Monday, November 25, 2013

Today's News

Survivor Series report:


* The Miz bt Kofi Kingston (Pre Show)

* Roman Reigns was the sole survivor in the 5 on 5 traditional elimination match.

* Big E. Langston bt Curtis Axel to retain the IC title.

* Natlaya and Nikki Bella for team Total Diva's won the women's elimination match.

* Mark Henry returned and beat Ryback in a bonus match.

* John Cena bt Alberto Del Rio to retain the World Title.

* CM Punk and Daniel Bryan bt The Wyatt Family.

* Randy Orton bt Big Show to retain the WWE Title.


A Kofi heel turn was teased in the pre show, Kofi refused to shake the offered hand of The Miz and instead slapped his face, he then left the ring.

Dean Malenko returned to work at the show following a health scare.

John Laurinaitis appeared in a backstage segment.

Ricardo Rodriguez was on the Spanish announce team.

WWE paid tribute to Mad Dog Vachon who died last week, and sent good will messages to the Dynamite Kid.

Match of the night went to the opening Elimination match.

Worst match was the women's match hands down, usual problem, not given enough time, 9 of the girls were eliminated in the first 3 or 4 minutes.

There was also a botch in this match, Michael Cole announced Natalya as the sole survivor, despite Nikki being in the ring celebrating with Nattie, it took them an hour to realise and acknowledge the mistake on air.

Luke Harper hurt his knee in the tag match and struggled for the remainder of the bout, but I was very impressed with Harper and Rowan's super card debut.

The WWE / World title unification stories started, with Cena coming out at the end of the show to stand in the ring with Randy Orton.

Post show, John Cena challenged Randy Orton for a title vs title match, but Randy said no. Kane then tried to attack Cena, but was repeatedly stopped by Triple H, Kane grew frustrated and grabbed HHH by the throat, the usual set up for a chokeslam, Orton rushed to Hunter's aide and calmed Kane. They all then left John Cena alone to talk to the crowd, but Triple H came back out and was challenged by Cena to a match, Hunter started to undress and walked down the aisle, only for Vince McMahon to come out to calm his son in law, Cena then began taunting the boss, so Vince started to undress to go after the World champ before Stephanie came out to stop her dad. Vince then started to perform the Ole! chant with his jacket.

New job for WWE Alum:

The Gobbledy Gooker has started work at the WWE HQ in Stamford, here is his first day at work...

Part 1...

Part 2...

Raw teaser:

* What "must see" TV will Michael Strahan have in store for RAW?

* What motivated John Cena to interrupt Randy Orton at Survivor Series?

* Who will Mark Henry go after?

* WWE 2K14 footage of The Rock and his greatest WrestleMania, as voted by fans, will air

* Will CM Punk & Daniel Bryan clash with The Wyatt Family again?

Maria Kanellis launches new project:

Mark Henry:

Mark Henry is to appear in a WWE horror movie called ''Incarnate''. The film follows an exorcist plying his trade as he tries to help a 9 year old boy, Henry will have a cameo appearance.

The Undertaker:

Todd MacFarlane has released the first images of his WWE statuette...

New star hurt:

Davey Richards who had a try out match at NXT last week has pulled out of a trip to Japan due to a neck injury.


What did you think of the Survivor Series???

I would give it 7/10...

Strong opener, really enjoyed the traditional elimination match. The IC match was solid but forgettable, the Diva's match was too rushed and poor as a result, Henry's return got a big pop from the crowd, which the match that followed did not live up too. Cena vs Del Rio killed the crowd, but the Punk / Bryan vs The Wyatt's match was really good, very impressed by the Wyatt's, Orton vs Show was a good competitive match until Hunter came out. Then the big finish with the set up for Mania between Cena and Orton, ended the show leaving fans wanting more, which is a good thing to do.

I would still advise WWE to return to the PPV's original format, and have all elimination matches, I simply do not buy that modern fans do not want long drawn out matches, the crowd in Boston loved the match last night, and so did I.

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