Friday, September 14, 2012

Today's News

Jerry Lawler:

Is back on his feet after his heart attack and posted a video thanking fans personally for the love and support he and his family have received since Monday.

WWE cut all mentions of Jerry taking ill from later broadcasts of Raw, including Michael Cole's explanations, the crowd shots looking at Jerry, and They had Michael Cole overdub commentary on the matches that had no comms during the live broadcast.

Jerry's son Kevin said his dad was feeling chest pains over the weekend in Aruba, and decided to visit a doctor when he got back to the states, but due to the tightness of his schedule, he had no time, and had to go straight to Raw from the airport.

He also said his Dad will continue to wrestle, as Doctor's say there is no reason he can't continue. IMO WWE will never let him wrestle for them again (On TV anyways), they can't risk something awful happening again (Owen, Benoit...)


Hulk Hogan will host their UK gutcheck.

They also showed a real classy side by wishing Jerry Lawler well in his recovery live on their Impact broadcast last night, Would WWE do the same???.

John Cena:

Has discussed how it feels to be booed by your home town (Boston)...

“I love going to Boston. I adapt well to any environment. I’ve been cheered there, and I’ve been booed there, but that’s the Boston fans,” Cena said, before addressing what he expects Sunday. “It is what it is, and Boston’s one of those interesting crowds that provides a ton of energy. I love it. I love it.”


TJ Perkins had a try out with TNA yesterday vs their X champ Zema Ion, he must have impressed, because today ROH have released him from his contract, leaving him free to sign for TNA.

WWE worries:

WWE are launching a media blitz in Boston starting with Daniel Bryan, because they are concerned at the lack of interest in the upcoming Night Of Champions PPV.

They also have a tough choice to make, they will visit Egypt next month, and must decide if they should (As they did when they went to Qatar) leave the Diva's behind, due to the strict religious laws in the region, Lilian Garcia has said she is going, WWE yet to confirm their position.

Jim Ross:

Has declared the attitude era ''The greatest ever''.

Eve Torres:

Has announced she is to get married, Congratulations.

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