Friday, November 15, 2013

Today's News


R-Truth has discussed his new album, saying it will be inspired by the likes of Eminem and Tupac Shakur...

"There's a lot of my life in the songs—I lost my sister to cancer around four months ago, there's a song on there about that. People who have gone through that, or are going through that situation will hopefully take something from it. A lot of my music is inspired by personal situations in my life. John Cena just recorded two songs. They should be really great once they're done. I've always wanted to do this and I was talking to Hunter (Triple H) and he was like, 'I just can't believe you've not done this already.' I've been on and off with WWE about 10 years and I'm just at the point now where I think I've matured enough to put out something that's likable. Me, I like to go against the grain I don't like to talk about typical things in my music - my music is more about real life situations. About important things, having faith, pursuing your dreams and goals. My music is about drive,"

Survivor Series:

"How I Feel" by Flo Rida is the official theme.

Jim Ross remembers Eddie Guerrero...

"Eddie was only 38 years of age when he passed away suddenly of heart issues on November 13, 2005 and no one ever I've known has left a more memorable legacy in the pro wresting biz in only 38 years on Earth than the unforgettable Eddie Guerrero. Any company who puts an automatic size limit on how big wrestlers must be to be hired with WWE, TNA. etc are making a huge mistake. Because one never knows on that rare occasion when one might find another amazingly gifted, passionate, charismatic, in ring genius who's all of 5'8" and reminds us all of the WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero."

''Wrestling moves'' stop robbery:

A man rescued his nephew from an attempted burglary by two men using what police in South Africa called ''Wrestling moves''. He speared the first guy, before using other moves to subdue the other, the two ran away, police are investigating.

Rock the army:

The Rock has paired up with the US army to release a clothing line.

Andy Kaufman:

Family members of the late actor, and part time wrestler Andy Kaufman claimed earlier this week that he in fact was not dead, but had perpetrated an elaborate hoax. Today Jerry Lawler, Kaufman's most heated rival, has been asked for a view on his status...

"I would like nothing better than to know that Andy was still alive and been with us all this time. But like anybody else, I really don't know any more than what I've heard. It could be a great hoax in his honor, dreamed up by his friend Bob Zamuda and his brother, Michael. That would be something that would be in keeping with Andy's tradition, but who's to say. It could really be legit. There should be a WrestleMania rematch between Andy and The King. We could rekindle the feud with no problem."

WWE 2014:

The first four DVD's released next year will be...

* January 14th - TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs 2013
* January 28th - Best of RAW & Smackdown 2013
* February 11th - Shawn Michaels: Mr. WrestleMania
* February 25th - Royal Rumble 2014

CM Punk to MMA:

Chael Sonnen says CM Punk is considering quitting wrestling for an MMA career...

"I mean, he's given some serious consideration to coming over here and competing and doing this. He's talked about it a number of times, and I don't think he will personally, but I know he's prepared to for a very long time.''

WWE in Leeds:

John Cena (Ankle) and CM Punk (Unknown) were injured at last night's event in Leeds, and a fan was ejected because he threw a Bray Wyatt style hat in John Cena's direction, although it made no contact with Cena, security kicked him immediately.

CM Punk vs Fans:

CM Punk is receiving some heat for his behaviour on tour, in particular in Nottingham. A Mother and her young son had arrived early and were asking talent for a picture as they arrived, they boy asked Punk if he could say hello to AJ, only for Punk to shout at the boy and called his mother ''Horrible''. He sent a message to AJ on Twitter saying Punk would not let him and his mother say hello, and that he made them both cry, and that he does not like Punk any more.

CM Punk has saved the tweet.

Another fan who saw the incident joined in, saying many fans were taking pics of Punk, this one lady and her child asked if they could do the same before doing so themselves, and he snapped at them angrily.

It is not the first time Punk has been in this situation, he has a bad reputation with fan interactions, not always his fault though it has to be said.


Here is the trailer for a new movie featuring Kelly Kelly.

TNA heat:

Serge Salinas, husband of Dixie Carter has received some heat on Twitter for posting this photo. Dixie Carter was messaged directly by an offended fan and said she would not allow it, the tweet was promptly deleted.


Should CM Punk go to MMA, or has he still got more to achieve in wrestling???

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