Monday, November 4, 2013

Today's News


Animal was the star guest in a tribute podcast dedicated to his tag team partner Hawk...

Jim Ross on Mania 30 return:

"If asked, certainly. Do I expect it to occur? 'No Way In Hell,' comes to mind. Next."

He also said he is not the man buying TNA, And that wrestling is not inspiring anymore since he left...

"The days since 9/11/13 are the 1st I've not been active in wrestling biz in my lifetime so is that why biz seems so uninspired? #MyEgo?"


Cody Rhodes new wife will be known as Brandi Rhodes, now she is back with the promotion. She had previously been known as Eden Stiles.

Raw tease:

* Who can stop The Wyatt Family?

* Is a lifetime ban enough to keep Big Show away from RAW?

* What will Kane, The Authority's newest weapon, do next?

* Which team will challenge Cody Rhodes and Goldust next?

* Who will be next to test John Cena?

New signings:

Irish wrestler Prince Devitt has confirmed he is joining WWE via Twitter, WWE have been chasing him for some time.

They have also signed an Olympic wrestler named Chad Betts. He represented the US in the London games last summer.

Rey Mysterio:

Rey Mysterio may be out until 2014. Despite having a match on the Mexico tour, he feels he is not yet ready to come back full time.

TNA title goes global:

AJ Styles successfully defended the TNA title in Mexico last night.

TNA for sale:

Dave Meltzer claims Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins is not the man buying TNA, saying he did not have enough money and he was not the leading contender for the purchase of the promotion when he broke the story a few days ago.

Lou D'Angeli has also removed his tweets confirming Corgan's interest in buying TNA. Jim Ross who says he is good friends with the singer, says Corgan is not involved in any bid for the promotion.

Titles to be unified?:

WWE are working on a creative idea that would unify the WWE and World titles at WrestleMania 30. They feel that they must first push the World title to make it more important to fans, so when (If) the match happens the result would not be obvious. This is why they put the title on John Cena, he will retain the gold into Mania before taking on the WWE champion to create one top title holder, and retiring the other (World) championship with a big send off at the big show if they do go with this angle.

There is a problem with this story though, the Royal Rumble winner getting the Mania title shot. WWE would either have to end the tradition, or have the Rumble winner win one of the top belts in between Rumble and Mania before cashing in his Rumble win for a pop at the other top title at Mania 30.

WWE cartoon:

WWE have teamed with the creators of The Simpsons and King Of The Hill to create a new cartoon based on their talent as youngsters. 13 episodes, each lasting 3 minutes will be made, each seeing a current star be sent to ''Camp WWE'' which is the name of the show, to be made into a model citizen by the camp counselor Vince McMahon.

The Rock:

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe has declared his dream is to make a movie with the former WWE man The Rock.


Should WWE unify the WWE and World titles to create one top title, or do you think the two title approach is the right way to go???

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