Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Today's News


Says he enjoyed doing comms at Night Of Champions, but has no plans, and has not been asked to make it permanent, he will continue his mountain climb challenge, on Friday he will fly to Africa for the second of 7 legs.

Jerry Lawler:

The King was released from Hospital yesterday, and has returned home WWE said...

“We continue to wish Jerry all the best, and we look forward to him returning to WWE in the future,”.

They aired this video on Raw.

And said he will do an interview next week.


WWE have written Kaitlyn out for several weeks, saying she suffered a torn tendon during the assault at Night Of Champions, this was to cover the botch on Raw, where she won a battle royal that should have been won by Eve Torres.

Angle ended:

Sheamus will now move on from his rivalry with Alberto Del Rio, and will next have a run vs the Big Show, leading to a match at Hell In A Cell.

WWE Fail:

During the Miz vs Ryback confrontation on Raw, Ryback threw a mic into the crowd, a fan picked it up and started to chant Goldberg, which was broadcast to the entire arena via the internal sound system, The fan was chased by a member of security and had the mic taken from him.

WWE ban ad:

WWE have had a video using footage, such as Kane and Katie Vick and Edge and Lita's Sex party which was made by a political rival of Linda McMahon as an attack ad, taken down because it infringes their PG ethos.

Actor denial:

Sam Huntingdon who was named as the man portraying Dr. Shelby on WWE TV, has denied being a part of the company via his Twitter.

Matt Morgan:

Word is Matt has re-signed with TNA. They say he signed a new deal months ago but wanted to take some time away from wrestling, he has been having meetings with WWE however, and has said himself that he got tired of waiting for WWE to bring him in, so that may be a work or a dig at WWE.

Jeff Hardy:

TNA may have gotten Matt Morgan back but they may be losing another of their top stars, the result of BFG was changed because officials want to make Jeff Hardy happy and to give him a reason to stick around, in the hopes he will resign a contract before his current deal expires (Next Feb).

Randy Orton:

Fly's to Canada today to start shooting a movie, but WWE may fly him back for next weeks SmackDown.

Diva fail:

Diva's Champion Eve Torres ran out of gas at 3.30 this morning alone after leaving Raw, she tweeted...

“Well… It least now I can say I have run out of gas by myself on the side of a freeway in Philly at 3:30am. Fun times.”

She was helped by AAA.

Ex WWE star to feature in new reality show:

Beast Mode will follow the life and career of Shad Gaspard, as he transitions from a wrestler into (He hopes) an actor. Trailer (Video)...

New Ref:

The ref that screwed CM Punk is Brad Maddox from WWE developmental, he is a 2 time FCW tag champ.

Backstage news:

Randy Orton is desperate to turn heel and is trying to get creative to hurry up his story line twists, wanting to turn before the end of the year.

Paul Heyman came up with the idea to have CM Punk wear New York Yankees gear.

WWE removed fan signs from the Night Of Champions PPV which were deemed to be anti Cena, because they wanted to play the home town boy angle.

Vince McMahon has made the call to push Ryback, it seems that started last night and he will start with a rivalry vs The Miz for the IC title.

Ashley Flair:

Steve (Skinner) Keirn was asked when the Daughter of Ric Flair will get in the ring...

''She’s been doing tremendous. She’s a great athlete, but the transition from volleyball to wrestling is not very easy. It’s much more physical.''

Maria Menounos:

Will return to WWE later this year, Which will lead to a WrestleMania 29 match.


John Cena vs CM Punk will headline Hell In A Cell next month.

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