Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today's News

Rich Wrestlers:

A celebrity website has published a list of the richest wrestlers in the world...

1. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s net worth – $70 million

2. Steve Austin’s net worth – $45 million

3. John Cena’s net worth – $35 million

4. Big Show’s net worth – $30 million

5. Triple H’s net worth: $25 million

6. Kurt Angle’s net worth – $20 million

7. Chris Jericho’s net worth – $18 million

8. Shawn Michaels’ net worth – $17 million

9. The Undertaker’s net worth – $16 million

10. Mick Foley’s net worth – $15 million

11. Bret Hart’s net worth – $14 million

12. Edge’s net worth – $14 million

13. Brock Lesnar’s net worth – $12.5 million

14. Goldberg’s net worth – $12 million

15. Batista’s net worth – $10 million

16. John “Bradshaw” Layfield’s net worth – $9 million

17. Rey Mysterio’s net worth – $8.5 million

18. Kevin Nash’s net worth – $8 million

19. CM Punk’s net worth – $7.5 million

20. Jerry Lawler’s net worth – $7 million

21. Randy Orton’s net worth – $6 million

22. Alberto Del Rio’s net worth – $6 million

23. Hulk Hogan’s net worth – $5 million

($25 Million down since his divorce to from his ex Linda)

24. Ric Flair’s net worth – $5 million

25. The Miz’ net worth – $5 million

26. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper’s net worth – $4 million

27. Chyna’s net worth: $1.5 million

They also noted that Vince McMahon’s net worth is listed as $500 million and the late Randy Savage is worth $8 million.

Lex Luger:

Has aired his views on the controversial Kevin Nash interview re Benoit and Guerrero...

“I don’t know what context that was in…it’s definitely an outrageous quote. I do think size was emphasized more in our era and fans got used to that, but I think there’s been a huge transition…I understand Kevin…he likes to stay controversial..he’s a very sharp guy, marketing-wise, and I know Kevin will make those statements, but I remember, back when I worked with Kevin, he put Rey Mysterio over in the middle of the ring…to me, the diversity now of high-flyers, big guys, little guys, in-between guys, guys that still have the muscled physiques with height, guys who don’t, different body types…getting away from that reputation of WWE being all drug-enhanced…I love what they’re doing now.”

He also squashed the idea that he invented the term ''Kliq'' for the infamous group that dominated WWE in the middle 90's, he said that British Bulldog and Owen Hart used the term privately when talking about them before he started using the term, he just said it more openly.

Jim Ross on Jerry Lawler:

JR has revealed how the King would much rather be in the ring than on the mike, and he feels that Jerry is the most under utilized talent in the history of the WWE...

''Jerry’s ring psychology is at the Ph.D. level and he is living proof of the legitimacy of the “less is more” theory that so many young wrestlers today simply don’t grasp.''

He said The Miz has never had a better match before or since his feud with Jerry, and says CM Punk vs Lawler on Raw was his highlight bout of 2012 so far.

Ted DiBiase:

What has this guy done to deserve his bad luck, after recovering from a bout of pneumonia, last week he has revealed he was also involved in a hurricane and tsunami. He says he can't confirm when he will return to TV.

He did work the dark match before SmackDown last night.

Randy No 1:

WWE.Com have voted Macho Man Randy Savage's elbow drop as the best top rope finisher.

CM Punk vs Sheamus:

CM Punk took legit offence to a joke Sheamus made about his beard, and responded by revealing he puts lifts in his boots to make him look taller...

“@WWESheamus yes. A “sheamus” beard. Google Harley Race. Ya might learn something. Like the fact that he never wore 6 inch lifts in his boots”

I don't know why but Sheamus responded that, Punk shouldn't play the race card. (Maybe hinting he is a leprechaun, because he is Irish???).

This may be kayfabe, WWE do start rivalry's by getting their talent to have a back and forth on Twitter, but would they break backstage secrets to get heat??? IDK.

Jake The Snake Roberts:

Has revealed he was terrified of snakes, before WWE gave him the character, and that he did not own them, they were provided by a guy in Stamford called Albert.

He discussed how he wanted to make the Warrior miserable, during a planned feud, which was pulled because he was fired after SummerSlam 1991...

''You’ve got to learn how to do it. You know? You take a juice monkey, you lean on him. You make him toss you around the ring but every time he picks you up, you get a little bit heavier. Pretty soon, they’re blowing and going and they don’t have any air left and you can pretty much do anything you want to them''.

