Friday, November 29, 2013

Today's News

WWE catchphrases:

WWE have released a video tribute of it's greatest catchphrases...

Lawsuit thrown out:

Figures Toy Company who had been suing WWE over replica WWE titles belts have had their case thrown out, WWE are now free to go ahead with the Chinese manufacturer's take over of the product line.

Diamond Dallas Page:

DDP has announced his partner is fighting breast cancer.

Million Dollar movie:

Ted Dibiase Jr. is making a movie about his Hall Of Famer father the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. It is entitled ''The Price Of Fame'' it tells the story of the man behind the legendary character, his fame, his mistakes, the toll his celebrity took on his family and his vices during his time away from home. Ted Jr also takes us into his home and talks to his Mother to reveal the story wrestling fans didn't see, the story of his Mum raising the boys alone, whilst his dad was touring the world.

Worst mistake in wrestling is...:

WWE have listed some errors and are asking fans to vote on which was the worst, the options are...

* Vince McMahon giving away his money to fans.

* Vince McMahon's drawing power.

* The Shockmaster's debut.

* Papa Shango put's a curse on The Ultimate Warrior.

* Mike Admale's hiring.

* Kennel from hell match.

* Sycho Sid's mic skills.

* In Your House 8 Blackout.

* Brawl For All tournament

* Dungeon Of Doom

* Scott Steiner's mic skills.

Mother Abigail is Taker?:

Yahoo TV have speculated that The Undertaker is the higher power behind the Wyatt family, and that his WWE return would see him come back to lead the group as it's heel mastermind, allowing him to be back on TV without having to get in the ring, he could allow his followers to do the physical activity on his behalf.

Ultimate Warrior interview:

The Ultimate Warrior says Macho Man Randy Savage was the toughest opponent he ever faced.

He went on to discuss his possible Hall Of Fame induction...

"The simple answer is they've got to tell the right story. That's a possibility. Being in the Hall of Fame - Ultimate Warrior being inducted into the Hall of Fame, or me standing there at the Hall of Fame participating in it - is not going to mean anything to my goals in my life and the kind of quality of life I'm going to have, what kind of things I'm going to do, how productive I'm going to be as I move on throughout my life. I only get this one life, so I'm not going to sit in my own pile of poop and feel sorry that I'm not in the Hall of Fame. The Ultimate Warrior character relative to professional wrestling or WWE, he's definitely a Hall of Famer. He's a Hall of Famer whether he gets into the Hall of Fame or not."

Jacques Rougeau vs Dynamite Kid:

Jacques Rougeau has done an interview where he discusses in detail, the backstage fight he had with the British Bulldog member the Dynamite Kid in the 80's...

Part 1...

Part 2...

Part 3...


1. What was / is your favourite wrestling catchphrase???

2. What was the worst mistake in wrestling???

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