Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today's News

Ultimate Warrior:

The Ultimate Warrior has recalled his favourite Survivor Series moment...

"If I had to pick a Survivor Series - 1990 was a really neat Survivor Series because I teamed with The Legion of Doom [Hawk and Animal] and Kerry Von Erich - at the time The Texas Tornado. Kerry was a good friend of mine, both Animal and Hawk were good friends of mine, so the chemistry was really good. Out of that first match, it led to me and [Hulk] Hogan appearing in the ring together as allies and not adversaries and having the final''.

Take a break:

WWE's crew have been given the thanksgiving weekend off after a long and grueling European tour.

Jim Ross on title unification:

''I have no idea what WWE creative is doing or is going to do but if I had to guess I'd say the WWE Titles stays and the World Title goes. Bottom line is that I don't know. Again, I don't know exactly what is going on but it appears that WWE wants to have one primary title going forward. I don't spend much time on the creative plans of any pro wrestling company.''

Kassius Ohno:

Dusty Rhodes and NXT lead writer Ryan Ward fought to keep Kassius Ohno in NXT, but his standing politically in WWE was in such a bad place, even their support could not save him.

Also on Ohno, (Now Chris Hero) he participated in a match for DGUSA this week, where his opponent, one time WWE target Johnny Gargano mocked Triple H, using his taunts and finisher to bury Hero...


Christian is expected back in the next couple of weeks, he has had a long term concussion that he has not been able to recover from sufficiently for months.

WWE weddings:

The Miz will wed Maryse in February, followed shortly after in April by the nuptials of Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella.

WWE reject new Khali:

WWE have denied reports they are interested in an Indian wrestler named the ''New Khali''.

Hulk Hogan:

WWE have officially confirmed that they are in talks with Hulk Hogan. They are proposing a tag team match, where he would partner John Cena at WrestleMania 30.

Roman Reigns:

WWE are planning on continuing the push of Roman Reigns at the Royal Rumble, they are considering having him dominate a period of the bout, as Diesel and Kane have done in the past, during which time he would score numerous eliminations, and even if he does not win the match, would look extremely strong as a result.

They plan a big 2014 for him.

Survivor Series:

WWE you lie...!

WWE announced that 15,297 people attended this years show, in fact 13,500 were there, and 1,500 of those were papered (Given free tickets on the night).

Dolph heat?:

Dolph Ziggler may be facing further heat, he had his followers on Twitter playing a drinking game during Main Event last night, telling fans to do shots every time he took a big bump. He also had a pop at his losing streak, saying he is growing embarrassed about telling friends when he is on TV, because he loses all the time.


WWE diva Naomi is working on a music career.

Benoit to WWE:

David, Son of Chris Benoit has confirmed he plans to start a wrestling career, and says he wants to make it to the WWE, he has been training with Harry Smith (British Bulldog's son) and is now, along with Cody (son of Scott) Hall asking for a place at the New Japan dojo, to further his training.

Goldberg to WWE:

The talks are on. Goldberg says Triple H has called to ask about his availability and interest in WrestleMania 30, and that they are talking. He however is said to want a ''Significant'' pay off for a one off match. He said Triple H's ploy of teasing a huge pop at the show was not going to work, he wants his son to see him work a match, and a good paycheque, No deal is yet agreed.

Bring it back:

WWE stars have been asked what WWE should bring back...

* Cody Rhodes chose the Winged Eagle Championship.

* Antonio Cesaro chose the old neon lights entrance from the new generation days.

* Kofi Kingston chose the Hardcore title.

* Alicia Fox chose the Women's championship.

* R-Truth chose the Attitude Era.


Edge says he did not like his entrance music in WWE...

"Replacing 'Never Gonna Stop' wasn't my choice. The copyright ran out on Never Gonna Stop. And the way that started is, I tore my labrum in my shoulder, but I didn't get surgery, so I ended up having a month off. So I threw a shot in the dark. I always hated that 'You Think You Know Me' music because it never fit me and what I actually listen to''.

The Miz:

The Miz says teaming with John Morrison saved his WWE career, because he felt his days were numbered...

"If Miz and Morrison never happened, I truly believe that I would have been fired within a year. I think being with Morrison really gave me the opportunity to take risks. It gave me the opportunity to really stand tall in our realm. When we created a thing called The Dirt Sheet, which… Back then, YouTube was just getting going with its popularity. WWE now has its own YouTube channel. It didn't have its own YouTube Channel. It didn't have those internet shows. We were the first. So we kind of became originals and we were doing those sorts of things that were going against the grain because we wanted to get noticed. I think Morrison pushed me and I pushed Morrison to really do the best that we possibly can. We brought the best out of each other, is what I thought."


What or who would you bring back to the WWE if you could???

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