Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Today's News


Has announced he has written a biog.


Has recalled the end of her WWE career, revealing publicly that she and Triple H were engaged when he started his relationship with Stephanie McMahon.

She said she found a love note from Steph to HHH and called Vince, who knew already, she was told to go to Raw the next night, when she arrived none of the wrestlers would talk to her, she was led in tears straight to see Vince and Stephanie in his office, where Steph told her she had lost Triple H and had to ''Deal with it''. Chyna replied if her dad wasn't there she would have ''Ripped her face off'' so Vince told her to take some time away, and never brought her back.

She said Vince personally sabotaged her career after WWE, refusing to allow her to work as a trainer for them, costing her acting jobs (Terminator 3) and more.

She also hinted that she could have made a return (But did not specify when), but she would have had to join the kiss my A-Doub club to do so, which she refused to do.

She ended saying she would like to come back and have the chance to say goodbye properly, but isn't holding her breath.

WWE Network:

They have confirmed they are going to be a pay channel, $10 - $15 is the rumoured price.

Stephanie McMahon:

Has taken part in a catwalk show for glamorous mothers.

Matt Hardy:

Has announced he will appear at the next Ring Of Honour event.

Night Of Champions:

Daniel Bryan and Kane will challenge Kofi Kingston and R-Truth for the tag belts, and a Battle Royal to get a US strap match will be held as the pre show.

Prime Time Playa's have been pulled from the tag match, because WWE are enjoying the hugging story.

King Jerry Lawler:

Clearly today's biggest wrestling story is the King, Raw last night started with the continuation of his feud with CM Punk, he was one of 3 possible opponents for Punk during the show, he lost that vote but ended up in a tag match, with Randy Orton vs Punk and Dolph Ziggler.

They won and he returned to comms, however during a tag match between Kane & Daniel Bryan vs Prime Time Playa's, he was seen to collapse to the floor, the camera stayed on the ring action, but fans in the front row were seen to be looking at the ongoing situation at the comms desk.

He was taken on a stretcher from the arena into the back, where the locker room was cleared, a source said he was ''Clinically dead'' for 20 minutes before being revived and taken to a local hospital, the atmosphere in the back was tense and emotional, with stars and staffers seen to be praying for him.

Michael Cole made 2 statements on air...

He has undergone a heart procedure to remove a blockage, but doctors are concerned he may have lost blood flow to his brain, and of the potential damage that goes with it, he is said to be in a stable but serious condition.

WWE boss Vince McMahon is / was by Jerry's side throughout the ordeal.

WWE official Brian Alvarez said they were very close to ending the broadcast, because of the seriousness of the situation and the toll it had on everyone in the back.

WWE released this statement...

''During the tag team match between Kane & Daniel Bryan and The Prime Time Players tonight on Raw, viewers may have noticed members of the audience and WWE production team staring toward the commentary booth, as well as the absence of Jerry “The King” Lawler’s voice. WWE.com has learned that the WWE Hall of Famer collapsed at the announcers' table and was tended to in the locker room area by WWE medical staff. Lawler was then taken from the arena to a medical facility in Montreal.

We will have updates on Lawler’s condition as this story progresses.''

Many skits and the planned party for Pat Patterson were cancelled as was the dark match main event instead Bret Hart and John Cena came to the ring to answer fans questions.

His ex wife Stacy The Kat Carter updated his situation a short time ago...

''Just got a @JerryLawler update. He had a stint & a balloon put in. Right now he is still heavily sedated. Will update when I know more''.


Ad breaks will now be streamed live through WWE social media, starting with the Punk vs Orton segment yesterday.

Alberto Del Rio:

Has teased a new member of his group will join on SmackDown.

TNA release:

Rosita has become the 4th Woman to leave TNA in recent months it seems, her profile has been removed from their site.

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