Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Today's News

Survivor Series:

Two traditional elimination matches have been announced...

Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, Jack Swagger & Antonio Cesaro vs Cody Rhodes, Goldust, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso and Rey Mysterio.

And a Total Diva's vs Non Total Diva's match...

Natalya, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Cameron, Naomi, Eva Marie & Jo Jo Offerman vs AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Summer Rae, & Rosa Mendes.

Kofi Kingston vs The Miz will be the kick off pre show match.

Josh Matthews will host a stellar panel for the pre and post show's, Hall Of Famers Booker T, Mick Foley and Bret Hitman Hart will be his guests.


Scorpio Sky has blamed a short run with TNA for not getting a WWE contract...

"WWE wanted to sign me, but because I did TNA a month before I was 'off limits'. So nobody can say I'm not there because I'm not good enough."

Raw notes:

* Rey Mysterio returned from a long injury lay off, however he was visibly limping around before and after his appearance.

* Xavier Woods made his main roster debut.

* Big E. Langston won the Intercontinental Championship, beating Curtis Axel.

* The Miz turned heel.


Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards will be taking part in a week long WWE tryout at the PC this week.


TNA prepare for their return to Orlando...

Jim Ross:

Jim Ross is trying to book a show for New Orleans so he will be in town during the WrestleMania weekend next year.

Chris Jericho:

But I'm Chris Jericho Episode 7...

Episode 8...


Some rumours coming out of WWE suggest Layla has re-injured the knee that kept her on the bench for months last year, she was not named on one of the Survivor Series teams and has not been on TV for weeks.

Title unification receives high profile support:

Alberto Del Rio agrees the WWE top titles could be unified, but does not think the time is right to do so at the moment...

"Of course that can happen, but I don't think it's something that we need right now. I think it's okay if we've got the WWE Title with one person and the World Heavyweight title with another one. Some one should proofread this. That way you have two different storylines and you're talking about two major titles to be defended and be present in every single pay-per-view."

AJ Styles:

Preston, England is set to be AJ Styles next stop on his world tour defending his TNA World Title, he was challenged by the promotions champ on Twitter and accepted.

Justin Credible:

The former WWE and ECW star has thanked the WWE for putting through rehab...

"I want to publicly thank @WWE for helping me got sober. They have an amazing support system in place. I did the work, but they provided help. One year ago today @WWE sent me to treatment. I was so low. Today 1 year later I have completely changed my life, and resurrected my career."


It seems MVP is eyeing a TNA career, rather than a return to WWE...

"Joe, Angle, Styles, Roode, Anderson. All new potential foes for me with a less rigorous schedule. I won't lie. It's intriguing."

Ryback heat:

Ryback is in the doghouse in WWE because he has been using the finishing moves of Goldberg without office permission.


Where should MVP go???

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