Friday, November 22, 2013

Today's News

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Jake The Snake has defended himself from accusations of ripping fans off...

"It's an ongoing process and we didn't realize how much work it would be. However, it doesn't matter how long it takes, we will get all of them done... There was never any intention to let any supporters down ... so if anyone out there is still waiting on their perk please just contact us and we will handle it ASAP! But for the record no one is getting ripped off."

Dixie Carter interview:

On Spike TV...

"Once we got on Spike, we changed a lot of things and our revenues grew. We've been cash flow positive for the last four or five years. After that point, Panda stopped putting money in the company. We've funded it with every dollar we've made and maybe that's kept us from growing quite as fast."

On recent releases...

"Some people were let go... They didn't resonate. They didn't move the needle or the contract they wanted wasn't something that was good for this company. Sorry, but this company has to be in business in 10, 20 years from now. I have to run a company and grow it. I'm to the point right now where things have to be a certain way for us."

On taking TNA nationwide...

''We went on the road thinking if we could sell 1,500-2,000 tickets, we'd be good. We went in with a very conservative budget. We didn't come out here thinking we'd sell out arenas. The truth is we exceeded those budget numbers. We hit our revenue numbers, but we overspent when it came to loading out of the Universal studio. There was a two-month overlap that cost us... I think we've learned a lot from this. We learned that the show has to be shaken up, not the venue."

On signing Hulk Hogan...

"Yes, I think Hulk has been worth it. He's opened a lot of doors for us. When you're about to lose a deal in an international territory and one phone call from Hulk Hogan makes a man who doesn't even speak your language melt and you get your deal back, that carries a lot of weight. There's not another guy out there who could do that. If we did anything wrong with him, we used him too much on television. If he stayed with us, you'd probably see less of him."


TNA have announced they will air the Genesis PPV for free on Spike TV next year.

Movie trailer released:

Army Of The Damned features a number of wrestlers, including Tommy Dreamer, Rosita and Maria Kanellis as well as a couple of horror movie legends (Tony Todd FTW), here is the official trailer...

Damien Sandow:

Damien Sandow has met a young fan with a rare disorder, here is the local news report of the meeting.


Batista was backstage at last night's NXT taping's.

Also at NXT...

* ROH stats Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards had a try out match.

* Oliver Grey returned to action following a long injury lay off.

* Fans were chanting for the recently released Kassius Ohno, notably one fan had a sign in the shape of a shovel, to represent Triple H burying him.

* The 200th episode of NXT was taped.

* Also of interest, WWE were ''Stressing'' about the fact TNA were also in town last night, and one backstage staffer told FW4 he was shocked at how much time was spent worrying about the other promotions show.

Cody Rhodes interview:

Cody Rhodes says he is very proud of being in a traditional Survivor Series match this weekend...

"It's the cornerstone of the PPV itself. Of course, I think back to the 90's where you had almost every match on the pay-per-view was a Survivor Series elimination style match. It was a holiday classic and all the colorful characters you had. I'm allowed to be a fan a little bit when I look at the lineup and I look at myself, my brother Goldust, the Usos and a sure-fire, Hall of Famer in Rey Mysterio to be part of our own team, it's a good feeling."

On Dusty taking legit offence to a wedding gift from the McMahon's...

They were given a gift voucher...

"Legit, true thing that happened. So much of what we do is entertainment but this is 100% fact: my old man pocketed that gift card. So we never saw it because it was given to us out of spite he thought we wouldn't want to see it. I don't know but we never saw it. I think he bought my mom something."

On teaming with his Brother Goldust...

"I think if anything it's a shock. Being in his 40's I didn't expect him to return with the surge that he returned with. Some people will give you that target age for people in their prime. I can tell you that Dustin is 44 and he's in his prime. He's the best he's even been. He's doing things he hasn't done since he was 20-something and he's as healthy as a horse. For me, it's just a shock. I never expected to be in a tag-team, nonetheless being the tag-team champions with my brother and that 16-year age difference and the complete opposite ends. Him and I are nothing alike so it's really just been a fun shock."

On facing his brother at Mania...

"I can't deny the fact I've heard all these rumblings of Goldust versus Cody Rhodes and all I can say is that if it's something the fans want, if it's something the WWE Universe wants, then they'll get it. And it's not always right away. And there's more things going on and there's a lot of 'that's best for business expression' but it it's something that fans want, I could see it being a very high possibility."

The Undertaker:

One for Taker fans, WWE have compiled every Tombstone Piledriver that The Undertaker has ever done into one video...

Ryback vs Goldberg:

Ryback has told WWE.Com he wants Goldberg at Mania...

"I have a great amount of respect for Bill Goldberg, but I'm not going to beat around the bush and say I wanna be best friends with the guy. I'd like to face him in the ring. I've heard him say he's not happy with comments I've made about him, if he has a problem with it let's settle it at Wrestlemania."

Chris Hero:

Highlights from a shoot interview with RF video...


Was Hulk Hogan worth it?, did he have an Impact on TNA's long term future, and was it a positive one???

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