Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today's News

Mark Henry:

Was a casket bearer at the funeral of actor Michael Clarke Duncan yesterday.

Jerry Lawler:

A staffer has contradicted some of the reports coming from backstage during the Lawler ordeal, he said he did not see any prayer groups, that Vince was not with Jerry throughout, because he checked on the backstage situation during a break, and also orated Michael Cole's on air statements and had him repeat what he said word for word, before going with Jerry, leaving Triple H in the Gorilla position. He also said he never heard any talk of cancelling the show.

Jerry's family say being at Raw probably saved his life, due to the emergency response being right on hand when needed, adding if it happened over the weekend while he was on tour in Aruba or at home, he would not have been helped in time.

WWE are also getting heat from the mainstream media, asking questions, such as why would they allow a 62 year old man to wrestle people half his age.

Ric Flair was doing the rounds defending the company.

Michael Cole did this interview...

The most recent update I have, is...

A friend and business partner of the King has revealed the brain tests Jerry had last night revealed NO brain damage, he still cannot talk and is using a notepad to communicate, but he is awake, alert, and responsive. 

This has since been confirmed by his ex wife Stacy Carter...

On Jerry Lawler’s Condition...

“Right now he’s stable, being responsive with a tube down his throat. He’s squeezing people’s hands, nodding his head. He can point out where he’s hurting, stuff like that. The next step is to wait for the test results to come back tomorrow, the scan on his brain to see what – if any – brain damage he may or may not have. And that’s pretty much it. He’s still critical but stable. He’s strong and he’s stubborn, so if anybody can pull through its him.”

On the amount of time it took for CPR to work...

“WWE’s doctor was there when Jerry collapsed and fell out of his chair. He started CPR. From what I’ve been told is Jerry did not regain consciousness there. They did revive him there, but it took a long time – 15 minutes. It took a long time to bring him back. But he’s back now, he’s lightly sedated, and they’re taking him off the ventilator. He’s not in the heavy sedation that they had him in.”

On it happening on live TV...

“Jerry would be dead right now if it did not happen where it happened. Stuff like that just keeps running through my brain. Jerry normally grabs something – some food – on the way back to the hotel … fast food or if the bar is open, and he eats, then he’s there by himself. But this could have happened just two or three hours later and nobody would have been there with him and he wouldn’t be here right now. Or he could have been driving to the arena or flying to Montreal. If it had to happen, I’m very thankful that it did there.”

Further update from his son Brian (Grand Master Sexay) Lawler...

“He is responsive to questions that he is asked which is very good. His sedation and breathing support are being lowered slowly right now. He was shocked a total of 7 times at the arena and underwent a balloon stint to open up a clogged artery when he arrived at hospital. Everyone out there needs to say a special prayer for his brain at this point, please. Tests on his brain will not be available until the morning. One of us two will keep all you guys informed as we know more.”

His doctors are very worried about his brain been damaged, due to the lack of oxygen.


Has denied signing a WWE deal, after the company have announced they are set to release a DVD on the former WCW champ.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Michael Cole is on comms.
  • Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, and David Otunga start the show continuing their feud with Sheamus.
  • He also revealed the new member of his group is... Christian.
  • Sin Cara vs The Miz (Non Title).
  • Sin Cara made a number of botches during the match, and Rey and Cody interfered.
  • Kane vs Kofi Kingston.
  • Randy Orton vs Tensai.
  • Ziggler attempts a backstage assault after Orton is berated by Vickie, but fails.
  • Cesaro comes to the ring to complain about the Battle Royal, bringing some face stars down to annoy him further.
  • Kaitlyn vs Beth Phoenix.
  • Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan

Stacy Keibler:

The former WWE star is set to announce she has split from her actor boyfriend George Clooney, according to close friends of hers, they have been together for a year.

Stacy had recently met his parents, and hoped to continue their relationship long term, but George does not want to get married, and has distanced himself from her in recent weeks.

Bret vs Bruce:

Bret Hart has hit out at his Brother for trying to bring back Stampede...

“For those asking or wondering, I just want 2 clarify that I’m in no way, shape, or form affiliated w/the so-called new Stampede Wrestling. And I know my father would be embarrassed to be associated with it too”

Night Of Champions SPOILER!!!:

A four way match for the IC title will be announced on SmackDown...

The Miz vs Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio vs Sin Cara

Eve Torres:

Has said she considers her WWE career as a stepping stone to the movies, she thinks they are helping her as a performer, but that the movies are the place she feels she can best express her talents.

Chris Hero:

Has criticised NXT champ Seth Rollins for swinging the belt around his head, and called it ''frustrating''.

John Laurinaitis:

His return to WWE has been further delayed, he has undergone shoulder surgery.

Survivior Series SPOILER!!!:

AJ and Booker T will continue a rivalry into November's show.

The Bella's:

Will make an appearance on MTV this week, Nikki has the WWE Diva's belt with her.


Is working 10 - 15 matches on the house show circuit, to improve his ring craft before he gets a top level push.

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