Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today's News


''Old School''...

Abyss vs Jeff Hardy (Monster's Ball match) has been added to the card.

''Hardcore Justice''...

Austin Aries vs. Samoa Joe vs. Chris Sabin is now official for this PPV.

WWE on betting scammer:

"WWE believes in First Amendment rights, so anyone has the right to predict outcomes."

This is the first official comment direct from WWE on the reddit user that has been revealing the results of it's PPV's, but say they have made no effort to find the source of the leak within WWE.

Eddie's lost Mania match:

Court Bauer has revealed Eddie Guerrero was set to face Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 22, before his death in 2005...

"It was 24 hours before he passed away, I believe. 24 hours, 48 hours, something like that. We had a call with Vince at home, and we were talking about the preliminary plans for WrestleMania. I know there's this romanticized story about how Eddie was going to get the title, and that was the plan that he was going to get it that night or at Survivor Series. That wasn't the plan. I think Stephanie said that, or alluded to it on the air, and that was not the plan. The plan was that he would lose, and I think they were going to return in December. We had talked about a fascinating idea; I'm not the biggest Bruce Pritchard fan, but to his credit, I believe it was Bruce Prichard who pitched putting Eddie Guerrero at WrestleMania against Shawn Michaels and doing the parallels of their careers. Being the heartthrob in Mexico and this mercurial figure south of the border, and the American version being HBK. They had never really worked, and you would've had such a great dynamic between the two with heel Eddie versus Shawn. That'd be your 'tear the house down,' high quality match at WrestleMania 22 in Chicago. Vince was like, 'God damn, that's really appealing. We could parallel their careers. What kind of footage of Eddie do we have outside of WCW? We could really do some impressive packages.''

Ricardo Rodriguez:

With Rey Mysterio's return further delayed, Ricardo has been told creative has nothing for him. He will be kept off TV for the time being, and is working in a backstage agent role.


TNA are looking at bringing in some Ring Of Honor stars to freshen up their roster.

WWE weaken it's own Wellness Policy:

In a move likely to be attacked by anti drugs campaigner's WWE have changed their wellness policy, to allow a redemption clause.

They have called the loop hole the Therapeutic Use Exception (TUE).

I have just read a copy of the new clause, it is very wordy and legalistic, so rather than post the full thing, here are the salient points of the change...

A WWE star may ask for a TUE if they...

* Have a legitimate medical issue.

* Need to use the drugs for more than 60 days.

* If the use of the drug is recognized by the US medical community.

* The need for the drug is acknowledged by the medical director.

The WWE star must work with their own doctor, and their physician must work in co-operation with the WWE medical director, and WWE would require a copy of all documentation regarding the use of the drug. The talent must always be available to examination by WWE doctors when called upon to do so.

The WWE medical director will be the only person eligible to determine if a TUE should be granted, he or she would then advise the talent, their doctor and the WWE.

The TUE will be in effect for 1 calender year, and must be re-applied for if they want it to continue after that date. The talent would not be allowed to use any other prohibited drug or would not be covered for use of the drug prior to the award date (So a talent could not apply for a TUE to avoid failing a drugs test).

Talent will be tested via urine samples, and if a prohibited drug is found it must be the drug they are covered for via the TUE, the policy will remain the same for stars not eligible for a TUE or for drugs not covered by the TUE.

If a talent is in possession of illegal substances they will still risk immediate dismissal from WWE.

Alcohol fails will see a $2,500 fine, two fails would require a meeting with a medical director, and a placement on the redemption program.

The director would then work with the talent on a case by case basis, judging them on any personal issues they are suffering, and the level of addiction. They would then send them on to a counselor or addiction expert for further help.

When the talent successfully completes the program they would have one of the fails taken away leaving them with one fail on their record.

Pain Killers are also mentioned, talent are encouraged to self report issues if they feel they are becoming dependent on pain medication, although no sanctions would be taken against them. WWE would send them to a rehab center for help.

Jim Ross:

AAA are interested in making Jim Ross their lead English language commentator when they come to the states soon, however Vince McMahon installed a lengthy no compete clause in JR's severance package to prevent him joining other companies too soon.

Billy Kidman:

Photo, Billy Kidman on the European tour playing Paul Heyman's Doctor, Dr Wankenburg.

NXT star leaving:

Mickey Keegan may be forced out of WWE, he is on the shelf with spinal stenosis, a narrowing of the spinal column, WWE doctors have told the promotion they will not clear him to wrestle due to the severity of the condition.

SummerSlam UK:

WWE were involved in talks during the UK leg of this tour with business contacts to gage sponsors interest for a SummerSlam return to the continent for the hottest event of the summer. Talks are in the very early days and they have not declared when they show would be coming over, but if they did decide to bring it back it would be the first time since the hugely popular SummerSlam 1992.

WWE Head Of Talent Relations:

Is now the former HR chief Sean Clearly, the former occupant of the role Jane Geddes has moved into the PA role for Triple H.

European tour:

WWE are still receiving heat for the booking and advertising fails that dogged the tour.

John Cena is ''Hurting'' and beat up following the tour.

WWE change of heart:

Jody Kristofferson (Garrett Dylan) told fans that he will be back with WWE in early 2014 He was released for lack of charisma earlier this year.

Lil' Jimmy:

R-Truth has said of his invisible sidekick...

"Man, that kid's back with his mom! I needed a break from him, we weren't getting along too well. Good riddance if you ask me!"

He has also announced an upcoming rap album, which will feature John Cena on a track.

Hogan vs Cena:

Hall Of Famer Jimmy Hart has confirmed that Hulk Hogan will be at WrestleMania 30, even if he has to buy a ticket, but did also confirm that the match he wants to have would be vs John Cena, he said it is the match fans would want to see.

Shawn Michaels on his destructive lifestyle:

"I was doing everything I could to kill myself except put a loaded weapon in my hand".

He has been clean since 2002.

Torrie Wilson:

Alex Rodriguez, boyfriend of WWE alum Torrie was caught cheating on her with another woman in a hotel restroom yesterday.


OK Jimmy Hart says Hulk Hogan vs John Cena is the match fans want to see, Do you want to see it???

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