Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today's News

Tully Blanchard:

Says he has resolved his personal issues with JBL.


The press have picked up on her domestic violence charge, she has responded on her Facebook with...

“Lesson to men: Cheat on a good woman, You get choked out.”

She then asked for privacy...

“To everyone: NO ONE knows the real story of what happened this week, So please respect both Damien Darling and my privacy as we work through this unfortunate turn of events. Thank you.”

New Jack:

Has had his Twitter account closed after a week of racially abusive messages and attacks on Jerry Lawler, saying to one of his followers, he would like to...

“P*ss on his grave.”

WWE landmark:

CM Punk has been WWE champion for 300 days.


Two former TNA stars have teased joining WWE in a Twitter conversation...

D'Von Dudley was talking to Jesse Neal...

Devon wrote, “@TheJesseNeal 6 days a week … got to get ready …. you know something , i think you and i could be a tag team . i think it will work… now we do it together and the world would be ours.”

Jesse responded, “that definitely sounds like a plan. Just on a bigger stage…….”

Devon wrote back, “HMM…. i have just the place …”

Jesse responded, “one day soon we will be laughing……. U know the spot!!”

Devon said in response, “testify my brother” oh I plan on it…… Ha! See ya s.”

Hulk Hogan says he and Dixie Carter are working to get D'Von back.

Diva too sexy for TV:

Rosa Mendes was not allowed to accompany her tag team Primo and Epico to the ring for Saturday Morning Slam, because she is ''Too Sultry''.

Jim Ross:

Has proven himself a tool for the second time this month, a fan asked if Jerry Lawler would be at Night Of Champions, he responded...

“King will NOT be @ NOC PPV. He had a HEART ATTACK Mon. Ask ur parents 2 explain. Cole won’t be going solo. I Suggest u watch.”

Patronising much...

Matt Morgan:

Former TNA star Matt Morgan crashed a TNA house show this weekend, he came through the crowd, which popped, thinking he was returning (Pic to follow).

He then had a thinly veiled dig at WWE...

“All 2nite really meant was I’m tired of “just be patient Matt”, being patronized & most of all being SOLD DREAMS! The real question is who am I with? Time will tell. ‘Til then,Tick-Tock….”

Ezekiel Jackson:

Has some sort of upper body injury, that is why we haven't seen him on TV for so long.

Dr. Shelby:

The actor Sam Huntingdon who has starred in CSI, Law and Order and Superman is playing the Anger management Doctor on WWE, and he is also to become the manager of Daniel Bryan and Kane.

Jerry Lawler:

Many past stars are teasing being Jerry's stand in on comms until he returns, this was the best exchange IMO...

The Honky Tonk Man...

“Who would want to see HTM do commentary just for one night only to fill in for The King and help #WWE out?”

Rowdy Roddy Piper...

“I would stand in for The King on commentary till he gets back. Raw would rock! @WWE If @WWE puts the Honky Tonk man in for Lawler, time to stop watching! Put me with Honkey Tonk and he’ll be sitting in the corner with Cole!”

Favourite is either Jim Ross or JBL.

Randy Orton:

Has confirmed he will go to Vancouver after this weeks Raw to start filming his new movie.


Eve will challenge the winner of the Diva's match on tomorrows Raw.

Tommy Dreamer:

Is getting excited for the debut of his House Of Hardcore promotion...

''I don’t want it to be just another wrestling show. I want this to be my WrestleMania. I want this to be special for the fans. I have done everything in my power to make it fan friendly.''

Sin Cara:

After a terribly botched match on SmackDown last week, he was said to have ''Disappeared'' backstage for a long while, and was then seen walking away shaking his head... Looks like he took a verbal butt whooping for his failings.


Has taken part in a charity poker tournament.

Cody Rhodes:

Is due to fly to Egypt this week to promote the upcoming tour, WWE may pull the trip however, due to the anti American tensions in the region right now.

Night Of Champions SPOILER!!!:

Dolph Ziggler is set to cash in his Money In The Bank contract tonight.

John Cena will wear pink tonight, to support Cancer awareness.

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