Thursday, September 6, 2012

Today's News

Perry Saturn:

Slammed his time at WCW, recalling major stars not turning up, his spiral into drugs hell and more...

''WCW made you hate wrestling; it was horrible back there''.

The Rock:

A press release from TNT has been released promoting his reality TV show, he will take 10 ordinary people and try to find the next Action hero.

Chris Jericho:

Says wrestling's greatest ever feud was Shawn Michaels vs ... Him from 2008.


Will host a town hall meeting in Providence Rhode Island, hoping to reach out to youngsters, to turn them away from criminal activity, and guide them towards a more positive future.

WWE announce new tour:

They will visit Egypt for the first time in October.

Jim Ross:

Has angrily hit out at people who accused him of racism for criticising an American footballer, for a poor performance in a recent game.

''First of all I’m not a racist and I do think that it’s sad that a grown man, regardless of his race, has to be babysat like the Cowboys are doing Dez.'' He called those challenging him ''Keyboard Warriors'' and ''Cowards''.

I can see Russia from my house:

Eve Torres says Sarah Palin, whose husband was one of her rivals on her TV show, is ''Sweet''.

Triple H:

Has shaved off his trademark hair, to be taken more seriously as a corporate team member, this is a big hint that he will not be lacing the boots in the near future.

Backstage news from WWE:

CM Punk is said to have been happy to turn heel, because he could never match Cena as a babyface, and he realized WWE were never going to turn him. Randy Orton is also pushing hard to be turned heel, but WWE are not yet confident that Sheamus can carry the SmackDown brand as the top man.

WretsleMania 29 top matches:

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar and John Cena vs. The Rock, will be the big matches on next years show.

Gimmick change:

The younger Brother of Yokozuna and Rosey Joe Anoa'i has changed from Leakee to Roman Reigns, a businessman who wears 3 piece suits at all times.

Wrestling comedy:

Jimmy Fallon is to produce a work place comedy, where the work place is a wrestling promotion.

Bad reviews for new signing:

Memo Montengro, (Younger Brother of Alberto Del Rio) is getting slated in NXT, he apparently is clueless, without even a basic knowledge of ring craft, he may not last long.

TNA creative leak:

Chavo Guerrero and Hernandez are booked to win the Tag titles tonight.

Matt Hardy:

Has responded to the rich list (See yesterday)...

“I can say with 100% confidence it’s wrong. LOL”

Tyler Reks:

Since leaving WWE, Gabe Tuft has been going into schools doing some motivational speaking, an attendee at one of the talks said...

''He spoke about how it’s important to have career options, the importance of having a life plan and following one’s heart not only professionally but in all aspects of their life.''


Is back banging the drum for a Mania match vs his younger Brother Cody, asking his fans to push WWE to bring him back...

“Now if we can get @wwe and vince to hear!! @DUSTIN_RHODES1 vs @CodyRhodesWWE WM29 #bragginrights”

Ricardo Rodriguez:

Alberto Del Rio may be about to get his way, he said a couple of days ago that he wanted to split the pairing, and now WWE creative are working on sending him solo, they may even allow him to revert to his masked indy character Chimaera.

Dudley Boys:

Insiders in WWE have spoken on the Dudley's situation, saying D'Von was always very liked in WWE, much more than Bubba, and they could see him returning as an agent or trainer since he and Ray have turned out a few decent prospects at their Team 3D Academy in Florida.

Still no word on what Bubba is going to do.

General Managers (SPOILER!!!):

With AJ breaking down and Booker getting sued by his announce team, Vince McMahon is getting tired of the mismanagement, and he will eventually fire both and bring in a ''Big Name'' to run both shows... coughricflaircough... 

HHH vs McMahon:

Tensions are growing between the two, in the back, it started because Triple H wanted to be a heel in the match vs Brock, but McMahon's birthday interview, where he said he had no intention of leaving and would ''Die in the chair'' is also said to be a factor.

This is the old guy feeling threatened by the new guy, and is imposing his power over him while he can, and is also probably the reason Triple H refused to have a much sooner rematch vs Brock.

WrestleMania 29 and other creative leaks:

The plans for Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara have leaked online, WWE feel Rey is not working at a 100%, (He was out for a year, with injury and a drugs ban, then comes back and picks up a concussion) and they do not have faith in Sin Cara's ring work, due to all the botches in his early career, So they put them together in the hopes they can cover each others failings, and to get Rey's fans to get on board with Sin Cara, (WWE feel fans haven't warmed to him yet).

They have now worked out a long term story, where they will win the tag titles, have a long run before tensions begin, (Maybe one eliminates the other from the Rumble), which will eventually lead to a Mania match.

The scenario has them winning the belts from Titus O'Neill and Darren Young, so PTP will have to win them first.

In another leak, Eve is to be a guest ref in the Diva's title match at Night Of Champions.

And Dolph Ziggler will cash in his Money In The Bank contract, and win the World title from Sheamus whilst Randy Orton is away filming his movie, then when he returns Ziggles and Viper boy will pick up their current feud.

TNA star quits:

British former WWE star Winter has parted ways with TNA. (3rd woman in just over a month).

Kevin Nash:

Is on his way to Japan to work for AJPW, this will also mark the beginning of an NWO reunion, he will team with Great Muta who is the leader of NWO Japan.


Says he isn't done with wrestling, he wants to face The Undertaker, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar again.

Razor Ramon:

WWE have added the Bad Guy to their Alumni page.

CM Punk:

Joked about President Barrack Obama interrupting Bill Clinton... saying it was a Cena move, and showed he had ''No Respect''.

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