Monday, September 24, 2012

Today's News

Character Change?:

Santino Marella has discussed his ambitions for his career future, and hinted he wants to become the World Champion, conceding he will have to develop a more serious persona before he gets that chance.

He also said he doesn't get along with The Miz and Cody Rhodes...

“But that’s because they can’t laugh at themselves,” Marella said. “They’ll laugh at someone else, but when it comes to themselves—they take things way too seriously.”


A match on Saturday had to be stopped by WWE doctors when Ryback suffered a serious facial cut early into a bout vs Jinder Mahal.

Jinder Mahal:

Says his career highlight was Raw 1000...

“Being part of Raw 1000 in the same ring with Undertaker and Kane leading an army of young hungry wrestlers was amazing,” he recalled. “In Birmingham, England I had a match with Tyson Kidd and Mick Foley was at ringside and delivered a socko to me at the end of the match. That was another one of those moments that if you told me I would be in the ring with Mick Foley giving me a socko I wouldn’t believe you. It is those moments that make me realize what I have accomplished in my life, from humble beginnings in Stampede Wrestling to coming to FCW and making my way to the roster and sharing the ring with Undertaker, Kane and Mick Foley is just the best.”

And his future plans...

“I am going to keep working hard to climb up the ranks of the WWE. You can catch me on Superstars on almost a weekly basis and I am making waves in NXT and want to capture that title from Seth Rollins. When I am on Raw and Smackdown I try to make the best of it. I am young, just 26 and have a great deal to offer to the WWE. I am excited to see what the future brings, the possibilities are endless.”


Jim Ross has confirmed he will be on Comms.

Official Teaser...

* How will Darren Young & Titus O’Neil put their plan into motion?

* What will Kane and Daniel Bryan do next?

* What will The Miz have to say about Ryback?

* Will the injured John Cena name a new opponent for CM Punk?

* Will the referee from last week have hell to pay when he’s in the ring with CM Punk and Paul Heyman?

Also an live interview with Jerry Lawler is planned.


WWE offered him another legends deal at SmackDown last week, but he again turned it down, he wants to continue to control his own destiny, and will only work with WWE when it makes sense to do so.

Beth Phoenix:

Beth Phoenix wants to get into acting when she leaves WWE next month, She says she has been thinking about leaving for a while, but remains on good terms with WWE, leaving the door open for a possible return for the match vs Kharma that WWE have been working on for over a year.

In a related note WWE are said to be re-doubling their efforts to get Kelly Kelly back on the roster full time to keep some star power in the ladies division.

Heel turn:

Ted DiBiase is working heel on the house show circuit, no word if this will be brought to TV.

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