Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Today's News

Rob Van Dam:

RVD says he hopes to make an action movie during his time away from WWE.

WWE fail:

WWE have made some advertising errors for the European tour. They have announced appearances for a number of stars in different cities on the same night, for example Cody Rhodes and Goldust are booked to wrestle in Birmingham, Cardiff and Brussels at the same time. Also many stars competing on tonight's TV's are also booked to appear tomorrow in Belfast, which could be tight. Big Show, Randy Orton, The Shield and Daniel Bryan are some of those that could be affected by this.

Rougeau elected:

Former WWE man Ray Rougeau has been re-elected as mayor of Rawden, Quebec, Canada.

TNA for sale:

Janice Carter has reiterated that TNA is not for sale...

"An unfortunate aspect of this business is that there are wrestling 'reporters' who consistently post 'news stories' without proper facts. I want to assure you these are just rumors and that I am committed to TNA and its future."

Rumoured buyer Billy Corgan refused to make a statement, his rep said he is concentrating on the second year anniversary PPV for his own promotion Resistance Pro, which will be later this month.

TNA are said to be very disappointed in Corgan for fanning the flames of the story, but have confimred that they are in talks with a national company as a sponsor for the promotion, but did not expand on the extent of the involvement the as yet un-named company would have on TNA's future.

Raw notes:

Tyson Kidd made his official WWE return last night.

Big Show was rehired.

Randy Orton vs Big Show (WWE Title) was confirmed for Survivor Series.

Jericho wins:

Chris Jericho's band Fozzy have won an award for best metal performance.

Here are the newest episodes of his web show...

Episode 3...

Episode 4...

Tyler Reks vs WWE:

Tyler Reks is not happy about WWE creating a cartoon, after his own almost cost him his job, it seems Mark Henry was the man the reported Reks Mid Card Mafia show to the office...

"I almost get fired 4 an 'irreverent' cartoon & @WWE decides 2 make their own? Hope Mark Henry doesn't cry about it. Kinda makes me wanna release the 2 episodes of#MidCardMafia season 2 that I have sitting here...."

The first artwork for the show has been released (Photo).

Goldust talks his past drug addictions:

"It was day in and day out, probably two years solid, and I can go through the list of things. A half gallon of vodka a day, probably 60 or 70 pills a day, plus other stuff like cocaine. It wasn't good, but I didn't care. I didn't see the other way. I only thought about where I could get my next fix. I didn't see what it had done to me or what it was doing to my family and everybody around me. And what it was doing to my career and especially my health. I was trying and trying and re-medicating myself. It just didn't happen. Enough was enough, and about 3 or 4 in the morning I crawled out in the rain and my wife was with me. I was like, 'I give up,' and I got on the phone and told Dad I wanted to go to the WWE rehab center. I haven't turned back. I've been clean and sober for five-and-a-half years."

Former writer criticises Randy Orton for poor mic work:

Andrew Goldstein told John Corrigan...

"I hate Randy Orton's 'better than you' promo because it's a crutch. WWE does it all the time and it comes from Vince saying the easiest way to get a message across is with a straight line. I get that, but it's such an uncreative way to do it. Look at early Ric Flair promos, which I do often. Even before all the Nature Boy stuff, he would say something like, 'If you can beat me, I'll kiss your boots.' He still means that's he better than you, but he draws me in with specifics."

Lex Luger on Miss Elizabeth's death:

"I've definitely made some poor choices throughout my career. Wrestling was always wonderful and I had the great career I've talked about but we have a real life behind the scenes. I had a wonderful wife, my son and daughter; I was living in a mansion on a golf course in Atlanta. However I was leading a double life, womanizing, parting, doing drugs and kept it all secret. We reap what we sow, it's universal law and it all came uncovered with the Elizabeth tragedy overdosing in a secret townhouse I had in Atlanta when I had my family on the other side of town. I was definitely leading a very selfish and reckless lifestyle outside of wrestling. I'm very thankful that I met some people and god put some people in my life that showed me there is another way to live."

Former champ to return to TNA:

Dixie Carter says one of the ''Great'' TNA World champions will be on Impact this week.


Who would you like to see return on Impact this week???

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