or four matches that are definitely going to deliver. That's why I think it's important that, outside the IC title, which everyone knows is going to be phenomenal, that the matches that otherwise might not be given the chance to shine, like the divas for example… those girls can go. I sense that the wrestling world is ready to accept good female wrestling. I really hope that they're given the chance, so I'd love to see that one do well. I'm just interested to see the reactions, because Triple H was right when he said this was the reality era. The fans in some ways can make or break three of these matches with the unknowns. When Reigns and Lesnar are in there, can you imagine the crowd breaks for Lesnar? It could be phenomenal, the way they broke for him when he was against The Rock. The Rock was technically the good guy, ya know, years ago. So I think there could be a lot of excitement. It could be a letdown. It'll be interesting for sure.

I thought there was only room on the card for one mystical, mysterious entrance, and that's Undertaker. So I was really relieved when Sting made an appearance and it was the excited Sting. I think that got people talking.

When something gets over with the boys, you know you're on to something. One win in the right place could really launch Axel.''

WWE to snub marriage:

Daniel Bryan says WWE want people to forget his relationship with Brie Bella...

''Our characters right now are at different places. I've heard that creative wants people to forget that we're actually married."

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