Saturday, November 16, 2013

Today's News

Mickie James to WWE?:

Mickie James, who has spent the past few days working at the WWE PC has told .Com she would be interested in a return to the promotion, and wants to work with Natalya, AJ Lee and Brie Bella...

"Of course, I would absolutely love that, but you never know. I'm just trying to take advantage of this opportunity. If I can pass a little knowledge of what I know, then hopefully that will do something, if not for me, then for the future of WWE and women's wrestling itself."

Health scare for WWE champion:

AJ Lee collapsed during a match in London last night. She had just made a tag to her partner Tamina Snuka in a tag team contest pitting the two against the Bella Twins when she began to look wobbly and started holding her head on the apron. She stepped down from the apron and fainted at ring side, one of the Bella's noticed what happened and threw up the ''X'' to notify backstage medical help, they came out and worked on her at ring side for 5 - 10 minutes. During this time the Bella's ended the match with a quick roll up pin on Tamina, who then went to help AJ to the back for further treatment.

WWE released this statement...

"Tonight in London, WWE Diva AJ Lee briefly fainted during a match with Brie Bella due to dehydration. She is currently being evaluated by WWE medical staff."

Later adding she is now OK.

Shane to make WrestleMania return?:

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon want a WWE return for Shane McMahon, and are working on a role for him at next years super show. There is no word from Shane's side, as to his interest in having a part to play at this time.


WWE are set to Ryback face and have him feud with Brock Lesnar. The angle would see Heyman bringing Lesnar back to get revenge on Ryback, who he blames for the assault he suffered at the hands of CM Punk. The match will happen at the Royal Rumble.

Also on Ryback, WWE are still hopeful of a match vs Goldberg for Mania 30 but are at a cross road. They would want their guy to go over in the bout, but Goldberg is said to be dead against doing the job, and would rather not return, then return to lose.

Some officials are already saying they believe the match is dead in the water.

WWE best... awful vignette's:

Wyatt's vs The Shield:

WWE are planning a feud between it's two heel factions, but it will not be quite yet, they may continue to play up tensions between the two groups, but the match won't happen until the new year.

Jesse Ventura interview:

On leaving WWE...

"It was over a video game. Vince signed a contract with (Nintendo) and told me that I couldn't sign an endorsement deal with another company (Sega). I told Vince that he didn't own me; I wasn't working under a contract at that time."

On Vince McMahon...

"It was good until Linda McMahon ran for office. I said in the media that I wouldn't endorse her because she ran on the Republican ticket, and I heard that Vince got mad at me because I said that publicly. I don't endorse any Republican or any Democrat. If I he gave me as much money as he gave her to run for her elections, I would be the President. Why would you spend your own money to get a job in public service?"

On Hulk Hogan...

"I haven't spoke to him or seen him at all since I left the WWE in 1990."

On Eric Bischoff...

"Last time I saw him was when I was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 2004 and I don't care for him."

On his Presidential ambitions...

"Two things would need to be met; I don't run to lose, I run to win. I would have to have ballot access in all 50 states, and I would need a guarantee that I would be allowed in the debates. If you're not allowed in the debates you have no chance of winning. You wrestling people could do that for me; just go out and get Jesse Ventura ballot access in all 50 states. All it takes is leg work to sign petitions. Every state is different; you're going for a Federal office – shouldn't it be the same in every state? That's so Independent's like me have trouble getting on the ballot. (Right now the chances of a Presidential run) are 50/50."

ESPN to feature WWE:

ESPN are producing a documentary on the WWE Hall Of Fame, including interviews with the inducted, Kevin Von Erich has already confirmed he will be taking part. The episode will be aired in 2014.

Stacy Keibler:

Former WWE diva Stacy Keibler is taping an appearance on the popular American sitcom How I met your mother this weekend.

3MB repackaged:

WWE were impressed with the reaction 3MB got as the Union Jacks on the European tour, and are planning on making the change permanent.

Hulk Hogan to WWE:

Hulk Hogan's chances of a Mania return, are ''Looking good'' according to sources close to the Hall Of Famer, although it was added that nothing will be done until it is done, so no deal is yet in place it seems.

Zema Ion:

Zema Ion has revealed he has heat with TNA for launching a fund raiser to pay his medical bills after the promotion refused to help, but that he is still employed by the company. He defended the campaign, saying he needed the money and felt he had no other choice.

WWE top 10:

Table crashes...

Spanish announce table for the Hall Of Fame 

Bret vs Shawn:

The Honky Tonk Man has recalled a backstage fight between the two greats in 1997...

"I saw Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels down on the floor in Hartford, Connecticut, they cannot deny it happened because it did happen. They were in the locker room down on the floor, pulling at each other's hair. They had to be separated, and it had nothing to do with professional wrestling. It had to do with a personal vendetta that they had against each other. These were just two guys who could not co-exist anymore in the same locker room. It did finally culminate to the Montreal Screwjob."


Would you like a Shane McMahon WWE return at Mania, or should he concentrate on his external career and leave his ring days behind him???

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