And recalled a conversation that he overheard during his feud with Randy Savage...

''You let this girl be treated like that? How dare you let our little girl get treated like that. You said you'd always protect her. You scumbag.''

He said Elizabeth's parents did not understand that wrestling was scripted and they banned him from ever going to their house again, and that the feud was brought to a much quicker end than was originally planned, so Liz's Mum and Dad could see justice being done.

He also hinted this could have been a cause of Liz quitting WWF not long after the angle ended.

SmackDown SPOILERS!!!:

  • Alberto Del Rio says he wants the brogue kick banned.
  • Booker T says he will let the fans decide.
  • Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara vs The Miz and Cody Rhodes.
  • Daniel Bryan vs Zack Ryder.
  • Randy Orton vs Damien Sandow.
  • David Otunga enters Bookers office as ADR's legal rep to get the Brogue kick banned.
  • Booker says he can face Sheamus.
  • Prime Time Playa's vs Primo and Epico for No 1. Contendership of the Tag titles.
  • Wade Barrett interview.
  • Wade Barrett vs Yoshi Tatsu.
  • Sheamus vs David Otunga (Main Event).

Eve Torres:

She she has been abused because of her gender and ethnicity...

''I can’t tell you the number of times I have been underestimated, objectified or deprived of fair credit for my accomplishments based on my gender or ethnicity. We can either be discouraged by these societal limitations, or we can overcome them and strengthen our will to succeed.''

William Regal:

Has stepped back between the ropes, he wrestled Zack Ryder in a match taped for Saturday Morning Slam last night.

Cody Rhodes:

Has accepted the challenge of NXT champ Seth Rollins for a match on September 14.

Hart family:

Bruce Hart has revealed he is going to brink back Stampede Wrestling, a promotion based on wrestling not talking. He has tried in the past but failed partly he says because WWE own the video library and he couldn't show his the heritage of the name to get it going.

Bret Hart has revealed he will return to the site of the Montreal screwjob for the first time since, at next weeks Raw.

WWE Leak:

Two unannounced matches are on a Night Of Champions card that has appeared online...

Dolph Ziggler vs Randy Orton (Meaning his departure will be delayed).

Kane vs Daniel Bryan.

WWE are also tied on whether to add Eve to the Diva's match or to replace Kaitlyn in the match.


Has launched a Facebook page. (Link)...

WWE celebrate Celebrity:

WWE have revealed that they intend to celebrate the stars (Celebs) who have appeared at WrestleMania over the years, at next years WrestleMania. Floyd Mayweather has confirmed he will be there, others said to have confirmed include Mr. T, Pete Rose, and Jenny McCarthy.


WWE are keeping Christian off TV because he is due to return to TNA to induct Sting into their Hall Of Fame, and they don't want an active star to appear on TNA programming.

TNA Lies:

TNA have been criticised on two fronts over the theft of their titles, firstly they said their World title cost $6,000, but the makers Wildcat belts submitted a receipt to police, saying the belt actually cost $2,750.

The Police also clarified that contrary to TNA statements they have not returned the belts, they are still in police possession whilst the case against the thieves is ongoing.


The TNA star may be black listed from competing in Mexico after accepting a two month tour of Japan without permission from or payment to CMLL who say she has a deal with them in the country. She made the Japan deal independently which is against the set protocol.

They also say they intend to turn fans against her, by creating posters including her on dates she should have worked, and will then announce that refused to show up for the show on the night.

Officials say the only way she will get out of this is to work out a deal where CMLL will get a cut of her tour money, otherwise she can forget going back.

Kurt Angle rips Punk:

Kurt Angle has taken offence to CM Punk winning the No 1 spot on the PWI 500...

“Punk is not in top 10. Pwi is About title Runs. Not Wrestling. Orton is Better. AJ, Roode, Aries, Me: are Better. Sorry Punk fans. No Disrespect.”

Luke Gallows:

Has officially signed his TNA deal today.


Expect a busy Impact, TNA have revealed they only have 2 matches booked for Sunday's PPV...

TNA X Division Title Match
Sonjay Dutt vs. Zema Ion

TNA Knockouts Title Match
Tara vs. Miss Tessmacher

* Bound For Glory Series Semifinals and Finals will also be on the show.

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