Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today's News


Is having a meltdown, she has been arrested three times this week, for strangling her boyfriend Damien Darling and violating protective orders he took aout against her.

WWE said of the situation...

“Unfortunately, Ms. Sytch continues to make poor personal choices. WWE will continue to provide assistance should she want to take advantage of it.”

Tammy's sister said she will take a bed in rehab and intends to take her there herself.

However Sunny says that TV show Dr. Phil offered to help and she may take that offer...

“The Dr. Phill show contacted me today to go on and tell my story…hmmmm decisions, decisions.”

Daniel Bryan:

In a recent interview Daniel Bryan spoke of the concern the locker room felt after Jerry Lawler's illness on Raw this week, he also said he thought a fight had broken out in the crowd, until he climbed to the top rope and saw what was going on at the comms desk.

He also revealed a couple of other things, He said WWE intended to call him Buddy Peacock when he signed, but that William Regal came up with his current monicker. He also confirmed that he and CM Punk have given up on being vegans, because vegan food is so hard to find on the road.


Is on his way to Africa for the next leg of his mountain climb challenge.

WWE vs YouTube:

The reason for the blitz on WWF/E footage has emerged, one of Linda McMahon's political rivals was using footage in attacks on her past, so WWE want to remove what they call ''Dated and edgier'' footage'' namely the attitude era.

Bret vs Vince:

Bret Hart has spoken about the Montreal screwjob, and the fist fight with Vince...

“WWE failed me on that day and buried the knife as far as they could. I think the little fisticuffs that happened afterwards with Vince was my finest hour. It’s not so much the physicality of it, but more that I stood my ground as a Canadian and as a professional.''

“That reaction from the fans told me that I did do the right thing. These people wouldn’t feel the way they do right now and have that emotion 15 years later if I had done the wrong thing that day.''

He also praised Tyson Kidd and Brodus Clay, picking them out as the best on the WWE roster.

Katarina Waters:

It seems the British female worker has decided to leave wrestling after quitting TNA...

“I’m happier because I’m making the transition into acting to where I don’t want to be restricted by contacts or obligations to a wrestling company. I still love wrestling but in terms of having a career, I’m not going to have a career in wrestling now, I’m going to have a career in acting. I don’t want a thing that could stand in the way of that number one, and number two, I don’t want to constantly be on the road and constantly traveling for wrestling as I don’t want to get injured.”


Have struck a deal to maintain live programming for their Impact show.

Night Of Champions:

WWE have confirmed the final match card...

WWE Title Match
John Cena vs. CM Punk

World Heavyweight Title Match
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sheamus

WWE Tag Team Title Match
Kane & Daniel Bryan vs. Kofi Kingston & R-Truth

WWE Divas Title Match
Kaitlyn vs. Layla

Fatal 4-Way for the WWE Intercontinental Title
Rey Mysterio vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Sin Cara vs. The Miz

WWE United States Title Match
Winner of Pre-show vs. Antonio Cesaro

Randy Orton vs. Dolph Ziggler

YouTube Pre-show Battle Royal
Winner will face Antonio Cesaro later

Zack Ryder, Brodus Clay and Tyson Kidd are the only names confirmed so far, it will be a 20 man match.

Wade Barrett:

May be in trouble for a twitter comment, he took offence to been bullied by The Miz in Mick Foley's new book, and wrote...

“Just heard that a child version of me gets bullied by The Miz in @realMickFoley’s new Christmas book. Pushing the boundaries of fiction a tad there aren’t we, Mick? A 10-year-old Wade Barrett would deck a fully-grown Miz. #BarrettBarrage”

Be-A-Star Wade, you shouldn't hit others, that is not PG.

Evan Bourne:

Has commented on his ring return...

“Another week of PT in the books. Another week closer to returning to the WWE ring. Starting to get my stride back!”

Jim The Anvil Neidhart:

It seems Jim Neidhart is out of jail and the rehab that followed, his daughter Natalya posted some photo's of them together onto her Twitter.

Derrick Bateman:

The new gimmick is still being promoted through YouTube vignettes, here is the latest...


Is free to return to WWE today, she has been re-added to all the dates she was removed from during her ban.


Cody Rhodes had his match vs NXT champ Seth Rollins last night, Kassius Ohno interfered so Dusty Rhodes made it a Triple threat, Rollins pinned Ohno for the win. After the event Cody came to the ring with the NXT belt and shook the hand of Seth Rollins and they praised each other.

Trent Baretta:

Has missed 9 months of action, but will return to WWE TV next week on NXT, they aired this trailer during their last show...

Ashley Flair:

Was on the door selling tickets and posters at NXT last night, she was said to be very friendly and took many photo's and signed autographs for the attendees.

TNA release:

Mark Haskins a British wrestler has been released despite currently being out injured.


It seems plans have changed for the TNA Hall Of Fame, Sting says Lex Luger will induct him next month, not WWE star Christian.

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