Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today's News

AJ Styles:

AJ successfully defended the TNA title in Japan last night.

WrestleMania UK?:

John Cena has called on WWE to take WrestleMania to England, saying Wembley Stadium would be a great venue for the 2015 event...

The chances are slim due to the logistical issues and time delay, Despite officials talking to potential sponsors in England for a SummerSlam return, the feeling is the time difference would destroy the PPV buy rate, and WWE would not likely risk the loss of income.

AJ Lee:

AJ Lee worked last nights live show after collapsing the previous night in London, she is one of many stats beat up and exhausted following a long and grueling tour.

Diva debuts:

Jo Jo Offerman had her first match at the NXT live show last night.

Beth Phoenix:

Beth Phoenix says she is not ready to make a WWE return, saying she is busy with other projects.

Savage to Hall Of Fame:

Jim Ross continues to tout that Macho Man's HOF induction may be coming next year...

“Maybe at #Wrestlemania 30.”

Paul London interview:

On Chris Benoit...

“Chris was dark, he was extremely dark. We used to have a joke that Chris was tri-polar, because it was a step up from bi-polarity. He would flip sometimes. I think a combination of Chris’ background of with steroids, mixed with the partying, is a recipe for disaster. One of them is a recipe for disaster. Its literally taking Drano and pouring it on your hard drive. See what that does for your computer.”

On Triple H...

“That is another reason I’m pretty sure I won’t be returning there any time soon. Hunter was pretty obviously jealous of certain individuals. I’m not saying he was jealous of me. I could tell he was envious of (Rob) Van Dam. He was extremely envious of Rob’s success. He was jealous of Van Dam’s personality. He was jealous that people gravitated towards Rob, because people liked being around Rob because he was very positive. The most glaring was the work rate. Hunter has had the same matches his whole career. If the guy is so damn tough, why does he need a sledgehammer. How do you justify this guying be a bad ass if he always has a weapon. Hunter is like that nerd that throws out a joke expecting the room to start laughing and ends up laughing at his own joke.”

Hulk Hogan:

Hulk Hogan says he will not be returning to TNA.

TNA are hyping the return of familiar faces in the coming weeks, if Hogan is to be believed, he will not be one of them.


How do you feel about a UK WrestleMania???

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